Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:25, 25.01.2023

Germany approves sending heavy Leopard tanks to Ukraine

Germany will supply its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, it announced on Wednesday, overcoming misgivings about sending heavy weaponry that Kyiv sees as crucial to defeat the Russian invasion but Moscow cast as a needless…

13:25, 18.01.2023

Turkey mounts pressure on Sweden ahead of F-16 talks with US

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu applied fresh pressure on Sweden to make concessions as he traveled to the US for talks on the sale of F-16 fighter jets, which may depend on Turkey’s ratification of the…

14:55, 16.01.2023

Kremlin revenue under pressure as crude price falls on sanctions

The Russian state’s oil revenue came under further pressure as the average crude price the government uses to calculate its taxes dropped to the lowest in more than two years, according to Bloomberg. The country…

13:55, 12.01.2023

Orban offers to loosen control of universities after EU pressure

Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government signaled readiness to compromise after the European Union shut most Hungarian universities out of the bloc’s flagship Erasmus scholarship program and academic funding, according…

15:16, 14.12.2022

Migrant pressure down to half Jan-Oct this year against 2021, at Serbian border

Migrant pressure at the border between Romania and Serbia has halved January through October 2022, compared to the same time span in 2021, the General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) told AGERPRES on Wednesday.…

14:15, 22.10.2022

FOTO: Cel mai mare vas de croazieră din lume – Valorează peste 2 miliarde de lire sterline și are un imens parc acvatic și un patinoar

Cea mai mare navă de croazieră din lume – Icon of the Seas – a fost prezentată de Royal Caribbean. Are capacitatea de a transporta 7.600 de pasageri și costă peste 2 miliarde de lire sterline și este disponibilă…

12:35, 30.09.2022

Euro zone inflation at double-digit record piles pressure on ECB

The euro zone’s economic crisis intensified with the first ever reading of double-digit inflation, piling pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) to keep raising interest rates aggressively, according to Bloomberg.…

13:10, 13.09.2022

Ukraine piles pressure on retreating Russian troops

Ukrainian troops continued to pile unrelenting pressure on retreating Russian forces on Tuesday, seeking to hold on to their sudden momentum that has produced major territorial gains, according to AP News. “From…

18:20, 16.08.2022

The Killers a lansat single-ul boy

The Killers a lansat single-ul “boy”, prima piesă după al șaptelea album Pressure Machine. „boy” apare astăzi, 5 august prin Island Records. Scrisă de solistul Brandon Flowers, cântecul vede trupa revenind la sunetul consacrat.…

10:35, 07.06.2022

Mii de angajați din Marea Britanie vor lucra doar patru zile pe săptămână, ca parte a unui experiment

Programul pilot va dura șase luni, începând de luni, iar cei 3.300 de angajații angrenați în experiment vor beneficia de aceleași salarii ca înainte, scrie CNN.70 de companii și firme sunt implicate în acest studiu,…

17:50, 04.04.2022

Estonian foreign minister: 'We must put even more pressure on Russia to stop war in Ukraine'

Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets said on Monday that at EU level, but also at the international community's one, more pressure should be put on Russia to stop the war in Ukraine. Fii la curent cu cele…

12:16, 18.03.2022

Missiles strike Lviv as Biden pressures Xi to abandon Moscow

Russia fired missiles at an airport near Lviv on Friday, a city where hundreds of thousands of refugees are sheltering far from Ukraine’s battlefields, as Moscow tries to regain the initiative in its stalled campaign…

23:30, 24.02.2022

Aurescu demands support for Moldova and Georgia which are facing pressure from Russia

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday, at the extraordinary meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, condemned the military aggression against Ukraine and reiterated the importance of continuing to support…

13:35, 14.02.2022

PNL's Citu: We haven't discussed changing energy minister; I haven't felt any pressure from PSD

PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Florin Citu on Monday said that the coalition government did not discuss of maybe changing energy minister Virgil Popescu, noting that the Liberals haven't felt any pressure…

16:30, 24.12.2021

PM Ciuca: Celebrating Christmas again this year under pressure of health crisis caused by pandemic

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed a Christmas message on Friday, stressing that this year is also marked by the pressure of the health crisis caused by the pandemic and shows that the responsibility with which…

11:31, 14.09.2021

AUR asks gov't to give up online school and not to put pressure on pupils, teachers to vaccinate

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) calls on the government to eliminate the provision that makes it possible to switch to online school from a cumulative incidence of COVID cases greater than 6/1,000…

20:20, 01.09.2021

USR PLUS claims that PNL state secretaries pressured to attend Gov't session

The Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) alliance claims that the state secretaries in the ministries led by Union ministers are being pressured to attend the government meeting…

12:25, 26.08.2021

Afghans told to leave Kabul airport over ‘very credible’ Islamic State threat

The United States and allies urged people to move away from Kabul airport on Thursday due to the threat of a terror attack by Islamic State (IS) militants as Western troops hurry to evacuate as many people as possible…

18:26, 17.08.2021

The Killers lanseaza albumul „Pressure Machine”

Cel de-al șaptelea album de studio, „Pressure Machine”, vine ca o continuare a albumului anterior, „Imploding The Mirage”, material discografic ce i-a adus trupei The Killers cel de-al 6 lea no. 1, consecutiv,…

23:51, 20.07.2021

Trupa de rock alternativ The Killers îşi va lansa al şaptelea album de studio la jumătatea lunii august

Trupa rock alternativ The Killers a anunţat că îşi va lansa, la jumătatea lunii august, al şaptelea album de studio, intitulat „Pressure Machine”, potrivit news.ro. Proiectul este produs de toţi membrii trupei,…

11:35, 16.07.2021

Romania's flagbearer at Olympics Robert Glinta: Olympic medal pressure gives me confidence, motivation at Tokyo 2020

Swimmer Robert Glinta stated in an interview for AGERPRES that the expectations that the world of Romanian sports has regarding the winning of an Olympic medal give him a lot of confidence and motivation for the…

12:25, 21.05.2021

Bitcoin under pressure and slips below $40,000 as recovery fades

Bitcoin fell 3% on Friday, giving up gains as its recovery from this week’s plunge shows signs of faltering, according to Reuters.  Bitcoin fell to $39,262 on the Bitstamp exchange. That is roughly 30% above its…

21:31, 13.05.2021

Head of National Environmental Guard: Romanian customs under pressure from waste trafficking rings

Organized crime structures are putting pressure on Romanian customs to introduce ever increasing amounts of waste into the country, given that Europe has run out of waste storage capacity and China has closed its…

10:55, 23.04.2021

Minister of Justice: Magistrates must enjoy freedom of expression, not remain silent and not be afraid

The right to free expression is fundamental and, even if they have the obligation to exercise reserve regarding all issues related to their profession and activity, magistrates must enjoy freedom of expression,…

14:40, 16.04.2021

Former senior official Moldovan: No political pressure at all on me

Former senior official with the Ministry of Health Andreea Moldovan said on Friday that she was not conditioned at all politically and came to the team at the request of dismissed Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu…

11:31, 14.04.2021

No pressure, Lobby jr! Copil lui Lobonț e gata să debuteze pentru Rapid

Cristian Andrei Lobonț, fiul lui Bogdan Lobonț, a împlinit azi 18 ani și e gata să debuteze la profesioniști. Băiatul fostului portar este legitimat la juniorii Rapidului, club pentru care Lobby a jucat între 1997…

12:05, 25.01.2021

Deputy PM Barna: Romania's budget, under pressure, must fall within 7 pct deficit agreed with EC

Romania's budget is under a lot of pressure at the moment, due to the need to fall within that 7 percent deficit agreed with the European Commission, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna told on Monday a press conference…

19:50, 10.11.2020

President Iohannis: New restrictions have sole purpose - protecting population, reducing pressure on healthcare system

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that the sanitary restrictions that entered into force at the beginning of this week have a single purpose, namely to protect the population and reduce the huge pressure…

18:16, 07.10.2020

Mutu's message for Romania's U21 football team: I coach champions, be proud you feel pressure

Romania's national U21 football team coach Adrian Mutu told his players in a speech ahead of Wednesday's training session that he coaches champions, not players, and that they should be proud to feel the pressure…

14:45, 12.09.2020

A murit Toots Hibbert, artistul care susținea că a botezat genul de muzică reggae și că a impus termenul

Toots Hibbert, solistul trupei Toots and the Maytals care a susținut că a fost cel care a botezat genul de muzică ”reggae” și a impus termenul în 1968, odată cu hitul ”Do The Reggay”, a murit la vârsta de 77 de…