Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:06, 09.04.2024

Nicolae Ciuca says PNL will have a candidate for Romanias Presidency

Nicolae Ciuca says PNL will have a candidate for Romania's Presidency

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, said on Tuesday in eastern Buzau that the Liberals will have a candidate to be proposed for the presidential elections, specifying that he did not…

08:45, 21.03.2024

„Rocky” Macron, cu mușchii încordați și dinții încleștați, lovind un sac de box: „Virilism neo-populist, maestrul genului e Vladimir Putin”

„Rocky” Macron, cu mușchii încordați și dinții încleștați, lovind un sac de box: „Virilism neo-populist, maestrul genului e Vladimir Putin”

Două fotografii cu Emmanuel Macron au devenit virale, după ce fotografa oficială a președintelui francez le-a postat pe contul ei de Instagram. Soazig de la Moissonnière l-a imortalizat pe Macron în timpul unui…

19:25, 15.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu reiterates need to continue supporting Ukraine, Moldova at meeting with EU ambassadors

ForMin Odobescu reiterates need to continue supporting Ukraine, Moldova at meeting with EU ambassadors

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a meeting, on Friday, with the ambassadors of the European Union member states accredited in Bucharest, on which occasion she emphasized the need to continue…

18:56, 15.03.2024

We are trying to give Romania all support to join Schengen area, Hungarian ForMin says

We are trying to give Romania all support to join Schengen area, Hungarian ForMin says

The Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade minister, Szijjarto Peter, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Covasna County, that his country, which is going to take over the presidency of the Council…

12:00, 06.03.2024

EU strikes deal to unjam European air traffic reform

EU strikes deal to unjam European air traffic reform

The European Union on Wednesday agreed on a deal to unjam air traffic reform in a bid to bring order to the mosaic of airspace regulations that is blamed for chronic delays and unnecessary emissions across Europe,…

16:45, 29.01.2024

Romania takes over presidency of STSC of the UN Committee for Peaceful Use of Outer Space

For the next two years, the presidency of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was taken over by Romania, announced cosmonaut Dumitru…

13:06, 16.01.2024

EU presidency warns democracy will be put to the test in US elections in November

The European Union presidency on Tuesday warned that the foundations of democracy will be put to the test during the November US election, envisaging a scenario where the longstanding trans-Atlantic alliance could…

10:10, 05.01.2024

Italy to put Africa development, AI at heart of its G7 presidency

Supporting African development and tackling the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI) will be two key themes for Italy during its one-year presidency of the Group of Seven, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia…

12:05, 29.12.2023

What's in store for the European Union in 2024? (enr)

In 2024, elections will take centre stage - not only domestically but also EU-wide as well as in the USA and Russia. The Union is looking at elections in early June. Many of the present discussions revolving around…

08:25, 29.12.2023

To run for Romania's presidency hasn't crossed my mind yet, PM Ciolacu says

The leader of the Social Democratic Party - PSD, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Thursday night at the Romania TV private broadcaster that he has not yet thought of running for Romania's presidency,…

16:36, 28.12.2023

Spanish presidency of the EU Council actively supports Romania's efforts to join Schengen

The Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union "actively" supports Romania's efforts to join the Schengen Zone, according to a joint statement of the foreign ministries from Bucharest and Madrid, issued…

19:55, 20.12.2023

Acord ”istoric” între Cei 27 asupra relaxării regulilor bugetare europene

Miniştrii  de Finanţe ai UE au adoptat un ”nou cadru de guvernanţă economică care garantează stabilitatea şi creşterea”, salută pe X preşedinţia spaniolă a Consiliului European. Another historic landmark under…

10:30, 01.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: Presidency candidacy, not among my priorities, challenges I have now are enough

PM Ciolacu: Presidency candidacy, not among my priorities, challenges I have now are enoughPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), maintains that he has not yet considered a…

18:15, 27.10.2023

Romania needs a liberal solution for Presidency in 2024 (JusMin Gorghiu)

Romania needs a liberal president even after the 2024 election, the president of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Arges, Justice minister Alina Gorghiu, believes. "You will see that, in 2024, the National Liberal…

14:20, 21.09.2023

VIDEO. „Opriți războiul și Zelenski nu va mai vorbi”. Ședință tensionată a Consiliului de Securitate al ONU, la prima apariție fizică a președintelui…

Avea să fie prima apariție fizică a președintelui Ucrainei, Volodomir Zelenski, la o reuniune a Consiliului de Securitate al ONU cu privire la invadarea țării sale de către Moscova, când ambasadorul rus Vasilii…

12:25, 14.08.2023

Klaus Iohannis vine la Constanta de Ziua Marinei! Informatii de ultim moment din Agenda Presedintelui

Conform unui comunicat de presa transmis de portalul Presedintelui Romaniei, presidency.ro, in Agenda Presedintelui, maine, pe data de 15 august 2023, cu ocazia festivitatii prilejuite de Ziua Marinei Romane, organizata…

11:25, 30.05.2023

Over 20k people will come to Tuesday's protest, we'll give a lesson of dignity (Education union)

Over 20,000 people from all over the country are expected on Tuesday at the protest of the trade unions in Education, which will start at 11:00 in Victoria Square (gov't venue), announced the president of the Spiru…

12:10, 11.05.2023

Scheduled events for May 11

CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES:- The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, participates in the opening of the Romanian Business Leader Summit, organized by the Romanian Business Leader Foundation, with the theme…

12:00, 11.05.2023

MEP Ciolos on Romania's accession to Schengen area a month before last JHA meeting of Swedish EU presidency

MEP Ciolos on Romania's accession to Schengen area a month before last JHA meeting of Swedish EU presidency.Romanian MEPs in the largest political groups in the European Parliament still believe, to varying degrees,…

12:00, 11.05.2023

MEP Muresan on Romania's accession to Schengen area a month before last JHA meeting of Swedish EU presidency

MEP Muresan on Romania's accession to Schengen area a month before last JHA meeting of Swedish EU presidency.Romanian MEPs in the largest political groups in the European Parliament still believe, to varying degrees,…

08:25, 04.05.2023

PNL is capable of giving next president of Romania, party leader is option to run for offfice (IntMin)

Minister of Internal Affairs Lucian Bode, secretary general of the National Liberal party (PNL), said on Wednesday evening, on public broadcaster TVR Info, that his party "is capable of giving the future president…

09:45, 02.05.2023

Poland to reinforce transatlantic relations during next Council of EU presidency

Poland wants to focus on strengthening the EU’s ties with the US during its next presidency in the Council of the EU in 2025, announced President Andrzej Duda on Monday, according to Euractiv. As Poland celebrates…

10:55, 25.02.2023

RĂZBOI Rusia-Ucraina ZIUA 367. ALARME aeriene în toată Ucraina. Relațiile aliaților lui Putin cu China, pericol uriaș - LIVE TEXT

 UPDATE - Serviciile de informații americane anuță că este posibil ca Rusia să beneficieze de livrări de arme din China, relatează The Wall Street Journal.UPDATE - Președintele Belarus se pregătește de o vizită…

10:50, 25.02.2023

RĂZBOI Rusia-Ucraina ZIUA 367. Continuă atacurile rușilor - ALARME aeriene în toată Ucraina - LIVE TEXT

 UPDATE - Serviciile de informații americane anuță că este posibil ca Rusia să beneficieze de livrări de arme din China, relatează The Wall Street Journal.UPDATE - Președintele Belarus se pregătește de o vizită…

22:20, 24.02.2023

PM Ciuca: We have definite confirmation that accession to Schengen is on the work agenda of Swedish EU presidency

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declares that Romania's accession to the Schengen area is on the work agenda of the Swedish presidency of the European Union, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:10, 09.01.2023

Liderii lumii condamnă revolta din Brazilia și își exprimă solidaritatea cu Lula da Silva. „Un asalt asupra democrației”

Lideri mondiali și oficiali de rang înalt au condamnat incidentele care au avut loc duminică în Brazilia, unde susținători ai fostului președinte de extremă dreapta Jair Bolsonaro au devastat clădiri politice din…

14:20, 01.01.2023

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a anunțat o schimbare majoră la șefia UE, în primul mesaj din 2023

Salut începerea preşedinţiei suedeze a Consiliului UE în acest an. Urez succes prim-ministrului şi Guvernului Suediei în exercitarea mandatului în aceste vremuri marcare de mari provocări. România este angajată…

14:40, 14.12.2022

Sweden sets Europe’s security as top task for its EU presidency

Sweden has outlined Europe’s security as the primary task for its six-month presidency of the European Union from the start of next year, according to Bloomberg. The Nordic nation will prioritize continued economic…

19:35, 22.11.2022

Putin a dezvelit la Moscova, alături de președintele Cubei, o statuie a „camaradului” Fidel Castro. SUA, denunțate drept „imperiul yankeu”

Președintele rus Vladimir Putin și omologul său cubanez, Miguel Díaz-Canel, au dezvelit marți, în nordul Moscovei, o statuie a fostului lider revoluționar Fidel Castro, relatează agenția EFE, citată de Agerpres.…

03:05, 08.11.2022

Elon Musk, îndemn pentru fani să voteze cu republicanii în alegerile parțiale. Pe cine vrea președinte șeful Twitter

Musk susține că aceștia ar putea folosi controlul Congresului pentru a acționa ca un echilibru împotriva democraților președintelui Joe Biden. Elon Musk, îndemn pentru fani să voteze cu republicanii în alegerile…