Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:55, 11.07.2018

Prosecutors' criticism of various court final acquittal rulings sparks heated debate in CSM plenary

The plenary meeting of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) this Wednesday was the scene of heated debates over a Judicial Inspection report, the bone of contention being the criticism of anticorruption prosecutors…

14:38, 03.07.2018

Senate: Opposition senators leave plenary chamber at Criminal Code ammendments debate; USR displays banner

Opposition senators from the National Liberal Party (PNL), Save Romania Union (USR) and People's Movement Party (PMP), temporarily left, on Tuesday, the Upper Chamber plenum, accusing the parliamentary majority…

14:54, 06.06.2018

PNL's simple motion against FinMin Teodorovici gets rejected

The Liberals' simple motion against Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici called "PSD-ALDE (the Social Democratic Party - the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) fiscal pell mell leaves you without your pension money!,"…

14:12, 15.05.2018

Senate's Tariceanu: CSM must see if magistrates' access to classified information observes rule of law principles

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu has requested the CSM head (Supreme Council of Magistrates), Simona Camelia Marcu, in a letter, to submit to the plenary sitting of the Council the regulation regarding…

16:19, 10.05.2018

CCR rejects President Iohannis' notification on law regarding cease of the some bans for MPs

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) rejected on Thursday the notification of President Klaus Iohannis regarding the ceasing of some bans for MPs.  According to a release sent to AGERPRES, the Plenary sitting…

20:42, 20.03.2018

Prosecutor General sends protocols concluded with SRI to CSM and Justice Minister

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on Tuesday sent the protocols concluded with the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) to the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) and Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, informs the…

14:07, 21.02.2018

Simple motion against Labour Minister, rejected by Chamber of Deputies

The Chamber of Deputies plenary sitting rejected on Wednesday by 157 votes against to 96 votes in favour and 16 abstentions the simple motion "Lia Olguta Vasilescu - minister of lie and social injustice," initiated…

09:53, 08.02.2018

Vera Jourova reiterates in EP plenary sitting call on transparency and consensus in justice laws amendments in Romania

AGERPRES special correspondent Ionut Mares reports: European Commissioner for Justice Vera Jourova reiterated on Wednesday in the European Parliament plenary sitting in Strasbourg the European Commission's call…

11:06, 29.01.2018

Parliament: Ministers proposed for Dancila cabinet, heard in committees; plenary at 15:00 hrs for investiture

Ministers proposed for Viorica Dancila Cabinet will be heard on Monday in the relevant parliamentary committees and the plenary will be reuniting in an extraordinary sitting, for the investiture vote of the new…

18:15, 26.01.2018

Parliament extraordinary session called for Monday to vest Dancila Cabinet

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies leaders decided on Friday to call an extraordinary session of Parliament on Monday, for the investiture vote on the new government.  The plenary session is scheduled to start…

23:40, 18.01.2018

MEP Muresan: EP schedules debate on Romania's justice situation in Strasbourg plenary sitting

MEP Siegfried Muresan announced that on the level of the European Parliament it has been decided that the situation of justice in Romania be debated in the next plenary session, in February, in the plenary sitting…

17:54, 17.01.2018

DECIZIE. Viorica Dăncilă, desemnată premier de Klaus Iohannis: ”Am decis să dau PSD-ului încă o șansă”

Plenary session week 43 2013 in Strasbourg – Climate change conference Președintele Klaus Iohannis a desemnat-o pe Viorica Dăncilă premier, în urma consultărilor de la Cotroceni de miercuri. Șeful statului a sugerat…

22:04, 19.12.2017

Senate: Legislative proposal on modification of magistrates' statute, adopted

The Senate adopted in Tuesday's plenary sitting, as decision-making chamber, the legislative proposal for the modification and supplementing of Law 303/2004 on the Statute of judges and prosecutors. There were…

20:24, 18.12.2017

Parliament: Budget bill for 2018 - adopted by articles in plenary sitting

The state budget bill for 2018 has been adopted by articles on Monday by the plenary sitting of Parliament. The bill has been adopted in its form provided by the budget committees, with one single amendment rejected.Therefore,…

15:29, 05.12.2017

Senate: Ordinance for Tax Code amendment, adopted

The Senate, as first Chamber to have been notified, adopted on Monday with 71 votes "in favour" and 37 "against", the draft act for the approval of OUG 79/2017 regarding the modification of the Tax Code, with amendments. …

14:03, 29.11.2017

Opposition walks out of Senate plenary session; session suspended for lack of quorum

A Senate plenary session was suspended on Wednesday after the parliamentary groups of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) and Save Romania Union (USR) walked out of it in protest against the common position…

17:09, 21.11.2017

Patriot missile systems purchase adopted in Deputies Chamber's plenary sitting

The Chambers of Deputies' plenary sitting adopted on Tuesday with 279 votes "in favour", one "against" and one abstention the bill on the "Ground-based Air Defence Capability" to be accomplished under the key endowment…

16:36, 04.10.2017

Deputies' Chamber: Simple motion on transport infrastructure rejected by the plenary

The simple motion initiated by the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Save Romania Union (USR) regarding the transport infrastructure was rejected on Wednesday by the plenary meeting of the Deputies' Chamber…

14:33, 13.03.2017

Firearms: The Directive misses its principle aim

Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament today tabled amendments to the EU’s Firearms Directive. The ALDE group does not agree with the final consensus that has been reached, and which will be voted on…

17:05, 05.10.2016

Mike Tyson visits Parliament Palace

Former American boxing player Mike Tyson visited on Wednesday the Parliament Palace. He entered through the Senate and headed to the plenary hall, accompanied by numerous law enforcement officers. Tyson couldn't…

10:03, 26.09.2016

EuroLat plenary session failed to address worsening situation in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Brazil

ALDE Group’s delegation to the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly criticises the lack of reference, in the common statement of EuroLat’s co-presidents, to the situation in Nicaragua and the biased approach to Venezuela…

00:23, 15.12.2015

Martin Schulz: Lovitură de stat în Polonia | Premierul polonez îl acuză pe președintele PE de amestec în treburile interne

EP President presides over a Plenary Session in Brussels – Week 5 – 2012 Preşedintele Parlamentului European, Martin Schulz, a calificat luni drept ”dramatică” situaţia din Polonia, pe care a comparat-o cu ”o lovitură…

16:46, 05.07.2011

European Parliament resolution on the Revised Hungarian Constitution

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2009 - 2014 Plenary sitting 1.7.2011 B7?0379/2011 } B7?0380/2011 } B7?0387/2011 } RC1 JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION pursuant to Rule 115(5) of the Rules of Procedure replacing the motions by…