Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:20, 03.06.2021

Noted graphic artist Dan Erceanu dies aged 77

Graphic artist Dan Erceanu, a former director of the National Library of Romania, has died at the age of 77. "We learned with deep sadness about the departure from this life of graphic artist Dan Erceanu, director…

12:36, 30.05.2021

Vaccination Marathons this weekend with Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson

New Vaccination Marathon events are taking place this weekend in Romania. In Bucharest, at the Palace Hall and at the National Library, people who made their first dose with the Pfizer-BioNTech serum, 3 weeks ago,…

21:55, 28.05.2021

Organisers optimistic for high turnout at second Covid Vaccination Walk-in event in Bucharest

More than 1,400 volunteers - doctors, nurses, residents and medical students - participate this weekend in the second Covid Vaccination Walk-in event held in Bucharest at the Palace Hall and at the National Library.…

17:35, 08.05.2021

Vaccination marathon in Bucharest: 7,165 people immunised in 24 hours

The organisers of the vaccination marathon against COVID-19 in Bucharest announce that 7,165 people have been immunised in 24 hours. A total of 1,200 volunteers are involved in the campaign, which ends Monday morning,…

16:46, 08.05.2021

Over 5,500 people - vaccinated at 'marathon' in Bucharest

More than 5,500 people had been vaccinated until Saturday at noon, at the "marathon" organised in Bucharest, an event open to all who want to be immunised against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. According to the organisers,…

22:51, 07.05.2021

1,500 get vaccinated in early hours of Bucharest COVID-19 vaccination marathon

Rector of the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Viorel Jinga said on Friday that in about two and a half hours since the start of the COVID-19 mass vaccination marathon in Bucharest, about 1,500…

16:50, 07.05.2021

PM Citu: Today we exceed 3.5 million persons vaccinated against COVID, with one or two doses

Prime Minister Florin Citu has informed that the number of persons in Romania vaccinated against COVID with one or both doses will exceed 3.5 million on Friday, and coming back to normality is "increasingly closer."…

08:20, 07.05.2021

Vaccination marathon in Bucharet! Be ready, set, GO

The anti-COVID vaccination marathon, which will take place at the Palace Hall and the National Library of Bucharest, and will be attended by about 1,200 volunteers - doctors, nurses, residents and medical students…

19:50, 05.05.2021

Approximately 1,200 volunteers to participate in COVID vaccination Marathon in Bucharest

Approximately 1,200 volunteers will participate in the Marathon of COVID vaccination that will take place in Bucharest, between May 7 and 10, at the Palace Hall and at the National Library, announced on Wednesday…

18:20, 04.05.2021

Chief campaign coordinator Gheorghita to join COVID-19 vaccination marathon in Bucharest

Chief coordinator of the COVID-19 mass immunisation campaign in Romania Valeriu Gheorghita will be one of the doctors to administer COVID-19 vaccines at an immunisation marathon in Bucharest on Friday, agerpres.ro…

15:46, 27.04.2021

Anti-COVID vaccination marathon, in Bucharest, between 7th and 9th of May

The chairman of the National Committee of activities regarding vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, Valeriu Gheorghita, declared on Tuesday, that during the period of May 7-9 there will be a vaccination marathon held…

17:50, 25.04.2021

Minister of Culture welcomes organization of COVID vaccination marathon on May 7, 8 and 9 at National Library

On Sunday, Culture Minister Bogdan Gheorghiu welcomed the fact that the head of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorghita accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Culture…

08:06, 24.01.2021

Virusul a fost izolat în laborator încă din luna ianuarie 2020

Circulă Informații false, cu scopul de a scădea încrederea populației în vaccinare Comitetul Național de Coordonare a Activităților privind Vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 (CNCAV) susține că informațiile care circulă…

22:01, 23.01.2021

România este una dintre ţările care au reuşit izolarea virusului SARS-CoV-2 în laborator

Comitetului Naţional de Coordonare a Activităţilor privind Vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 (CNCAV) a precizat: “Afirmaţia conform căreia virusul SARS-CoV-2 nu ar fi fost izolat în laborator este imprecisă şi…

13:00, 23.01.2021

CNCAV, precizări privind izolarea virusului în laborator: Se apelează la o tehnică înșelătoare cu scopul de a diminua încrederea populației în vaccinare

Virusul SARS-CoV-2 a fost izolat în laborator de către cercetătorii chinezi încă din ianuarie 2020, se arată într-un comunicat transmis de Comitetul Național de Coordonare a vaccinării. Precizările vin în contextul…

18:10, 17.12.2020

15th century incunabula exhibition, opened at National Library of Romania

The exhibition "Inkunabularia - from the first printings to modern graphics" was opened on Thursday, online, at the National Library of Romania. Held during the 23rd edition of the Days of National Library of Romania,…

16:25, 29.10.2020

Novel 'Heritage' by Miguel Bonnefoy, Goncourt Prize - Romania's Choice 2020

The Goncourt Prize - Romania's choice went this year to Miguel Bonnefoy's novel "Heritage", the French Ambassador to Romania, Laurence Auer, told on Thursday a press conference organized at the National Library…

09:36, 25.06.2020

National Library of Romania hosts exhibition of traditional Romanian blouses

The traditional Romanian blouse known as ie [ia when the definite article is added] is an identity card to Romanians, both at regional and national level that in recent years has returned with increased popularity…

20:51, 01.06.2020

STUDIU: Bolnavii de coronavirus asimptomatici NU sunt contagioşi. Mii de români au fost internaţi degeaba

Opt cercetători chinezi au făcut primul şi cel mai amplu studiu legat de cât de contagioase sunt persoanele care au infecţia COVID-19, dar nu au simptome ale bolii. Ei pus o persoană testată pozitiv pentru noul…

17:06, 01.06.2020

Se schimbă datele despre riscul de infectare

Opt cercetători chinezi au făcut primul şi cel mai amplu studiu legat de cât de contagioase sunt persoanele care au infecţia COVID-19, dar nu au simptome ale bolii. Ei pus o persoană testată pozitiv pentru noul…

20:17, 12.05.2020

British Library face apel la copii să realizeze cărţi în miniatură în timpul perioadei de izolare

British Library face apel la copii să realizeze cărţi în miniatură în timpul perioadei de izolare, iar acestea vor fi parte ale programului online „National Library of Miniature Books for the toy world” (Biblioteca…

17:28, 13.04.2020

Works dedicated to maternity in Romanian 19th century photography - accessible online with National Library

Photographs that can be found in the "Instances of maternity in Romanian photography in the 19th century" exhibition, launched on March 6, at the National Library of Romania, can be admired on the institution's…

17:57, 17.01.2020

Romania, China sign agreement on prevention of theft, illegal trade in cultural goods

Culture Minister Bogdan Gheorghiu and ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Bucharest Jiang Yu signed on Friday, at the National Library of Romania, the Agreement between the Government of Romania and…

11:47, 11.10.2018

Câte persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa în încercarea de a-şi face selfie-ul perfect

Dezvoltarea reţelelor de socializare a venit la pachet cu dorinţa oamenilor de a-şi face cât mai multe selfie-uri în mediul online pentru a arăta cât de fericiţi sunt sau cât de bine se simt în diverse ipostaze. …

07:11, 19.06.2018

Vitamina B5 este considerată elixirul sănătății

Vitamina B5, numită şi acid pantotenic, este vitală pentru o viaţă sănătoasă. Precum toate vitaminele complexe B, B5 ajută la transformarea hranei în energie. B5 se găseşte în mod natural în multe…

18:22, 16.09.2016

City of Timisoara wins bid to become European Capital of Culture 2021

The western city of Timisoara is Romania's choice for European Capital of Culture 2021, Steve Green, chair of a jury that made the choice, told a new conference on Friday at the National Library in Bucharest.Making…

15:37, 07.07.2016

Oraşele lumii în PICĂTURI DE PLOAIE. Fotograful care a făcut Ocolul Pământului în 15 ani (FOTO)

Sârbul Dusan Stojancevic a fotografiat vreme de cinsprezece ani reflexia oraşelor lumii în picături de apă, scrie descoperă.ro. Povestea metropolelor în care clădirile sunt comprimate, condensate, filigranate şi…

14:40, 26.10.2015

Glenn Close in Bucharest, in "What happened to Monday"

Rolling and... action! The wide space outside the National Library turned into a film set. The last scenes of  "What Happened to Monday", an American Sci-Fi movie also starring Glenn Close, were shot in Bucharest…

11:19, 26.10.2015

Nu stiai asta! Alimentul nelipsit din frigiderul romanilor da dependenta, la fel ca drogurile!

Dependenta de branza este o realitate comparabila cu cele de droguri, tutun sau alcool, se arata intr-un studiu realizat recent de cercetatori de la Universitatea Michigan (Statele Unite). Este o dependenta care…

15:58, 25.10.2015

Studiu: Brânza creează dependență, la fel ca drogurile 

Dependența de brânză este o realitate comparabilă cu cele de droguri, tutun sau alcool, se arată într-un studiu realizat recent de cercetători de la Universitatea Michigan (Statele Unite), relatează duminică slate.fr.…