Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:40, 25.01.2024

Greek, Romanian MEPs, Bulgarian MP call on lifting Schengen land border control

AGERPRES special correspondent Tudor Martalogu reports: MEPs Vlad Gheorghe, Dacian Ciolos (Romania) and Georgios Kyrtsos (Greece) and Bulgarian MP Daniel Lorer have sent a joint letter to Greek Minister of Migration…

11:10, 23.11.2022

PSD: Swedish Social Democratic Commissioner Johansson strongly supports Romania's accession to the Schengen area

Social Democratic Party (PSD) MEPs Dan Nica and Victor Negrescu say that they have got the firm commitment of the social democratic commissioner from Sweden, Ylva Johansson, for a favourable decision regarding…

21:36, 09.05.2021

Dan Nistor și-a anunțat viitorul într-un mod comic: „Nu știu unde ați văzut cu Sepsi, Mepsi” + Marius Constantin, resemnat: „Nu ne mai gândim la campionat”

Dan Nistor (33 de ani) și Marius Constantin (36), doi dintre pilonii de bază ai Universității Craiova, au oferit declarații după meciul pierdut cu FC Botoșani, scor 2-3. Cronica meciului Universitatea Craiova -…

16:03, 06.11.2019

Siegfried Muresan, Adina Valean picked by gov't for Romania's European Commissioner

Siegfried Muresan and Adina Valean are the picks of the Orban Government for Romania's European Commissioner.  The announcement was made Wednesday by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, and the decision was made at a…

21:36, 17.09.2019

President Iohannis meets several Liberals to prepare candidacy at presidential elections

Several Liberals had a meeting on Tuesday with President Klaus Iohannis on the topic of preparing the submission of the candidacy for the presidential elections."We are preparing the submission of the candidacy,"…

13:56, 27.08.2019

PM Dancila: Haven't received any rejection from Brussels concerning Romania's nominations for Commissioners

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday night said she had not received from Brussels any rejection concerning the nominations she had made for the European Commissioner on behalf of Romania, the MEPs Dan Nica…

17:35, 27.03.2019

UDMR submits list of European election candidates

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) on Wednesday submitted to the Central Electoral Bureau (BCR) a list of its candidates in the May 29 elections to the European Parliament.UDMR national leader Kelemen…

17:23, 20.03.2019

COPA COGECA: Large carnivores are no longer threatened, but pastoralism is

The Commission needs to update its perception of the situation The increased presence of protected species of large carnivores has led to significant economic damage to livestock farmers and is putting traditional…

01:02, 15.09.2015

Meeting Point: Is Romania ready to accommodate refugees ?

Germany announced that it would temporarily reintroduce checks at the border with Austria, from where tens of thousands of refugees come, thus suspending the Schengen agreement on free movement in Europe. Meanwhile,…