Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:01, 09.11.2021

Three Bulgarians trying to enter Romania illegally with false COVID-19 tests, caught at border

Three Bulgarian citizens who intended to travel to Romania with false PCR tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus infection were found by Giurgiu Border Police, who did not allow them to enter the country, reads a press…

13:20, 05.11.2021

Transport illegal de lemn depistat de polițiști la Vadu Moldovei. Autoutilitara folosită la transport a fost confiscată

În cursul zilei de joi, 4 noiembrie, o patrulă de poliție din cadrul Secției 1 Poliție Rurală Vadu Moldovei, a oprit în trafic pentru control, pe DJ 155A, o autoutilitară ce se deplasa din direcția Râșca – Bogdănești.…

11:30, 05.11.2021

Migrants caught while trying to illegally cross Hungarian border, on foot

18 migrants were caught by the western Arad Border Police while trying to cross the Hungarian border on foot, near the checkpoints of Nadlac II and Curtici, most of them being asylum seekers in Romania. In the…

14:25, 24.10.2021

Cigarette smuggling up to 8.3 pct in September (Novel Research)

The cigarettes black market increased in Romania by 0.6 percentage points in September compared to July, to 8.3 pct of total consumption, according to data published by Novel Research on Sunday. "In September 2021,…

16:10, 18.10.2021

EU weighs further sanctions on Belarus over illegal migrants

The European Union will discuss on Monday further economic sanctions on Belarus, including on airlines to increase pressure on President Alexander Lukashenko, whom it accuses of helping undocumented migrants to…

10:56, 01.10.2021

Eleven Afghan citizens asylum seekers in Romania caught trying to illegally cross border to Hungary

Eleven migrants from Afghanistan, asylum seekers in Romania, have been caught when trying to illegally cross border to Hungary, through the Arad and Bihor counties. According to a press release on Friday of the…

13:25, 30.09.2021

France’s Sarkozy gets 1-year jail term for illegal campaign financing

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was handed a one-year prison sentence by a Paris court on Thursday after being found guilty of illegal campaign financing over his failed 2012 re-election bid, according…

17:36, 24.09.2021

Mr. VIK a lansat videoclipul piesei “Illegal” din proiectul Friday Raggaeton

“Friday Raggaeton a început să aibă succes spre America de Sud”. Proiectul inițiat de Mr Vik și Sprint Music, “Friday Raggaeton” continuă cu o nouă piesă bună de pus pe repeat și de apăsat butonul de play la început…

17:00, 22.09.2021

AUR: The Government's decision to introduce the COVID digital certificate is illegal

The Government's decision to introduce the COVID digital certificate on the Romanian territory is "illegal" and can be challenged in court, according to the representatives of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians…

12:20, 16.09.2021

30 Turkish migrants who entered country illegally, found staying in boarding houses

Arad police caught 30 Turkish migrants who allegedly entered the country illegally through Serbia, and were accommodated in Arad and in the neighboring town of Vladimirescu, in several boarding houses, agerpres…

14:00, 19.08.2021

Two young Syrians caught by border police while trying to illegally cross border

Two young people from Syria, aged 22 and 23, respectively, were caught by the Giurgiu border police while trying to enter Romania illegally, through the Giurgiu border crossing point, hidden in a truck loaded with…

17:30, 18.08.2021

EconMin Nasui: We legislate the 'Farm-to-Fork' business model so far considered illegal by ANPC

The Ministry of Economy has put up for public debate a draft emergency ordinance that will legalize the "Farm-to-Fork" business model for a more sustainable food system which was rolled out in Europe, but which…

11:56, 17.08.2021

Over 1,000 tonnes of illegally shipped waste, halted at Murfatlar

The Coast Guard border police, in co-operation with customs workers and commissioners of the National Environmental Guard have found two barges loaded with over 1,000 tonnes of iron waste arriving in the port of…

17:30, 12.08.2021

More Syrians and Afghans entering EU via Western Balkans

EU border agency Frontex said on Thursday the number of migrants illegally entering the European Union by crossing the Western Balkans has almost doubled in 2021, with the majority coming from Syria and Afghanistan,…

12:16, 06.08.2021

Five migrants caught trying to cross border into Hungary illegally

Five migrants from Afghanistan and Turkey were caught by Arad border police as they tried to cross the border illegally into Hungary, on foot or in a lorry loaded with paint. According to a press statement released…

12:30, 27.07.2021

Ten migrants are caught trying to illegally cross border on foot to Hungary

Ten migrants were caught by border policemen from Arad and Bihor, in the past 24 hours, while trying to cross the border to Hungary illegally, on foot, through the field informs in a press release, on Tuesday,…

12:40, 23.07.2021

Twelve migrants from three countries caught trying to cross illegally into Hungay

Two groups of migrants have been caught by Arad border guards while trying to cross the border into Hungary, with the first being discovered in a lorry and the second in the field. At the Nadlac II Border Crossing…

11:20, 19.07.2021

Timis: Tens of illegal migrants found in Timisoara in the past two days

The border police on Saturday and Sunday, in Timisoara, found 36 foreign citizens who could not justify their being in the area. "After verifications the police established that they are citizens from Afghanistan,…

16:16, 02.07.2021

Cel puţin 17 oameni, răniți, după ce geniștii au detonat greșit o încărcătură de artificii, în Los Angeles

Cel puţin 17 persoane au fost rănite și mai multe pagube au fost înregistrate miercuri, la Los Angeles, în timpul unei intervenţii eșuate a unei echipe de genişti, care a încercat să declanşeze o explozie controlată…

13:56, 25.06.2021

Legislative Council's Florin Iordache: Government's initiative on state child allowance - 'unconstitutional and illegal'

The President of the Legislative Council, Florin Iordache, stated on Friday that the Government's initiative to increase state child allowances in 2022 is "unconstitutional and illegal," which is why the opinion…

12:40, 18.06.2021

14 foreign citizens illegally attempting to cross to Hungary, spotted at border

Police from the western Nadlad Border, Nadlac II and Varsand have spotted 14 foreign citizens from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, who were trying to illegally cross the border to Hungary, being hidden in…

13:15, 14.06.2021

Border police intercept 21 migrants attempting to illegally cross western border

Arad border police this weekend caught 21 migrants from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Algeria attempting to illegally cross the border into Hungary, either by hiding in trucks loaded with goods or on foot, a release…

20:15, 11.06.2021

ONU: Iranul a achitat 16,2 milioane de dolari din datorie şi şi-a recuperat dreptul de vot

Iranul a achitat 16,2 milioane de dolari în contul datoriei sale la ONU, ceea ce i-a permis să-şi recapete dreptul de vot şi să participe vineri la alegerea în Adunarea Generală a cinci noi membri ai Consiliului…

14:35, 02.06.2021

Belarus accused of letting illegal migrants cross into EU

Lithuania accused Belarus of allowing illegal migrants to cross its borders into the European Union, the latest sign of simmering tensions after a Ryanair Holdings Plc was forced to land in Minsk last month so…

12:31, 26.05.2021

Border police catches four migrants trying to illegally cross border to Hungary

Four migrants from Afghanistan and Syria have been caught trying to illegally cross the border to Hungary, three of them walking in the area of Nadlac Town. The border policemen from Nadlac noticed the group of…

17:25, 14.05.2021

Approximately 150 tons of illegal waste, returned to Bulgaria

The border police from southeastern Vama Veche, Constanta County, together with workers from the Constanta Coast Guard, have discovered, on Friday, in 5 trucks arrived from Bulgaria, approximately 150 tons of non-compliant…

18:15, 28.04.2021

Ministrul Muncii, despre pensiile ilegale din Mehedinţi: 7.000 de persoane ar fi primit bani illegal, între 2011 şi 2017

Ministrul Muncii, Raluca Turcan, a transmis, miercuri, la sfârşitul şedinţei de Guvern, că, în urma acţiunilor desfăşurate de Corpul de Control la Casa de Pensii din Mehedinţi, au fost constatate derapaje majore,…

12:51, 29.03.2021

Twenty-two migrants from six countries caught trying to cross into Hungary illegally

Border guards have caught 22 migrants from Syria, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine and Libya as they were trying to illegally enter Hungary from Romania, either hidden in a truck, or on foot, according to AGERPRES.…

13:05, 26.03.2021

PM Citu: Subway blockade - illegal action, Minister of Interior must take action

Prime Minister Florin Citu affirms that the subway protest is illegal, provoked by a former Social Democratic Party (PSD) deputy who "is losing his sinecures", and announces that he has asked the Minister of Interior,…

13:05, 26.03.2021

Minister of Transport: Subway protest, an illegal action, disrupts life of entire city

The fact that the 'Unitatea' Metro Free Trade Union (USLM) union blocks the Bucharest subway is a slap in the face of the entire of Romania, and when mafia interests are threatened, a handful of people fret over…