Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:51, 16.01.2023

Cargo ship from Ukraine grounded in Bosphorus strait, traffic halted

The cargo ship MKK 1, travelling from Ukraine to Turkey, was grounded in Istanbul‘s Bosphorus Strait on Monday and traffic in the strait was suspended but no damage was reported, shipping agents Tribeca said, according…

19:20, 12.12.2022

Georgia Holt, mama cântăreței Cher, a murit la vârsta de 96 de ani

Holt a fost cântăreaţă, textieră, actriţă şi model, și a devenit cunoscută la nivel internaţional datorită rolurilor interpretate în serialele TV „The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet”, „I Love Lucy” şi „Jane Wyman…

19:36, 22.11.2022

NATO Deputy SecGen Geoana: We do not see conditions for minimum ground for Russia-Ukraine negotiations

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared, on Tuesday, in Brussels, that, currently, there are no "conditions for a minimum ground" for peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Fii la curent…

11:00, 06.10.2022

MiG-21 LanceR aircraft not grounded due to fuel used

The MiG 21-LanceR aircraft belonging to the Romanian Air Force were not grounded, in the period 2018-2021, due to technical problems caused by the quality of the fuel used, according to a point of view sent on…

13:45, 07.09.2022

Romania’s Blue Air grounded amid government concern over debt

Romanian discount carrier Blue Air Aviation SA canceled all flights through Monday after its bank accounts were frozen by the state amid concerns over unpaid debt, according to Bloomberg. The sudden intervention…

18:01, 31.08.2022

AUR requests PM to withdraw education bills on grounds that they could bury education for good

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) requests Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca to withdraw the education bills from the legislative circuit and make public the names of their authors, on the grounds that they…

08:15, 27.07.2022

Lufthansa passengers face day of turmoil as ground staff strike

Deutsche Lufthansa AG passengers in Frankfurt and Munich face an almost complete shutdown of operations on Wednesday as a walkout by ground crew forces Europe’s largest airline group to cancel more than 1,000 flights…

14:10, 04.05.2022

EconMin: Romania, first country that could use latest version of Patriot system on ground

The Minister of Economy Florin Spataru declared on Wednesday, in Prahova, that Romania will become the first country that could use the newest version of the Patriot anti-air and anti-missile defence system on…

15:50, 15.02.2022

NATO: No sign of Russian de-escalation on the ground in Ukraine crisis

NATO said Tuesday it has not seen “any de-escalation on the ground” from Russian forces near Ukraine, despite earlier claims from Moscow that some troops taking part in military exercises were pulling back, according…

18:15, 02.02.2022

E Ziua Cârtiței! Azi aflăm dacă vine primăvara (VIDEO)

Vă aduceți aminte de actorul Bill Murray în rolul meteorologului de serviciu de la o televiziune, trimis să relateze de pe teren, dintr-un cătun obscur aflat în centrul atenției o dată pe an, de Ziua Cârtiței?…

22:56, 21.11.2021

Cât de mult ne costă „fabrica gratis” de la Zahăr Bod pe care o vrea Coliban?

Primarul Brașovului, Allen Coliban, insistă să aibă succes cu afacerea imobiliară de la Fabrica de Zahăr Bod. Așa că dacă vineri a tras un loz necâștigător în Consiliul Local, Coliban mai vrea să trag un loz luni,…

11:10, 18.11.2021

Simona Halep va participa în luna decembrie la un turneu în Africa de Sud

Simona Halep va lua parte la un turneu demonstrativ care se va disputa pe 18 și 19 decembrie la Johannesburg, în Africa de Sud. La startul "Africa Cares" se vor mai găsi nume consacrate precum Venus…

20:35, 16.11.2021

UDMR denies initiating amendment to Hunting Law, accuses USR of misleading public opinion

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) says that it is not the initiator of a bill amending and supplementing the Hunting Law and the protection of the hunting grounds, accusing the Save Romania Union…

08:45, 27.10.2021

Three brown bears from Harghita County hunting grounds to be shot

Three brown bears from the hunting grounds in Harghita County will be shot under orders from the minister of the environment, waters and forestry, agerpres reports. The orders published on Tuesday in the Official…

12:15, 22.09.2021

Stanford din „Sex and the City” s-a stins din viață

Actorul Willie Garson, cunoscut pentru rolul lui Stanford Blatch din “Sex and the City”. a murit la vârsta de 57 de ani. Anunţul a fost făcut de fiul acestuia, informează  BBC  miercuri. „Te iubesc atât de mult,…

09:20, 16.08.2021

Banca Centrală Coreană va lansa o monedă digitală CBDC pe smartphone-urile Samsung Galaxy

Banca centrală coreeană lansează o monedă digitală prin smartphone-urile Galaxy ale gigantului multinațional tehnologic sud-coreean Samsung Electronics, potrivit unui raport al The Korea Times. Banca Coreei a anunțat…

15:35, 05.08.2021

Citu: Romania will send firefighters to Greece to help putting out fires

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced that Romania will grant ground support to Greece for putting out the fires this country is facing, in this respect squads of firefighters will be sent. "The Greek authorities…

18:05, 29.07.2021

Training ground and landing platform for emergency situations to be built through Romania-Ukraine JOP

A cross-border project financed through the Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020 was launched in Suceava on Thursday, worth over 7 million euros, under which the two countries will collaborate…

20:55, 10.06.2021

Approximately 400 military, at Defender Europe 2021 Computer Assisted Exercise, in Romania and Germany

Romania and Germany are hosting, from Thursday until Monday, the command exercise Defender Europe 2021 Computer Assisted Exercise / Command Post Exercise (DE21 CAX/CPX), where approximately 400 soldiers are taking…

17:05, 07.06.2021

Senate head Dragu: Child allowance increase - a political decision that needs to be solidly grounded

Increasing child allowances is a political decision that requires a solid foundation on technical figures, and an analysis of state budget revenues and expenditures will be made in mid-July, after six months of…

19:45, 14.05.2021

Head of Bucharest Public Transport Company: Compliance with above-ground service timetable requires dedicated corridors

Above-ground transport needs dedicated corridors for the service timetable to be observed, CEO of the Bucharest Public Transport Company (STB) Adrian Crit said on Friday, adding that currently the capital city…

14:10, 02.02.2021

Azi: Tu ce faci de Ziua Cârtiței? – VIDEO

Vă aduceți aminte de actorul Bill Murray în rolul meteorologului de serviciu de la o televiziune, trimis să relateze de pe teren, dintr-un cătun obscur aflat în centrul atenției o dată pe an, de Ziua Cârtiței?…

16:40, 11.01.2021

Tariceanu, on DNA investigation: Case built on political grounds; I did not get any money

Calin Popescu-Tariceanu rejects National Anti-Corruption Directorate's (DNA) accusations that he took a bribe when he served as prime minister, explaining that no payments were made to Microsoft while he led the…

22:05, 04.01.2021

Education Minister: I want schools to reopen as soon as possible, decision to be made following well-grounded analysis

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu told AGERPRES on Monday that he wants schools to return to in-person classes as soon as possible, but that this decision will be taken only based on a responsible and well-grounded…

19:30, 17.11.2020

Iohannis: Romania's healthcare system must be rethought from the ground up

Romania's healthcare system needs to be rethought, President Klaus Iohannis told a news conference on Tuesday. He sent condolences to the families of the patients who died in the fire at the Piatra Neamt Emergency…

19:00, 16.11.2020

Constanta: Romanian-US joint drill Rapid Falcon with artillery strikes to take place Thursday

Over 130 Romanian and American troops with 30 technical gear will participate on Thursday in the Romanian-American Rapid Falcon drill, organized by the General Staff of the Ground Forces and the US Ground Forces…

12:00, 23.10.2020

Commissioners of Environmental Guard, on the ground checking air pollution in Bucharest

The Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests, Costel Alexe, specified on Friday that the inspectors of the National Environmental Guard (GNM) are on the ground to analyze the causes of air pollution registered…

11:10, 11.09.2020

Se împlinesc 19 ani de la atentatele care au schimbat lumea. Două raze de lumină amintesc acum de Turnurile Gemene căzute în 2001

Astăzi se împlinesc 19 ani de la atacurile teroriste de la World Trade Center și Pentagon. Mai multe evenimente au loc în New York, la Ground 0,  iar două turnuri de lumini au fost aprinse în Cartierul General…

10:30, 11.08.2020

Undercloud Festival opening today with 'Babel' contemporary dance show

The 13th edition of the Undercloud Independent Theater Festival opens this evening at 20:00 hrs with the contemporary dance performance "Babel" designed and choreographed by Arcadie Rusu; the venue are the grounds…

12:25, 20.07.2020

PM Orban: Gov't has done its job, I don't see why submitting a motion of censure

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said he saw "no serious grounds" for submitting a motion of censure, which would only be a "political" action, as the Government "has done its job." "I don't see any serious grounds…