Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:45, 05.02.2024

Government's bill amending legislation in field of social assistance, tacitly adopted by Senate

Government's bill amending legislation in field of social assistance, tacitly adopted by SenateThe Senate tacitly approved on Monday the Government's draft law on the reform of the social assistance system, which…

19:20, 05.02.2024

Orban: Gov't, law enforcement agencies should be much more present in managing atypical risks

Orban: Gov't, law enforcement agencies should be much more present in managing atypical risksRomania's government and law enforcement agencies should be much more involved in managing atypical threats and risks,…

17:05, 05.02.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 1.5 billion lei from banks

Ministry of Finance borrows 1.5 billion lei from banksThe Ministry of Finance (MF) on Monday borrowed 1.503 billion lei from banks through an issue of benchmark government bonds and another of discounted treasury…

16:00, 02.02.2024

PM Ciolacu, Italian ambassador Magnoni meet in run-up to joint sitting of Bucharest and Rome gov'ts

PM Ciolacu, Italian ambassador Magnoni meet in run-up to joint sitting of Bucharest and Rome gov'tsPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Friday at the Victoria Palace of Government with Italy's ambassador to Romania…

06:55, 02.02.2024

Tensiuni între Belgia și Israel. Au distrus complet Enabel

Ministrul belgian de Externe, Hadja Lahbib, a anunţat în noaptea de joi spre vineri că a convocat-o pe ambasadoarea Israelului în Belgia, după ce atacurile armatei israeliene au „distrus” birourile agenţiei belgiene…

12:35, 01.02.2024

Sanitas and "Solidaritatea Sanitara" Federations picketing Health Ministry and Labour Ministry

The Sanitas Federation and the "Solidaritatea Sanitara" Federation are picketing the Health Ministry and the Labour Ministry on Thursday."Between 11.00 and 13.00 Sanitas will picket the Health Ministry. Also today…

09:35, 01.02.2024

Czech government now seeks to build up to 4 nuclear reactors instead 1 to reduce price

The Czech government said Wednesday it plans to build up to four nuclear reactors instead of one as the country tries to become more energy-independent and wean itself off fossil fuels, according to AP News. Prime…

19:15, 31.01.2024

Government debt rises to 49.7% of GDP in November (Ministry of Finance)

Public administration debt (government debt) increased in November 2023 to 769.907 billion RON, compared to 753.009 billion RON in the previous month, i.e. to 49.7%, from 48.6% in October 2023, according to data…

19:11, 31.01.2024

Gov't consultations on draft action plan in field of mental health

The head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery, Alexandru Ghigiu, and state councilor Carmen Orban held consultations on the draft action plan for the period 2024 - 2029 for the execution of the decisions of the…

17:25, 29.01.2024

Consultations with representatives of taxi and alternative transport organisations at Victoria Palace of Government

Government representatives met on Monday at the Victoria Palace of Government with members of taxi and alternative transport organisations and structures, in the context of the protests triggered by the latter.According…

15:26, 25.01.2024

Gov't accepted in principle 20pct pay raise for healthcare workers in 2024 (union leader)

First deputy chairman of the Sanitas healthcare trade unions Iulian Pope said on Thursday that "in principle" the government accepted that the healthcare workers will have their pay increased by 20% in 2024."In…

13:20, 23.01.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-November

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-NovemberTotal assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 121.56 billion as of end-November…

13:06, 23.01.2024

Household and business deposits up 3.3 pct month-on-month in December 2023

Household and business deposits up 3.3 pct month-on-month in December 2023The deposits of non-government resident customers were 3.3 percent up in December 2023 from the previous month, to RON 573.951 billion;…

07:45, 23.01.2024

Şapte persoane împuşcate mortal în apropiere de Chicago. Un tânăr este căutat de poliția americană

Autorităţile dintr-o suburbie a oraşului Chicago îl caută luni pe Romeo Nance, un tânăr de 23 de ani suspectat că a ucis şapte persoane în două locuințe diferite, din apropierea casei sale, notează AFP, potrivit…

08:50, 22.01.2024

If my file public, truth about vaccines would be 100% clear: Health Ministry had no involvement (USR's Voiculescu)

If my file public, truth about vaccines would be 100% clear:Health Ministry had no involvement (USR's Voiculescu)The leader of Save Romania Union (opposition's USR) Bucharest, Vlad Voiculescu, says that, according…

10:35, 19.01.2024

Protests in Romania rage on despite the government adopting brokered measures

The Romanian government adopted measures on Thursday, transposing into law the solutions reached in negotiations with protesting transporters and farmers during the week, although protesters remain on the streets…

16:50, 18.01.2024

Border weighing, what tolerances are allowed in Europe, will be accepted here as well (Ciolacu)

Border weighing, what tolerances are allowed in Europe, will be accepted here as well (Ciolacu)The government will approve to modify the way of carrying out control by weighing at the border crossing points, so…

21:15, 17.01.2024

Measures relating to Health claims, phased according to urgency and resources at our disposal (PM Ciolacu)

Measures relating to Health claims, phased according to urgency and resources at our disposal (PM Ciolacu)The measures that will be taken into account regarding the claims from the health system must be phased…

20:20, 16.01.2024

PM Ciolacu attends Foreign Investors Council presidents' forum, focus on economic, fiscal stability, digital transformation

PM Ciolacu attends Foreign Investors Council presidents' forum, focus on economic, fiscal stability, digital transformationPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu attended the annual forum of the presidents of the Foreign…

16:35, 16.01.2024

PSD supports extension of measure limiting commercial addition to basic foods

PSD supports extension of measure limiting commercial addition to basic foodsThe Social Democratic Party (PSD) supports the extension of the measure limiting the commercial addition to basic foods for at least…

12:10, 16.01.2024

Romanian government reaches agreement with farmers following a week of protests

An agreement was reached between Romania‘s Agriculture Ministry and representatives of major agricultural organizations on Monday, with the former addressing several demands by farmers who have been protesting…

15:00, 15.01.2024

Poland presses for ambitious 2040 EU climate target, signaling U-turn

Poland‘s new government will urge the European Union to “embrace” a plan to slash 90 percent of the bloc’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, a senior government official said on Monday — reflecting the country’s…

20:40, 11.01.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: It's going to be a disastrous year, mayors panicked after seeing budgets

Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor in Oradea on Thursday said that he has received many signals of panic from mayors about the 2024 budget, as they are unhappy with the income tax…

12:30, 11.01.2024

Companiile din România sunt familiarizate cu ESG: Conceptul este considerat scump, dar benefic pentru afacere (studiu)

Companiile din România sunt familiarizate cu ESG: Conceptul este considerat scump, dar benefic pentru afacere (studiu)Mare parte dintre companiile din România (79%) se declară familiarizată cu domeniul ESG (Environment,…

21:20, 10.01.2024

Disputes resulting from mandate contracts concluded by state companies should be settled in Romania (JusMin Gorghiu)

The Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, conveyed on Wednesday that it is natural and correct for disputes resulting from mandate contracts concluded by state companies in Romania to be settled in the country."I…

20:55, 08.01.2024

Immigration Inspectorate says Romanian labour market is free to bring in 100,000 immigrants

A contingent of 100,000 workers from other countries are allowed to work on the labour market in Romania in 2024, according to Government Decision no. 1,338 of December 29, 2023, informs the General Inspectorate…

11:20, 05.01.2024

Culture minister announces moratorium to eliminate museum staff salary inequities

Minister of Culture Raluca Turcan announced on Friday that she agreed a moratorium, together with the Culture and Media unions, in order to eliminate the inequities in salaries of museum staff."The first meeting…

15:00, 04.01.2024

As regards Schengen, Romania has taken a big step forward, PM says

Romania has taken a big step forward in terms of the Schengen area, and this year the government will continue to work so that the accession process is finally completed, the prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said…

13:50, 04.01.2024

PM Ciolacu says pensions increased by 13.8pct to enter payment on Friday

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday, at the beginning of the Government meeting, that the payment of pensions increased by 13.8% will start on Friday."Even though we are facing a very important…

15:55, 03.01.2024

Culture & media trade union federation challenges lopsided pay regulations for museum specialists

The National Federation of Culture and Media Trade Unions 'CulturMedia', an affiliate to the 'Cartel Alfa' National Trade Union Confederation, protests against certain provisions of the Government's Emergency Ordinance…