Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:45, 04.03.2021

PNL's Orban/BNS congress: This year we mustn't exceed 7pct deficit, have extremely moderated spending

The leader of the PNL (National Liberal Party), Ludovic Orban, on Thursday said, at the Congress of the National Trade Union Bloc (BNS), that Romania will have to stay within a budget deficit of 7pct this year,…

13:40, 01.03.2021

Romania's e-commerce market exceeds 7bn euros last year (payment processor)

The local e-commerce market reached 7 billion euros last year, up 36% compared to 2019, according to internal and external data analyzed by PayU, the leader of Romania's online payment market. "E-commerce is one…

19:45, 28.01.2021

Andrei Baciu: In phase 1 we exceeded vaccination rate of 92 - 93%

The Secretary of State in the Health Ministry Andrei Baciu stated on Thursday that, during the anti-COVID-19 immunization phase 1 allocated to health and social personnel, the vaccination rate exceeded 92 - 93%.…

15:15, 18.12.2020

Vânzările retailerilor nealimentari au revenit la nivelul dinaintea pandemiei. Consumul este peste nivelul maxim înregistrat înaintea crizei

Vânzările retailerilor nealimentari au revenit la nivelul dinaintea pandemiei. Consumul este peste nivelul maxim înregistrat înaintea crizei Vânzările retailerilor de produse nealimentare au revenit la nivelul…

13:46, 17.12.2020

Colliers: Vanzările retailerilor de produse nealimentare au revenit la nivelul de dinainte de criza provocata de Covid-19

2020 a fost cel mai dificil an pentru retailul românesc de la recesiunea din 2009-2010 încoace, cu centre comerciale complet închise în primăvară timp de două luni, dar impactul general rămâne inegal. Retailerii…

14:25, 20.11.2020

Bucharest reports 1,412 new COVID-19 cases; daily count exceeds 500 in Cluj

Bucharest - 1,412, Cluj - 520, Constanta - 456 and Ilfov - 446 are the areas with the most newly confirmed cases of coronavirus compared to the last report, according to data transmitted on Friday by the Strategic…

14:56, 19.11.2020

Coronavirus/Bucharest City reports 1,473 new cases; daily count exceeds 700 in Cluj County

With 1,473 newly confirmed coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours, Bucharest City marked the highest daily tally increase in Romania, followed by the counties of Cluj - 734, Constanta - 484, Arges - 446, Ilfov…

15:05, 13.11.2020

HealthMin says capacity of ICU sections has not been exceeded and that it will be increased

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said on Friday that the capacity of the ICU sections had not been exceeded and that it would be increased, with a daily assessment of the number of beds and patients in need of intensive…

19:51, 12.11.2020

Sondaj: Aproape 90% dintre companiile active pe piața logistică și industrială vor să intensifice activitatea de comerț online

Opt din 10 companii industriale și de logistică doresc să accelereze investițiile în următoarele 12 luni sau să le mențină la un nivel similar cu cel din ultimii ani, potrivit unui sondaj realizat de Colliers International…

19:00, 12.11.2020

90% dintre companiile active pe piaţa logistică şi industrială din România vor să investească în activitatea de comerţ online (sondaj)

Aproape 90% dintre companiile active pe piaţa logistică şi industrială din România vor să-şi intensifice activitatea de comerţ online, iar mai mult de jumătate dintre dezvoltatori se aşteaptă ca sectorul imobiliar…

13:35, 12.11.2020

Colliers: Aproape 90% dintre companiile active pe piata logistica si industriala din Romania vor sa intensifice activitatea de comert onlin

Peste 8 din 10 companii industriale și de logistică doresc să accelereze investițiile în următoarele 12 luni sau să le mențină la un nivel similar cu cel din ultimii ani, potrivit unui sondaj realizat de Colliers…

16:51, 08.11.2020

Ponta: Together we are stronger, we can exceed 9pct on December 6

Pro Romania Chairman Victor Ponta believes that through the merger between the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and Pro Romania the new party will be stronger and can exceed the score garnered one year…

08:45, 03.11.2020

Mask wearing becomes mandatory in open spaces in localities where infection rate exceeds 1.5/1,000

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) approved, on Monday evening, Decision no. 51, whereby it proposes the mandatory wearing of a protective mask in the county localities where the infection rate…

19:30, 02.11.2020

Orban: I demand Salaj County's prefect quarantine localities where over 6 per 1,000 index exceeded

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said he had demanded that the prefect of Salaj County and the director of the county's Public Health Directorate (DSP) order quarantine in localities where the COVID 19 infection rate…

09:10, 29.10.2020

As many as 368 settlements in Romania exceed 3 in cumulative new COVID-19 cases per 1,000 population

Senior emergency official with the Interior Ministry Raed Arafat said on Wednesday that there were currently 368 settlements in Romania where the 14-day cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases per 1,000 population…

13:51, 19.10.2020

Orban: Nurseries, after schools, not covered by restrictions applicable when critical infection rate exceeded

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that after schools and nurseries can work if they opt to do so, showing that they are not part of the activities subject…

21:55, 12.10.2020

Romania's volume of modern industrial and logistic space to top 5 ml sqm by year-end

Romania's modern industrial and logistic space will top 5 million sqm by the end of this year, shows the most recent exCEEding Borders report by Colliers International.As of H1 2020 this type of property hit 4.72…

16:51, 12.10.2020

RAPORT: Piaţa logistică şi industrială din România va depăşi 5 milioane de metri pătraţi la sfârşitul anului şi există încă loc de creştere

”Spaţiile industriale şi logistice moderne ale României au ajuns la 4,72 milioane de metri pătraţi la sfârşitul primei jumătăţi a 'anului pandemic', în creştere cu 5% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă din 2019. Acestea…

14:30, 12.10.2020

România va depăşi 5 milioane metri pătraţi de spaţii industriale şi logistice moderne, până la finele anului (raport)

Suprafaţa spaţiilor industriale şi logistice moderne va depăşi 5 milioane de metri pătraţi în România, până la sfârşitul acestui an, estimează consultanţii din domeniul imobiliar, potrivit raportului exCEEding…

11:50, 12.10.2020

Colliers: Piața logistică și industrială din România va depăși 5 milioane de metri pătrați la sfârșitul anului 2020

Spațiile industriale și logistice moderne ale României au ajuns la 4,72 milioane de metri pătrați la sfârșitul primei jumătăți a „anului pandemic”, în creștere cu 5% față de aceeași perioadă din 2019. Acestea reprezintă…

18:16, 11.10.2020

Instruction in Bucharest to move online if Covid-91 infections exceeds 3/1,000 population

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Saturday that if the 14-day notification rate of reported COVID-19 cases per 1,000 population exceeds 3 in Bucharest City, classes there will move online. "It is regulated by…

14:50, 09.10.2020

COVID-19 infection rate exceeds 1.5/1,000 in Bucharest City, seven counties

Bucharest City along with the counties of Alba, Valcea, Iasi, Bacau, Teleorman, Neamt and Vaslui are the areas in Romania to have reported a COVID-19 infection rate in excess of 1.5 per 1,000 population, according…

08:50, 06.10.2020

Arafat announces new restrictions in localities where incidence of coronavirus cases exceeds 1.5 per thousand

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Secretary of State Raed Arafat, declared on Monday, after the meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU), that at local level, where…

16:01, 01.10.2020

Orban, on closing restaurants: In localities where infection percentage exceeded, activity to be restricted

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that in the localities where it will be found that the percentage of COVID infections has been exceeded, compared to the one established by the authorities, it will be decided…

10:45, 06.08.2020

Heatwave to grip southern, eastern Romania throughout Saturday

The National Weather Administration (ANM) has issued today a heatwave warning valid today, Friday and Saturday in southern and eastern Romania. Thus, August 6 -8, in the southern and eastern regions the weather…

17:51, 23.07.2020

Modern retail space stock to exceed 4 million sq meters in Romania, at end of 2020

The modern retail stock in Romania, formed of commercial centers, retail parks and commercial galleries with a rentable surface area of minimum 5,000 square meters, will exceed 4 million square meters, until the…

12:45, 15.07.2020

Romania's public deficit could exceed 9 pct without pension increase from 1 September

Romania's public deficit could exceed 9 pct, without taking into account the pension increase from 1 September, Eugen Radulescu, director of the Stability Directorate of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), warned…

11:57, 09.07.2020

Code Orange for floods, exceedances of defence levels on Prut River, until midnight

A Code Orange warning for floods and exceedances of defence levels is in force on the Prut River until midnight today, according to information from the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA).…

11:52, 11.06.2020

PM Orban's goal is for Romania to exceed, in maximum five years, average GDP at European level

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has stated on Thursday that his goal is for Romania to exceed, in maximum five years, the average value of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita at European level, and to launch…

18:07, 06.05.2020

ALDE's Vosganian: EC forecast for Romania in 2020 is exceedingly alarming

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Spokesman Varujan Vosganian has stated on Wednesday that from the perspective of recession and budget unbalances, Romania seems to be the most affected economy in the European…