Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:00, 12.08.2023

PM Ciolacu on International Youth Day: Youth energy inspires and mobilises us

PM Ciolacu on International Youth Day: Youth energy inspires and mobilises usYoung people are the future, and the energy of their age and the enthusiasm with which they step into life need real perspectives in…

14:40, 10.08.2023

New REPowerEU plan to be presented to EC will focus on Romanians directly dedicated programmes (PM Ciolacu)

The new REPowerEU plan, worth a total of 1.4 billion euros, which the government will send to the European Commission by the end of August, will be focused on programmes directly dedicated to Romanians, 600 million…

16:15, 04.08.2023

Romania to launch EBRD-backed renewable energy auctions

Romania will soon launch its first auction for a contract-for-difference (CfD) support scheme for renewable energy, under which onshore wind power projects and solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a total capacity…

10:31, 04.08.2023

PM Ciolacu: Neptun Deep Project will increase Romania's energy security

PM Ciolacu: Neptun Deep Project will increase Romania's energy securityPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that the Neptun Deep project, which involves the extraction of gas from the Black Sea, is a strategic one…

10:00, 02.08.2023

Europe is set for a record solar summer and is wasting it

The European Union should take steps to stop the waste of solar energy and limit negative pricing in order to encourage investment, according to renewable energy groups, according to Bloomberg. While Europe will…

08:36, 01.08.2023

(P) De ce să optezi pentru o pompă de căldură aer-apă Energy Save în locul sistemelor tradiționale de încălzire?

(P) De ce să optezi pentru o pompă de căldură aer-apă Energy Save în locul sistemelor tradiționale de încălzire? În contextul creșterii preocupării pentru protecția mediului și a eficienței energetice, pompele…

16:55, 29.07.2023

Sute de activiști turci s-au legat de copaci ca să protejeze o pădure

Activiști turci pentru mediu din sud-vestul Turciei au protestat joi, pentru a patra zi, legându-se de copaci. Ei au încercat să împiedice tăierea unei păduri pentru a putea fi extinsă o mină de cărbune. Un avocat…

13:35, 26.07.2023

Tratatul care ne poate băga în groapă! Cu un singur gest puteam scăpa de frații Micula sau Gold Corporation

Mai multe organizații de mediu și think tank-uri solicită Guvernului României să susțină retragerea din Tratatul Carta Energiei, după ce Comisia Europeană a anunțat intenția pentru o retragere la unison a statelor…

17:05, 18.07.2023

Nuclearelectrica, Moldova's energy company Energocom sign long-term energy cooperation MoU

National Company Nuclearelectrica and the Republic of Moldova's energy company Energocom signed on Tuesday in Cernavoda a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of long-term energy cooperation and the…

11:55, 17.07.2023

Romania's primary energy output, up 3.4 pct in first 5 months of 2023

Romania's primary energy output, up 3.4 pct in first 5 months of 2023. Romania's primary energy output increased by 3.4% in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period in 2022, while imports…

09:35, 17.07.2023

Brussels urges Romania, Hungary, Croatia to report on green energy

The European Commission has sent reasoned opinions to Romania, Hungary, and Croatia for not complying with their reporting obligations regarding their respective energy targets, according to Euractiv.  The Commission…

14:20, 12.07.2023

Isarescu, about listing of Hidroelectrica: Bucharest Stock Exchange is taking its maturity exam today

The Bucharest Stock Exchange is taking its maturity exam with the listing of Hidroelectrica, a leader in electricity production and the main supplier of technological services needed in the national energy system,…

09:50, 12.07.2023

Hidroelectrica Company, to get listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange on Wednesday

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, representatives of the financial-banking market, the central public authority and company directors will participate on Wednesday in the…

10:05, 11.07.2023

Tot mai multe transacții prin inteligență artificială, pe piața de electricitate din Europa

Un trader danez de energie analizează în fiecare zi aproximativ 30 de milioane de seturi de date, în încercarea de a prezice cum perdeaua de nori din Spania şi temperaturile din Germania ar putea să se repercuteze…

22:00, 10.07.2023

Fechet: Romania has a significant and diversified capacity to produce energy from renewable sources

Romania has a significant and diversified capacity to produce energy from renewable sources, and integrated land use planning allows the identification of areas with a low value of biodiversity for renewable energy…

14:10, 09.07.2023

Nou scandal care îl implica pe Elon Musk. Dă în judecată o firmă de avocatură celebră

Elon Musk a dat în judecată firma de avocatură de elită Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, pentru a recupera cea mai mare parte a onorariilor de 90 de milioane de dolari pe care aceasta le-a primit de la Twitter pentru…

08:10, 09.07.2023

Elon Musk a dat în judecată firma de avocatură de elită Wachtell, pentru a recupera onorariile încasate de aceasta în cazul preluării Twitter

Plângerea făcută de compania X Corp a lui Musk, care deţine Twitter, a fost depusă miercuri la Curtea Superioară din California, din San Francisco. Musk acuză Wachtell că a exploatat Twitter acceptând, în ultimele…

12:35, 08.07.2023

Afaceri Constanta: Firma noua la Schitu. Cine este fondatorul

O noua societate care se ocupa cu productia de energie electrica si a pus bazele in satul Schitu, comuna Costinesti, judetul Constanta.Potrivit datelor din Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, societatea se numeste 3…

10:45, 07.07.2023

Five Romanian tennis players qualify for the quarterfinals of the ITF tournament in Brasov

Five of the eight tennis players who qualified for the quarterfinals of the Ion Tiriac Trophy (ITF) tournament, with total prizes of US 25,000 dollars, organized by the Olimpia Tennis Club in Brasov, are Romanians.…

10:30, 07.07.2023

10,281 retirees drawing special state pensions in June 2023

The number of people drawing a special pension in Romania in June 2023 was standing at 10,281, the same as in the previous month, with 5,271 of them - up 19 from May - doing so under Law 303/2004 on prosecutors…

10:30, 07.07.2023

Over 140k persons enter Romania on Thursday, including round 17k Ukrainians

The Border Police Inspectorate General (IGPR) informs that 140,692 people entered Romania on Thursday through the border crossing points, including 17,026 Ukrainian citizens. CITESTE SI 10,281 retirees drawing…

21:50, 06.07.2023

Ministry of Energy: Another step towards meeting Milestone 129 of PNRR for hydrogen production

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, signed the agreements for the amicable termination of the current financing contracts related to Milestone 129, the hydrogen milestone, with the seven beneficiaries, the…

20:20, 28.06.2023

CNSU approves decision on termination of epidemiological and biological risk state generated by COVID-19 pandemic

CNSU approves decision on termination of epidemiological and biological risk state generated by COVID-19 pandemic. The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) approved the decision regarding the end…

20:05, 28.06.2023

President Iohannis promulgates law repealing special pensions of MPs

President Iohannis promulgates law repealing special pensions of MPs. President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Wednesday the law repealing the special pensions of MPs. CITESTE SI CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss…

20:05, 28.06.2023

CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss Romania's objectives for NATO summit

CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss Romania's objectives for NATO summit.President Klaus Iohannis has called on the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) to convene on July 6 at the Cotroceni Presidential…

18:00, 28.06.2023

Ministry of Energy announces European Commission's last requests to be implemented according to terms in regulation

Ministry of Energy announces European Commission's last requests to be implemented according to terms in regulation. The latest requests and observations of the European Commission for the completion of milestones…

14:30, 28.06.2023

Investiție importantă pentru construcția unei fabrici de baterii de ultimă generație în România

În perioada 26 – 27 iunie 2023, la Bruxelles, ministrul economiei, antreprenoriatului și turismului, Ștefan-Radu Oprea, a participat la evenimentul de lansare a proiectului Romvolt, prin care se creează premisele…

17:50, 27.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: We will recover delayed milestones from PNRR on energy at accelerated pace

PM Ciolacu: We will recover delayed milestones from PNRR on energy at accelerated pace. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu welcomes the announcement of the European Commission regarding the payment request number two…

11:45, 22.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: With the start of Neptun Deep project, Romania is taking decisive step to energy independence

PM Ciolacu: With the start of Neptun Deep project, Romania is taking decisive step to energy independence. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that with the start of the Neptun Deep project for the exploitation…

14:45, 21.06.2023

Euro trades at 4.9627 RON

Euro trades at 4.9627 RONThe exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: CITESTE SI Ciuca:…