Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:13, 24.07.2019

Câți bani câștigă Ana Morodan pe lună

Ana Morodan, supranumită Contesa Digitală, a dezvăluit ce sumă de bani încasează lunar. Ana Morodan, pe care telespectatorii o cunosc și de la emisiunea Asia Express, de la Antena 1, a reușit să-și facă o carieră…

17:26, 04.07.2019

ForMin Melescanu: We count on Finland to endorse our cause in terms of joining Schengen

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu told a news conference on Thursday, occasioned by the launching of the Finnish Presidency at the EU Council, that Romania counts on Finland's support in terms of joining…

17:27, 02.07.2019

Senate President Tariceanu meets Moldovan PM Sandu: Romania will further endorse R. Moldova's European aspirations

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu on Tuesday had a meeting with Moldovan Prime Minister Maia Sandu, who is paying an official visit to Romania, context in which the Romanian dignitary congratulated her for…

17:26, 01.07.2019

ALDE's Tariceanu: We will endorse Dan Radu Rusanu's candidacy for a non-executive position in BNR's BD

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) will endorse Dan Radu Rusanu's candidacy for a non-executive position in the Board of Directors (BD) of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu…

21:14, 25.06.2019

Iohannis: Endorsement of Administrative Code through OUG, serious attempt to entire administrative system

The endorsement of the Administrative Code through a Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG, ed. n.) is a serious attempt to the entire administrative system in Romania, on Tuesday said President Klaus Iohannis, according…

17:14, 25.06.2019

PM Dancila says gov't endorses draft piece of legislation on ridesharing

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced that the draft piece of legislation on the regulation of the persons' alternative transport services through digital applications will be adopted in Tuesday's gov't sitting."Today…

17:25, 24.06.2019

Joint Foreign Affairs Committees: Declaration for endorsing new Gov't in Chisinau

The Senate's and the Deputies' Chamber's Foreign Affairs Committees approved on Monday a draft declaration on endorsing the new Government in Chisinau and the commitment for the European journey of the Republic…

09:03, 31.05.2019

UDMR to endorse Eckstein-Kovacs Peter for ombudsman

National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor announced on Thursday in Cluj-Napoca that UDMR will endorse Eckstein-Kovacs Peter for ombudsman.Asked at a press conference about…

09:03, 31.05.2019

USR asks Senate to speed up Ombudsman appointment; proposes Peter Eckstein-Kovacs, endorsed by PNL and PMP

Save Romania Union (USR) Senators' leader Adrian Wiener asked Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu on Thursday to initiate the procedures for the Ombudsman appointment, USR's proposal for this office, also…

16:23, 12.04.2019

Parliament to endorse President Iohannis's referendum request

Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Social Democrat Eugen Nicolicea said on Friday that Parliament will endorse President Klaus Iohannis's request regarding the May 26 referendum."As regards the referendum,…

17:53, 28.03.2019

FinMin Teodorovici says amendments to Ordinance 114 based on BNR's data, endorsed by BNR

The latest amendments to the Ordinance 114 are based largely on the data submitted by the National Bank of Romania (BNR), an institution that has greenlighted the document in its current form, Finance Minister…

20:46, 08.03.2019

#Romania2019.eu/Toader: Candidate for European Chief Prosecutor position does not need Gov't's endorsement

The candidate running for the position of European Chief Prosecutor does not need the endorsement of the government of the country he/she comes from, Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Friday, while the European…

17:17, 25.02.2019

PSD's Dragnea: Mircea Draghici gave up his AEP nomination: PSD endorses Constantin Florin Mituletu-Buica

PSD (Social Democratic Party) decided to endorse the current secretary general of AEP (Permanent Electoral Authority), Constantin Florin Mituletu-Buica, to become the next head of this institution, PSD leader Liviu…

09:49, 07.02.2019

Deputy PM Birchall at Global Coalition to defeat Daesh: Dancila Gov't firmly endorses fight against terrorism

The Dancila Government firmly endorses the fight against terrorism and opposes all forms of extremism and fundamentalist behaviors and actions, because there is no justification for any kind of terrorism, regardless…

13:27, 04.02.2019

PM Dancila endorses a relocation of budget funds from services to healthcare

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila endorses a relocation of budget funds from services to healthcare.  "We have three priority areas in which we want to make important steps: healthcare, education and public investment.…

18:34, 15.01.2019

Start-up Europe Summit to be hosted by Cluj-Napoca; Municipality endorses event with 282,000 lei

Cluj-Napoca city will host the Start-up Europe Summit in March, taking into account that the local councilors approved on Tuesday the allocation of 282,000 lei for organising the event.The draft, voted by 25 councilors,…

19:57, 21.11.2018

PSD's Dragnea: 'I'm endorsing Olguta for any position'

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Wednesday that is endorsing Lia Olguta Vasilescu for any office."I have been fully endorsing Olguta - and not from now - since it was a…

10:12, 16.11.2018

Decizie radicală la KFC, Pizza Hut şi Taco Bell din România. Ce schimbă din 2019

Toate restaurantele KFC, Pizza Hut şi Taco Bell din România vor renunţa la paiele din plastic, începând cu 1 aprilie 2019, a anunţat Sphera Franchise Group, care deţine companiile ce operează în sistem de franciză…

12:54, 13.11.2018

Parliament endorses Claudia Nicolae for AGERPRES director general

In a joint meeting on Tuesday, Parliament's culture committees endorsed Claudia Nicolae for director general of the AGERPRES National News Agency.  The decision was made by a majority vote. There were three abstentions. Claudia…

22:44, 09.11.2018

Hungary's ForMin Szijjarto says Hungary won't endorse in EP any kind of attacks on Romania

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister of Hungary Peter Szijjarto gave assurances that his country will not endorse in the European Parliament any kind of attacks on Romania.The Hungarian official stated that Romania…

16:43, 06.11.2018

FinMin Teodorovici says Romania endorses common solution at EU level on digital services tax

Romania endorses the version of a common solution at the European Union level regarding the taxation of digital services, not the implementation of individual solutions of the member states, Public Finance Minister…

11:55, 22.10.2018

Decathlon organizează Decathlon Streetball, prima competiție de baschet 3x3

Decathlon, unul dintre cei mai mari retaileri de articole sportive din România, organizează Decathlon Streetball, prima competiție de baschet 3x3, pe terenurile Poli Arena din cadrul Universității Politehnica București. …

09:31, 27.09.2018

Leroy Merlin are un nou membru în Comitetul de Direcție: Andreea Mihai

Leroy Merlin este actualmente numărul 2 pe piața de DYI din România și dorește să devină numărul 1. Experiența Andreei Mihai cumulată în cei 18 ani de activitate, în calitate de membru în Comiteul Executiv al unui…

23:26, 16.09.2018

NASA ar putea plasa reclame pe navele spatiale si sa permita endorsementul astronautilor

O nava spatiala trimisa pe Marte ar putea avea, in viitor, logo-ul ciocolatei Mars plasat pe una dintre aripile sale. NASA a intocmit un comitet pentru a explora oportunitatile de branding si endorsement pe navele…

15:34, 26.06.2018

UDMR 's Kelemen Hunor: No reasons to suspend President Iohannis

Chair of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Tuesday that there are no reasons to suspend President Iohannis from office.  "Has he broken the Constitution and the decision of…

00:31, 15.04.2018

Romania's Gov't endorses and stands in solidarity with action of US, UK and France in Syria

Romania endorses and stands in solidarity with the firm response action of the US, the UK and France in Syria, following the chemical attack on 7 April 2018, a release of the Government sent to STIRIPESURSE.RO…

19:21, 16.01.2018

PM Shinzo Abe assures that Japan's Gov't will endorse Bucharest development projects

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gave assurances on Tuesday, during talks with Mayor Gabriela Firea, that the Government which he leads will endorse the development projects of Bucharest, mentioning his hope for…

19:07, 16.01.2018

President Iohannis: Romania endorses rigorous implementation of international sanctions imposed to North Korea

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that Romania endorses the rigorous implementation of international sanctions imposed to North Korea by the UN and the EU and voiced hope that the efforts of the international…

19:43, 18.11.2017

Turneu de baschet 3x3 la City Park Mall!

Ar putea sa va intereseze: Paradă pentru respect 7.06.2010 Paradă pentru Cupa Mondială 10.06.2010 La Constanța are loc, pentru a cincea oară, simpozionul „Femeia turcă din Balcani” 11.06.2010 Motoare, cât vezi…

15:17, 18.11.2017

Patru fotbalisti ai campioanei Romaniei la fotbal, FC Viitorul Constanta au jucat baschet la 3x3 Constanta Streetplay

Bogdan Tiru, Carlo Casap, Robert Hodorgea si Alexandru Cicaldau. fotbalistii campioanei Romaniei la fotbal, FC Viitorul Constanta au jucat baschet astazi la 3x3 Constanta Streetplay. Reamintim ca, cel mai tare…