Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:40, 24.12.2021

Giurgiu: More than 22 tonnes of waste paper stopped at Giurgiu border crossing point

More than 22 tonnes of waste paper, which a Romanian citizen was transporting from Bulgaria to Romania without complete cross-border documents, was stopped at the Giurgiu border crossing point. "The border policemen…

15:05, 03.12.2021

Romanians traveling to Bulgaria in December will need an European digital COVID certificate

Romanians entering the territory of Bulgaria in December can only do so if, in addition to their travel documents, they will present a European COVID digital certificate and will be selectively subjected to rapid…

12:05, 11.11.2021

Two Turkish nationals holding false Bulgarian identity documents found at PTF Curtici

Two Turkish nationals holding what might look like Bulgarian identity documents were found on Thursday at the Curtici Border Crossing Point (PTF) between Romania and Hungary, where they were trying to enter Hungary…

15:45, 24.09.2021

AEP: 121 Romanian citizens received forms to candidate in the local elections in Italy

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) announced on Friday that 121 Romanian citizens residing in Italy have asked and received the documents they needed to be able to register as a candidate in the local elections…

13:30, 23.09.2021

Prosecutors seize documents from City Insurance

Prosecutors with the General Prosecutor's Office on Thursday morning were seizing documents from the City Insurance company's headquarters, as part of a criminal case opened following a complaint filed by the Financial…

13:56, 23.07.2021

Five foreign travelers caught at border with fake IDs

Five foreign passengers who were about to leave the country by train and bus were caught by the Arad border police using forged documents or belonging to other people. Three people from the Republic of Guinea Bissau,…

16:40, 20.07.2021

PM Citu on gov't document on his support: Those who say it's real, should bring evidence

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Tuesday said that those who claim that the government document with the score on the internal campaign in the PNL (National Liberal Party) is real must present evidence, and added…

09:11, 20.07.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: According to documents gathered by prosecutors, police, Clotilde Armand lost the elections

According to the documents gathered by prosecutors and the Romanian Police, Clotilde Armand lost the elections, Social Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday evening, also announcing that, as soon as this…

12:05, 26.05.2021

VIDEO | 'Iesirea trenurilor din gara' to premiere in Romanian cinemas on June 18

The documentary "Iesirea trenurilor din gara" (The Exit of the Trains), directed by Radu Jude and historian Adrian Cioflanca, will premiere in Romanian cinemas on June 18. "The exit of the Trains" is a documentary…

14:45, 19.04.2021

PM Citu: We will look at all documents that have been issued recently by Ministry of Health

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Monday that should there be referrals and solid elements, an investigation will be started regarding the closed vaccination centers, but, at this moment, all the documents…

14:15, 04.03.2021

'Henri Coanda' airport implements biometric travel documents verification system comparing facial images

The Romanian Border Police implements an automatic system for verifying biometric travel documents by comparing facial images at the "Henri Coanda" International Airport, according to AGERPRES. "The pilot project…

18:51, 12.01.2021

People without id documents can be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Romania

COVID-19 vaccination campaign coordinator Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that people who do not have identity documents can also be vaccinated. "People without a piece of identification cannot register with…

10:05, 08.01.2021

Minister of Education wants integrated national registry of diplomas and study documents

Minister of Education Sorin Cimpeanu said on Thursday that he would like the creation of a single integrated national registry of diplomas and study documents, which will include the baccalaureate, the bachelor's…

08:30, 06.12.2020

Șapte ore au lucreat salvamontiștii pentru salvare unor tineri din Republica Moldova, blocați in Abruptul Prahovean

Peste șapte ore a durat intervenția salvamontiștilor pentru salvarea a patru tineri din Republica Moldova, care au rămas sâmbătă seara blocați în Abruptul Prahovean, unde au pornit pe baza unor informații găsite…

08:15, 06.12.2020

Romania's Embassy in Copenhagen publishes list of documents that can be presented at voting in Denmark, Iceland

The Romanian citizens domiciled in Romania and residing abroad can vote in parliamentary elections only if they present a Romanian identity document and an official document issued by the foreign state regarding…

10:00, 16.11.2020

Piatra Neamt fire/Searches carried out on Sunday evening at County Emergency Hospital

Several searches took place on Sunday evening at the Piatra-Neamt County Emergency Hospital (SJU), according to a press release of the health unit management sent to AGERPRES on Monday. The searches ended on Monday…

11:40, 05.08.2020

Prerequisites for entering Cyprus change as COVID-19 pandemic goes on

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) said on Wednesday that Cyprus has revised the requirements for entering the country as the COVID-19 pandemic goes on. According to the MAE, Romania remains a category C country,…

21:57, 13.07.2020

LabMin Alexandru: We must check documents Romanian employers submit with IGI for work permits

We must check the contractual conditions stipulated in the documents that the Romanian employers submit with the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI), including in such cases when the work relations are cut…

16:18, 13.07.2020

Romanian Police disband 3mil euro Arab-Romanian illicit clothing trading group

Romanian Police officers with the Economic Crime Investigation Directorate dismantled on Monday an organised criminal group led by Arab nationals dealing with the manufacture and sale of clothing without any legal…

18:40, 11.03.2020

3 instanțe din Neamț își limitează activitatea: se vor judeca doar urgențele, în ședințe nepublice

Pentru a preveni răspândirea infecțiilor respiratorii, instanțele din județul Neamț, cu excepția Judecătoriei Bicaz și a Judecătoriei Târgu Neamț, au decis să-și limiteze activitatea, în perioada 12-31 martie.…

16:41, 11.03.2020

200th birth anniversary of ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza exhibition opens at Romanian Academy Library

Pictures, letters, diplomatic documents, archival documents, press copies in the possession of the Romanian Academy Library illustrating both the role played by Alexandru Ioan Cuza in the Union of 1859 and the…

12:08, 20.02.2020

InterimFinMin Citu says former gov't discussed dangers of overshooting deficit target, agrees on inquiry committee

Interim Finance Minister Florin Citu of the National Liberal Party (PNL) said Wednesday evening that he agrees on a parliamentary inquiry committee being set up to which he will present all the documents and notes…

14:02, 15.01.2020

IN-HOUSE DOCUMENTS. A large pharma company, KRKA, has been bribing doctors in Romania for over a decade and holds an “amortization” column in the Excel…

Libertatea has retrieved over 2 gigabytes of inside information (contracts, Excel documents, consolidated tables) from the Slovenian company KRKA and testimonies from several employees. For over a decade, the pharma…

14:32, 03.01.2020

FinMin Citu says tax evasion has grown into a national security issue

Minister of Public Finance, Florin Citu, considers that tax evasion has grown into a national security issue and announces that early this year he will refer to the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) the…

07:22, 25.11.2019

La doar o zi după prezidențiale încep dezbaterile finale în marele 'Dosar Colectiv'

Tribunalul Bucureşti începe luni dezbaterile finale în dosarul Colectiv, în care sunt judecaţi, printre alţii, fostul primar al Sectorului 4 Cristian Popescu-Piedone şi patronii clubului.Citește și: BOMBĂ - Liviu…

09:07, 22.11.2019

IntMin Vela about August 10 2018: Cover-up started with classifying certain documents

Interior Minister Marcel Vela considers that in the case of the events of August 10, 2018, there was a "cover up" that started right with classifying some documents, which would involve "some civil and criminal…

11:24, 18.10.2019

Barna about being investigated after media article: I ask DLAF to immediately send documents to DNA

USR (Save Romania Union) head Dan Barna asked the Fight Against Fraud Department (DLAF) to send DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate) all documents involving him and accused the using of the information from…

15:06, 12.05.2019

HealthMin Pintea: Significant drop in demand for documents confirming studies in order to exercise profession abroad

Minister of Health Sorina Pintea, in a message conveyed on the occasion of International Nurses Day on Sunday expressed her respect for the activity of the medical staff for the efforts made in the provision of…

16:13, 10.05.2019

Interim JusMin Birchall:Courts confirmed that all extradition conditions were met for Mazare's extradition

Interim Minister of Justice Ana Birchall announced that the institution which she leads received from the Romanian court houses the documents establishing that the legal conditions have been met for the extradition…

13:38, 19.04.2019

IntMin Dan - August 10 file: I recommend Prosecutor General's Office to find the guilty based on evidence

The Ministry of Interior on January 31 submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office all the documents (declassified in full or in part) regarding the August 10, 2018, events, and the prosecutors should "search…