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14:00, 14.02.2024

Euro trades at RON 4.9760

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON1 Euro EUR 4.97601…

09:45, 14.02.2024

Un bărbat a murit, după ce a intrat cu mașina, în plin, în camera de urgență a unui spital din Austin. 5 pacienți au fost răniți

O mașină a intrat marți, 13 februarie, în viteză, în camera de urgență a spitalului St. David's North din Austin, statul american Texas, șoferul a murit, 5 persoane, inclusiv doi copii, au fost rănite, au transmis…

14:25, 13.02.2024

Euro trades at 4.9761 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97611 US…

14:30, 12.02.2024

Euro trades at RON 4.9753

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97531 US…

13:51, 08.02.2024

Euro trades at 4.9764 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97641…

14:05, 06.02.2024

Euro trades at 4.9760 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97601 US…

09:30, 05.02.2024

Kosovo’s block on the Serbian currency raises alarm in the EU and US

The European Union and the United States expressed their deep concern Sunday after Kosovo banned the use of the Serbian currency and police raided the premises of organizations working with the Serb minority in…

14:15, 02.02.2024

Euro trades at 4.9728 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON1 Euro EUR 4.9728 1 US…

15:20, 01.02.2024

Euro trades at 4.9747 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows, agerpres reports:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1…

14:10, 31.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9759 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9759…

15:20, 30.01.2024

DNSC investigates cyber security incident at the Chamber of Deputies

The National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) has been notified about the security breach at the Chamber of Deputies, and experts are currently working with other cyber authorities to investigate the incident,…

14:40, 30.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9769 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9769 1…

13:55, 26.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9763 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9763 1 US…

13:50, 25.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9765 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9765…

13:45, 23.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9767 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9767 1…

13:45, 22.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9768 RON

Euro trades at 4.9768 RONThe exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL…

18:00, 18.01.2024

Seven Romanian pilots train at F-16 Centre in Fetesti, first flight takes place on Monday (MApN)

Seven Romanian pilots train at F-16 Centre in Fetesti, first flight takes place on Monday (MApN)The first flight of a Romanian pilot trained at the European F-16 Training Center (EFTC), with an F-16 aircraft provided…

00:35, 16.01.2024

Stresul afectează grav somnul: Neuronii o iau razna, avertizează specialiștii

După o noapte petrecută zvârcolindu-ne în pat cu o mie de griji, memoria se clatină și emoțiile par dezechilibrate: de vină este stresul, care întrerupe multe procese cruciale pentru sănătate odată cu somnul. Un…

22:36, 15.01.2024

A fost descoperită 'amprenta chimică': Cheia ce menține vie dragostea și dorința pentru un partener

A fost descoperită 'amprenta chimică': Cheia ce menține vie dragostea și dorința pentru un partenerOamenii de știință au descoperit că dopamina este cheia care menține vie dragostea și dorința pentru un partener.…

22:20, 15.01.2024

Nu poți dormi deloc? Stresul este de vină: activează neuronii care perturbă somnul

După o noapte petrecută zvârcolindu-ne în pat cu o mie de griji, memoria se clatină și emoțiile par dezechilibrate: de vină este stresul, care întrerupe multe procese cruciale pentru sănătate odată cu somnul. Un…

14:55, 15.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9736 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9736 1 US…

13:26, 12.01.2024

Current account deficit down by 16.97% in the first 11 months of 2023

Current account deficit down by 16.97% in the first 11 months of 2023The current account of the balance of payments recorded, in the period January - November 2023, a deficit of 20.2 billion euros, 16.97% lower…

14:05, 11.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9723 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9723…

14:10, 09.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9715 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9715 1…

15:21, 05.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9744 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows, agerpres reports:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro…

14:20, 03.01.2024

Euro trades at 4.9731 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97311…

14:20, 29.12.2023

Euro trades at 4.9746 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.97461 US…

08:01, 29.12.2023

AJOFM Botoșani a finalizat implementarea proiectului ”ICOPROF-BT-R: Informare, consiliere, orientare profesională - Centru de sprijin pentru cariera ta”

Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă Botoșani, în calitate de beneficiar împreună cu partenerul SC Current Trends Consulting SRL a finalizat implementarea proiectului ”ICOPROF-BT-R: Informare, consiliere,…

14:05, 28.12.2023

Euro trades at 4.9753 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.9753 1…

18:16, 21.12.2023

Imagini din Praga, din timpul atacului armat de la universitatea din centrul orașului: Studenții s-au ascuns pe acoperiș și s-au baricadat în săli | FOTO

O serie de imagini distribuite pe rețelele de socializare arată cum studenții din cadrul Universităţii Caroline, din centrul orașului Praga, s-au ascuns în timpul atacului armat de joi, 21 decembrie, soldat cu…