Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:30, 09.06.2021

DNA: CVM report highlights certain issues that could affect the clampdown on corruption

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) says that it has made and is making special efforts to continue the fight against high-level corruption, but points out that the European Commission's latest report…

21:15, 04.06.2021

JusMin Ion: We are firmly committed to unprecedented efforts in the fight against corruption

The Minister of Justice, Stelian Ion, participated in the special session of the UN General Assembly, in which context he stated that "unprecedented" efforts in the fight against corruption are being "firmly" undertaken.…

19:25, 28.05.2021

IMF recommends Romanian authorities to re-energize fight against corruption, improve economic governance

International Monetary Fund experts recommend Romanian authorities to re-energize the fight against corruption and efforts to improve government effectiveness, and also improve the governance of state-owned enterprises…

15:55, 27.05.2021

48 defendants definitively convicted in April in corruption cases

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) announced on Thursday that 48 defendants have been convicted in April in corruption cases. "In April, in the corruption cases investigated by DNA, 48 defendants were…

13:00, 13.05.2021

Marian Vanghelie, sentenced to 11 years and 8 months in prison for corruption, decision not final

Former mayor of Bucharest's Sector 5 Marian Vanghelie was sentenced on Thursday by the Bucharest Court to 11 years and 8 months in prison, in a case in which he was sent to court by anti-corruption prosecutors…

12:41, 05.05.2021

GRECO points to slow progress of Romanian judicial reform

The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the Council of Europe anti-corruption body said on Wednesday that Romania has made some progress in implementing judicial reform since a Liberal-led government took…

17:30, 12.04.2021

O organizaţie media internaţională se declară îngrijorată de descinderile FSB în apartamentul jurnalistului de investigaţie Roman Anin

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), reţea de centre de investigaţii, mass-media şi jurnalişti care operează în Europa de Est, Caucaz, Asia Centrală şi America Centrală, s-a arătat îngrijorată…

18:20, 17.03.2021

Speaker Orban: Governing coalition has clear zero tolerance position towards corruption

Romania is on the right track regarding respect of the rule of law, and the coalition Government has a very clear zero tolerance position towards corruption, said, on Wednesday, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,…

18:05, 17.02.2021

Prosecutor General Scutea, US embassy chargé d'affaires Muniz, on combating corruption and organized crime

The Prosecutor General Gabriela Scutea had a meeting on Wednesday with the chargé d'affaires with the United States' embassy in Bucharest, David Muniz, the topics discussed being combating corruption and organized…

20:50, 16.02.2021

JusMin at meeting with US chargé d'affaires a.i.: Economic development gains momentum when corruption decreases

Minister of Justice Stelian Ion met today with US chargé d'affaires ad interim in Bucharest David Muniz, stating on this occasion that the institutions with responsibilities in the fight against corruption will…

10:10, 27.01.2021

IntMin Bode: Minister's Control Body, Audit Directorate, Anti-corruption Directorate switch under my direct authority

Minister of the Interior Lucian Bode told a televised show on Tuesday evening that during the day he issued an order placing several directorates - the Minister's Control Body, the Audit Directorate, the General…

11:56, 07.01.2021

In timp ce Guvernul doarme... Samsarii pădurilor simt din nou miros de profit

Mult discutatul sistem SUMAL 2.0, de urmărire în timp real a tăierilor și transporturilor de copaci, ar trebui să fie operațional la 1 februarie, după mai multe amânări, însă au apărut semnale că nici acest termen…

00:00, 07.01.2021

Samsarii pădurilor simt din nou miros de profit

Mult discutatul sistem SUMAL 2.0, de urmărire în timp real a tăierilor și transporturilor de copaci, ar trebui să fie operațional la 1 februarie, după mai multe amânări, însă au apărut semnale că nici acest termen…

15:10, 23.12.2020

Governing programme/Judiciary - abolition of Section investigating magistrates; strengthening fight against corruption

The abolition of the Section investigating magistrates, the reorganization of the Judicial Inspection, the elimination of the early retirement scheme for magistrates and the strengthening of the fight against corruption…

05:06, 17.12.2020

Donald Trump, derapaj rasist grav: "Puterea albilor" - Un VIDEO controversat a fost distribuit de președinte

Postarea vine în contextul unei ample şi intense dezbateri naţionale în SUA despre rasă şi discriminare, în urma unor violenţe ale poliţiei şi după moartea lui George Floyd.Proteste sub stindardul 'Black Lives…

12:00, 09.12.2020

Iohannis: It is absolutely fundamental for health of state, society to firmly fight corruption

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Wednesday on the occasion of the International Anticorruption Day, stressing that the phenomenon of corruption must be fought "firmly" by the institutions responsible…

12:11, 26.11.2020

DNA: 67 searches in Bucharest and five counties in three cases related to corruption and money laundering

Prosecutors from the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) on Thursday are conducting 67 searches in Bucharest and the Suceava, Bistrita-Nasaud, Botosani, Neamt and Bacau counties, in three investigations…

16:46, 17.11.2020

US Ambassador: One must understand corruption, murder and human trafficking days are over in Romania

US Ambassador in Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman told a Tuesday's news conference in Iasi that this year the Orban Government has made great efforts to ensure the rule of law which has been neglected in the past, in…

13:45, 06.11.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Orban Gov't, most incompetent and corrupt government post-Revolution

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated, on Friday, in Buzau, where he participated in the launching of the electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections, that the Government…

15:40, 04.11.2020

PSD leader Ciolacu: Iohannis pledging his personal credibility to bail out corrupt, out-of-grip Gov't

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that President Klaus Iohannis has come to "pledge his personal credibility" in order to save a "corrupt", "out of grip" government, instead…

18:50, 27.10.2020

Strategia lui Trump în ultima săptămână de campanie, în mijlocul unui nou val COVID: Ignorați coronavirusul!

Pe măsură ce SUA ating noi recorduri în ceea ce privește numărul de noi cazuri COVID, Donald Trump mizează pe faptul că alegătorii sunt mai interesați de starea economiei și de ridicare restricțiilor decât de controlarea…

17:31, 26.10.2020

#alegeriSUA Trump acuză media că stimulează intenţionat o frenezie în legătură cu înmulţirea cazurilor de coronavirus

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a postat luni o serie de comentarii pe Twitter, acuzând media că stimulează intenţionat o frenezie privind înmulţirea cazurilor de coronavirus, el afirmând că bilanţul ridicat…

14:25, 05.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Ciolos: September 27 can be the moment of a new beginning when we can rid ourselves of corruption virus

Chairman of the Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS) Dacian Ciolos declared on Saturday in Ploiesti that election day - September 27 can be "the moment of a new beginning for Romania" if the citizens turn…

21:45, 31.08.2020

PSD:Romanians could see themselves who supports corruption, party switching and incompetence of Orban Gov't

All Romanians could see for themselves who supports the corruption, party switching and incompetence of the Orban Gov't and who opposes it, state the Social Democrats, after, on Monday, the session of the Parliament's…

13:26, 22.08.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: PSD reconstruction has begun; zero tolerance towards corruption and abuse

The reconstruction of the Social Democrat Party (PSD) has started, and starting today the future of social democracy in Romania will be decided, said, on Saturday, at the extraordinary congress of the party, the…

11:30, 06.08.2020

Independent MP Dan argues corrupt politicians trying to discredit his activity

Independent MP Nicusor Dan, a candidate for Bucharest general mayor, claims that "certain people in the sphere of corruption in Bucharest" and "some corrupt politicians" are trying to discredit his activity, saying…

22:51, 06.07.2020

108 cases of fraud with European funds taken to court by anti-corruption prosecutors in 2019

The financial enquiries and investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) help the investigative bodies identify the natural or legal persons involved in the criminal circuit, said head of the…

17:10, 30.06.2020

USR abstains from voting National Defence Strategy because it doesn't treat corruption as a priority

The Save Romania Union (USR) abstains from voting on the National Defence Strategy of the Country (SNAT) in the plenary meeting of Parliament, arguing that the document doesn't deal with corruption as a priority…

17:00, 29.06.2020

Donald Trump, derapaj rasist grav: "Puterea albilor" - Un VIDEO controversat a fost distribuit de președinte

Postarea vine în contextul unei ample şi intense dezbateri naţionale în SUA despre rasă şi discriminare, în urma unor violenţe ale poliţiei şi după moartea lui George Floyd.Proteste sub stindardul 'Black Lives…

09:03, 29.06.2020

Orban: I had no information according to which non-lawful procedures had been carried out at Unifarm

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday evening that he had no information according to which non-lawful procedures had been carried out at Unifarm or that there had been suspicions of corruption, stressing…