Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

02:51, 11.05.2023

În această seară va avea loc Gala PIN AWARDS 2023. Iată nominalizările

Gala PIN AWARDS 2023 îsi va desemna joi seara câstigatorii. Editia din acest an a evenimentului depaseste granitele clasice ale Industriei IT & Outsourcing si, îmbogatita cu un concept nou, va fi dedicata domeniului…

16:50, 27.04.2023

European funds for development of Romanian-Ukrainian communities in cross-border regions

The Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Romania-Ukraine (BRCT) from northeastern Suceava launched on Thursday, in southeastern Tulcea, an information caravan regarding the financing opportunities for the…

18:51, 21.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar: President Putin's plan to divide the Euro-Atlantic community has failed

Russian President Vladimir Putin's plan to divide the Euro-Atlantic community has failed, Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar said on Friday, adding that support for Ukraine will continue as long as it takes.Tilvar…

13:51, 05.04.2023

Marcel Ciolacu sends wishes of friendship, consideration and respect to Jewish community on occasion of Passover holiday

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu sent on Wednesday, on the occasion of the Passover holiday, "the most sincere and warmest wishes of friendship, consideration and respect" to the leadership…

10:25, 29.03.2023

Poland bets on new economic community with Romania, Ukraine

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki laid out his hopes to build a new economic community in Central and Eastern Europe with the participation of Romania and Ukraine on Tuesday in Bucharest, where he also…

20:35, 22.03.2023

PM Ciuca to Muslim community: Ramadan is a special time for necessary reflection

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca sent a message to the Muslim community of Romania as they entered the fasting month of Ramadan, saying that this is a special time for necessary reflection, spiritual…

15:15, 22.03.2023

President Iohannis: Muslim community in Romania demonstrates importance, strength and vitality of intercultural dialogue

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday addressed a message to the Muslim community in Romania on the occasion of the beginning of the month of Ramadan."At the beginning of Ramadan, the most important month of the…

08:40, 20.03.2023

Romanian state must support Romanian communities in Ukraine more than ever (PSD)

The Romanian state must support, more than ever in the current context, the Romanian communities in Ukraine, said on Sunday the secretary general of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Paul Stanescu, who participated…

15:40, 17.03.2023

Romanian and Romanian-speaking community in Bulgaria needs concrete support from Romanian authorities (AUR)

Claudiu Tarziu, president of the National Governing Board of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) and chairman of the Senate Committee on Romanians Everywhere, met on Thursday with Romanian ambassador…

14:15, 02.03.2023

SMART COMMUNITIES 2023: Două zile de prezentări, expoziție și workshopuri

SMART COMMUNITIES – Summit & Expo este singurul eveniment complet din România, pe acest domeniu, care cuprinde conferință, spațiu expozițional și workshopuri specializate. Va avea loc pe 16-17 martie, la București…

09:05, 10.02.2023

Firm position of Romanian Orthodox Church for observance of rights&freedoms of Romanian communities throughout Ukraine

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, meeting, on Thursday, in the Teoctist the Patriarch Aula Magna in the Palace of the Patriarchate, under the presidency of Patriarch Daniel, firmly maintains its favourable…

12:15, 07.02.2023

Activitățile fizice care îți stimulează creierul. Îmbunătățesc memoria, planificarea și organizarea

Un studiu publicat luni în Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health și citat de CNN, arată că efectuarea a 10 minute de efort moderat sau viguros în fiecare zi îmbunătățește memoria și activitățile cognitive,…

15:20, 26.01.2023

Efectul incredibil pe care îl are o activitate fizică asupra creierului tău. Ce arată un studiu

Un studiu publicat luni, 23 ianuarie, în revista „Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health” pune în lumină efectul incredibil pe care îl are o activitate fizică asupra creierului. Un exercițiu fizic moderat sau…

12:40, 18.01.2023

Italian senior official Silli meets local Italian community, Romanian MPs on visit to Bucharest

Senior foreign affairs and international co-operation official with the Italian Foreign Ministry Giorgio Silli paid a visit to Bucharest, where he met officials of the local Italian community and Romanian MP members…

15:10, 17.01.2023

Death of Teodor Corban, heavy and unexpected loss for theater community

The Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER) expresses its regret for the death of the actor Teodor Corban and specifies that it is a "heavy and unexpected loss for the theater community". Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

19:10, 12.01.2023

Sanitary-veterinary inspectors seize 6 tonnes of frozen beef from intra-community trade and import

Sanitary-veterinary inspectors seized more than six tonnes of frozen beef, originating from intra-community trade and import, during a control action carried out between January 8 and 10, 2023, the National Veterinary…

15:20, 21.12.2022

60 million euros from EU for modernization of railway infrastructure in Constanta Port and construction of Ungheni bridge

The European Union has decided to support with 616 million euros a total number of 35 projects that will allow investments in key infrastructures that can be used for both civil and military purposes, an important…

10:41, 17.12.2022

EC's president Ursula von der Leyen, in Bucharest: We fully support your accession to Schengen area

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, declared, on Saturday, at the Cotroceni Palace, that the Community Executive "fully" supports Romania's accession to the Schengen Area, adding that…

13:50, 08.12.2022

President Iohannis asks Parliament to re-examine law on establishment of Romanian community centres abroad

President Klaus Iohannis sent to Parliament, for re-examination, the law on the establishment of Romanian community centres abroad, which modifies and completes Law no. 86/2016, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu…

22:16, 06.12.2022

Crown Custodian Margareta: Community of Western nations proves resistance, durability in face of war in Ukraine

The Custodian of the Crown, Margareta, hailed on Tuesday the "exceptional" way in which the community of Western nations responded to the war in Ukraine, which proved its "resistance" and "durability" in the face…

10:31, 05.12.2022

Afforestation campaign of 90,000 trees for setting up Romania's first community forest

A number of 90,000 trees are to be part of Romania's first community forest, as part of an afforestation campaign that will be carried out between November and December by the MaiMultVerde Association, in Marsa…

08:30, 30.11.2022

Damian Pal, young man from Ghimes-Faget who inspires people and communities

On the border of Harghita and Bacau counties, in a picturesque commune located on the Trotusului Valley, with good and hardworking people, a local young man set his mind to heal society through education, art and…

20:15, 23.11.2022

Romanian, Spanish Foreign Ministers decide quick start of negotiations on dual citizenship

Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu and his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Albares held political consultations on Wednesday, deciding that negotiations should start as soon as possible for the conclusion…

17:45, 21.11.2022

ForMin Aurescu: Never in recent history has Republic of Moldova needed help of international community as much as now

Never in recent history has the Republic of Moldova needed the help of the international community as it does now, declared the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, at the beginning of the third Ministerial…

11:10, 17.11.2022

Banca Transilvania (BT), premiată pentru impactul pozitiv în societate

Banca Transilvania a primit recunoașterea impactului pozitiv și sustenabil în comunitate în cadrul Galei Sustenabilității, prin premiul Ținte atinse în cadrul obiectivului de dezvoltare durabilă – Sustainable Cities…

00:10, 16.11.2022

Aurescu: Hungarian investments in Romania should not limit to area inhabited by Hungarian community

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, emphasized, on Tuesday, that Hungarian investments in Romania should not only limit to the area inhabited by the Hungarian community, but should be extended throughout…

21:50, 15.11.2022

Romfilateria's Toncu: Numerous stamp issues have been dedicated to the spiritual values of Jewish community

Romfilatelia has launched, over time, numerous stamp issues dedicated to promoting the spiritual values of the Jewish community within the universal cultural heritage. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

09:25, 09.11.2022

Crown Custodian Margareta, Prince Radu meet members of Italy's Romanian community

Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, and Prince Consort Radu met on Tuesday evening in Rome members of the Romanian community in Italy, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

18:45, 03.11.2022

WhatsApp dă startul Communities, o facilitate specială pentru grupuri

WhatsApp lansează joi, în mod oficial, Communities, o nouă funcție cu grupuri mai mari de discuții și mai structurate, care a intrat în teste la începutul acestui an. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

17:05, 03.11.2022

O nouă funcție lansată de WhatsApp. La ce va putea fi folosită de utilizatorii aplicației

O nouă funcție lansată de WhatsApp. La ce va putea fi folosită de utilizatorii aplicației O nouă funcție cu grupuri mai mari de discuții și mai structurate, care a intrat în teste la începutul acestui an, este…