Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:19, 08.12.2017

Central bank governor does not shut out global crisis in context of latest cyber-attacks

A global crisis that could also impact Romania is not excluded in the context of the latest series of cyber-attacks, governor of the National Bank of Romania Mugur Isarescu told a conference on cyber-security on…

13:43, 22.08.2017

CommMin Sova: Romanian Internet users know very little about how to defend themselves against cyber attacks

Romania has many Internet users, but they are very little prepared to defend themselves from such cyber attacks, Lucian Sova, the Minister of Communications and Information Society on Tuesday explained at the opening…

16:18, 18.08.2017

Iohannis sends condolences to Spain's King Felipe VI following Barcelona terror attacks

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis has sent a condolence message to King Felipe VI of Spain following terrorist attacks in Spain on Thursday, underlining that the move to set up an international court against terrorism…

13:28, 05.06.2017

President Iohannis firmly condemns attacks in London

President Klaus Iohannis has firmly condemned, on Sunday, the terrorist attacks in London and has conveyed his profound compassion for the victims."I firmly condemn the terrorist attacks that took place in London.

11:37, 22.12.2016

Terrorist attacks in Germany, Turkey, and Switzerland – acts of cowardice

The European People’s Party (EPP) President Joseph Daul strongly condemns the latest terrorist attacks in Germany, Turkey, and Switzerland, and reiterates the party’s firm stance and commitment to fight against…

11:08, 14.11.2016

13 November attacks: We do not forget

One year after the multiple terrorist attacks in Paris, Joseph Daul, the President of the European People’s Party, paid tribute to the victims and made the following statement: “There is not a single day I do not…

15:18, 11.09.2016

ForMin Comanescu sends message to John Kerry on 9/11 terrorist attacks' 15th commemoration

Foreign Affairs Minister Lazar Comanescu sent a message to the US secretary of state John Kerry on the 15th commemoration of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.  "The head of the Romanian diplomacy reiterated…

15:55, 28.04.2016

Comitetul pentru Protecția Jurnaliștilor denunță atacurile și violențele la adresa presei, în special a ziaristelor

Comitetul pentru Protecția Jurnaliștilor (CPJ) a publicat miercuri o serie de articole despre multiple cazuri de atacuri la adresa presei și în special a reprezentantelor sale, sub genericul "Attacks on the…

14:12, 22.03.2016

Comanescu condemns terrorist attacks in Brussels

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) firmly condemns the Tuesday morning attacks in Brussels; Minister Lazar Comanescu assured that the MAE endeavours to support the Romanian citizens in the Belgian capital and relevant…

17:38, 25.02.2016

Abuzul ANAF în cazul Intact, condamnat în Parlamentul European

Liderul grupului Alianța Progresistă a Socialiștilor și Democraților din Parlamentul european, Gianni Pittella a scris astazi pe Twitter: #Romania "Attacks on IntactMediaGroup are attempts to silence a public voice.…

15:10, 25.02.2016

Abuzul ANAF în cazul televiziunilor Intact, condamnat în Parlamentul European

Liderul grupului Alianța Progresistă a Socialiștilor și Democraților din Parlamentul european, Gianni Pittella a scris astazi pe Twitter:#Romania "Attacks on IntactMediaGroup are attempts to silence a public voice.…

18:33, 17.11.2015

The letter of Klaus Iohannis to Francois Hollande, after the Paris attacks

Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis, conveyed to his French counterpart Francois Hollande, a letter to express his deepest regret about the terrorist attack on Friday night which was held in Paris, classifying the…

13:30, 17.11.2015

Traian Băsescu, strong message against migrants after the Paris attacks

Traian Băsescu responded after the bombings in Paris on the evening of November 13th 2015. Former Romanian president called on European solidarity and zero tolerance of Muslim immigrants.Dear Romanian State,I beseech…

13:29, 17.11.2015

The message of Klaus Iohannis, after the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that two Romanians were killed in the Paris attacks

The message of Klaus Iohannis, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed two Romanians were killed in the Paris attacks:"In the last night Paris tragedy, two Romanian citizens lots their lives. Again, our…

08:53, 14.11.2015

ATENTATE PARIS: Francezii au părăsit Stade de France cântând ”Marseilleza” - Video

Fanii fotbalului prezenți pe Stade de France vineri seară, în timpul atentatelor teroriste, au părăsit arena din Paris cântând imnul național, &"Marseilleza&".   Defiant football fans sing La…

12:59, 02.11.2015

Toate Perks din Fallout 4, patru videoclipuri gameplay și noi imagini

Astăzi este o zi interesantă pentru Fallout 4, cu toate titlul RPG dezvoltat de Bethesda Game Studios va fi lansat pe 10 noiembrie pentru PC, PS4 și Xbox One. Toate Perks, modificatorii personajului, au fost dezvăluite,…

11:38, 13.10.2015

President Klaus Iohannis condemns the attacks in Ankara

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis condemned Saturday the attacks in Turkey in which dozens of people died and over 100 were injured."I condemn the attacks that occurred today near the central station in Ankara,...