Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:22, 24.03.2020

PM Orban: Most important objective - to reduce Romanian citizens' risk of contamination

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said that all the measures taken by authorities mainly aim to reduce Romanian citizens' risk of contamination with the novel coronavirus. "We further take action on several very…

11:46, 28.11.2019

PMP's Tomac, PM Orban discuss increasing number of MPs for Diaspora, electing mayors in two rounds

People Movement's Party (PMP) leader Eugen Tomac stated he discussed with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban at their meeting at Victoria Governmental Palace about the need to increase the number of MPs representing…

09:34, 13.11.2019

PSD's Dancila excludes version of a direct confrontation with PM Orban

Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila excludes the version of a direct confrontation with leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban prior to the second…

09:37, 08.11.2019

Marcel Ciolacu, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies: The right-wing government is cooking up the austerity measures

The right-wing government is cooking up the austerity measures, says the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Social Democrat Marcel Ciolacu, and warns Prime Minister Ludovic Orban "to whine less and get to work"."Panic…

12:56, 28.10.2019

Dismissed PM Dancila: Gov't meeting agenda includes briefing on measures for presidential elections

Dismissed Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced at the Victoria Governmental Palace that on Monday's Government meeting agenda there is a briefing on the measures taken for the good conduct of the presidential…

12:07, 18.09.2019

PM Dancila welcomes Polish PM Morawiecki at Victoria Governmental Palace

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila welcomed, at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Wednesday, Republic of Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who is paying an official visit to Romania to participate in the…

14:17, 27.07.2019

PM Dancila: I am currently considering calling a referendum to toughen punishment for crime, viol, pedophilia

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Saturday stated that she is currently analyzing the possibility of calling a referendum to toughen punishment for crime, viol, pedophilia. "I am currently considering calling a…

09:07, 26.06.2019

Deputy PM Suciu: Development Ministry budget supplemented with 500 million lei for PNDL

The Government supplemented on Tuesday the budget of the Regional Development Ministry with 500 million lei for the National Local Development Programme (PNDL), stages 1 and 2, Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Suciu…

20:42, 06.06.2019

PM Dancila - IMF delegation meeting

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a meeting at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Thursday with the IMF expert delegation, headed by International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission chief for Romania and Bulgaria Jaewoo…

22:01, 27.09.2018

EduMin Popa's resignation from office registered at Gov't (official)

Valentin Popa's resignation from office as Minister of National Education was registered at the Government, Spokesman of the Executive Nelu Barbu stated on Thursday at the Victoria Governmental Palace. The resignation…

16:56, 06.07.2018

CultMin Ivascu: All Romanians should celebrate the Centennial, forgetting about their political colours

All Romanians should celebrate the Great Union Centennial, as a unique moment when they can forget about their political colors, said the Minister of Culture, George Ivascu, on Friday, at the Victoria Governmental…

23:24, 15.01.2018

Mihai Tudose announces his resignation as prime minister: I am leaving with my head up high

Mihai Tudose announced on Monday evening, at the end of the Social Democrat Party (PSD) National Executive Committee (CExN) meeting, that he resigns as prime minister of Romania. "I am leaving with my head up high,"…

13:28, 12.07.2017

PM Tudose has working meeting with IntMin, DefMin and SMG chief about endowment (sources)

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has met on Wednesday at the Victoria Governmental Palace with National Defence Minister Adrian Tutuianu, Interior Minister Carmen Dan and Chief of General Staff (SMG) Nicolae Ciuca,…

12:28, 27.06.2017

PM Grindeanu says he expected Tudose`s being nominated for PM office

Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu said on Tuesday upon arriving to the Victoria Governmental Palace that he expected Mihai Tudose's being nominated for the prime minister office, after the censure motion against the…

16:29, 30.03.2017

Prince of Wales left Victoria Palace, after bilateral meeting with PM Sorin Grindeanu

The Prince of Wales had on Thursday at the Victoria Governmental Palace, a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu. Prince Charles arrived at the Government headquarters at 11:55 hrs, having been…

12:18, 04.02.2017

Parents and children take up plateau in front of Victoria Governmental Palace

The plateau in front of the Victoria Governmental Palace is almost full with parents and children coming to demonstrate on Saturday against the modifications of the Criminal Codes under an emergency ordinance.