Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:50, 28.12.2023

Over 9,400 Ukrainians enter Romania on Wednesday

More than 9,400 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Wednesday, and in total about 197,100 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and about 47,100 means of transport carried out the control formalities at the…

21:20, 27.12.2023

High avalanche risk at over 1,800 meters in Fagaras, Parang mountains

High avalanche risk at over 1,800 meters in Fagaras, Parang mountainsSibiu meteorologists have issued a warning of a high risk of avalanches at altitudes of over 1,800 meters in the Fagaras and Parang mountains,…

16:00, 26.12.2023

De ce lovitura ucraineană de la Marea Neagră împotriva navei de asalt Novocerkask este foarte importantă în războiul cu Rusia

Atacul asupra portului din Crimeea este important nu doar pentru că a lovit o navă importantă a flotei ruse, dar și pentru că ține peninsula ocupată de Rusia sub o continuă presiune, pentru că dă o veste bună ucrainenilor…

11:40, 22.12.2023

Particularly warm Christmas weather throughout Romania

The weather will be particularly warm for Christmas throughout the country, with temperatures ranging from 8 to 17 degrees Celsius, National Meteorological Administration (ANM) Director General Elena Mateescu told…

11:31, 20.12.2023

163,550 persons cross Romania's borders on Tuesday

163,550 persons cross Romania's borders on TuesdayAbout 7,560 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Tuesday, while in total about 163,550 Romanian and foreign citizens and about 50,400 means of transport went through…

15:30, 19.12.2023

Odorheiu Secuiesc tragedy/ Court of Appeal Targu Mures opens criminal file

The Public Prosecutor's Office with the Court of Appeal Targu Mures has taken over the case of the collapse of the boarding school in Targu Mures, and a file for manslaughter and bodily harm has been opened, the…

14:15, 19.12.2023

France’s Boone says EU close to deal on new fiscal rules

European Union finance chiefs are close to reaching a deal this week to revamp the bloc’s fiscal rules ahead of a self-imposed year-end deadline, according to Laurence Boone, France’s minister for European affairs,…

19:00, 18.12.2023

Obiectivele care îi atrag pe turiștii străini în București

Turiștii britanici, americani și bulgari sunt cei mai interesați de Capitală, arată un studiu. Therme, spectacolul Fântânilor Arteziene, Târgul de Crăciun sau locațiile în care s-a filmat serialul „Wednesday” se…

17:10, 18.12.2023

Reorganisation of blood transfusion system is imperative (Health minister Rafila)

Health minister Alexandru Rafila called on Monday for the reorganisation of the national transfusion system by setting up regional centres."The reorganisation of the transfusion system is imperative. We must take…

15:00, 16.12.2023

201,400 people cross Romania's borders on Friday

More than 9,300 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Friday, while a total of 201,400 Romanian and foreign citizens and 59,550 means of transport completed the control formalities at border crossings throughout…

18:50, 12.12.2023

IntMin Predoiu about Schengen accession, after Salzburg Forum: Discussions brought progress

IntMin Predoiu about Schengen accession, after Salzburg Forum: Discussions brought progressThe minister of internal affairs, Catalin Predoiu highlights, in a statement after the Salzburg Forum, the progress in…

16:00, 12.12.2023

Chamber approves Romanian Customs Authority additional posts

The Chamber of Deputies adopted on Tuesday the draft approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 103/2022, which provides for the addition of 324 additional posts to the maximum number of posts for the Romanian…

13:56, 12.12.2023

Approximately 30 tons of second-hand clothes and shoes, stopped at border

Almost 30 tons of second-hand clothes and shoes, transported by two Bulgarian citizens in two road units for commercial companies from Romania, were stopped at the southern Giurgiu Border Crossing Point because…

20:55, 11.12.2023

Ciuca says Romania accepts returning migrants under Dublin procedure

Ciuca says Romania accepts returning migrants under Dublin procedureThe president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, states that Romania will take over migrants from Austria under the Dublin procedure,…

12:50, 09.12.2023

Roughly 162k persons cross Romanian border on Friday, while 6,720 Ukrainian nationals have entered

Roughly 162,200 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and approximately 50,100 means of transport, performed, on Friday, the control formalities (both inbound and outbound) through Romanian border points, according…

16:56, 05.12.2023

Atenție: câmp prezidențial minat!

Anunțându-ne cu zâmbetul pe buze că „îi convine ca şi adversar politic domnul Hellvig”, dl Ciolacu aruncă un fascicul de reflector peste câmpul minat al prezidențialelor, cu un an înainte de a exploda. Câmpul  –…

14:35, 05.12.2023

Schengen/IntMin Predoiu: There is time for Dutch parliament and gov't to decide by the end of year

Minister of Interior Catalin Predoiu stated on Tuesday, upon arriving at the meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels, that there is time for the parliament and the government in The Hague…

08:35, 05.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Communication with Austria on the Schengen file has improved lately

Communication with Austria on the Schengen file has improved lately, Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Monday.The head of Romanian diplomacy is part of the delegation of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu,…

13:30, 04.12.2023

MEP Tomac: We have failed to join Schengen this year, next year there is almost no chance

Romania has failed to join Schengen again, and next year there is almost no chance, because member states have as priority the elections for the European Parliament and then the election of a new European Commission,…

08:40, 04.12.2023

Două femei au omorât 24 de ruși dintr-o lovitură: le-a oferit vodcă îmbibată cu arsenic

24 de soldaţi ruşi au murit, iar alţi 11 au fost spitalizaţi, după ce au fost otrăviţi de două femei la Simferopol, teritoriu ucrainean ocupat de Rusia. Femeile le-au oferit ruşilor mâncare şi vodcă îmbibate cu…

13:05, 29.11.2023

Draft law on labelling novel food products containing insect flour - adopted by Chamber of Deputies

Deputies adopted a draft law on Wednesday regulating the production and marketing of food products with insect flour, following the authorisation of their introduction on the market as novel food, originating from…

20:11, 28.11.2023

Parliament adopts decision establishing Regional Special Operations Component Command

Parliament adopts decision establishing Regional Special Operations Component CommandParliament, in a joint session on Tuesday, adopted, at the request of President Klaus Iohannis, the decision to establish the…

13:20, 27.11.2023

Ciolacu, about road infrastructure: We need to complete another 1,000 kilometers, in next 5 years

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that, until the end of next year, there is "a clear perspective" that another 250 kilometers of highway and expressway will be built, and in the next five to seven years…

09:50, 27.11.2023

Premierul maghiar Viktor Orban a spus din nou că Ucraina „nu va câștiga pe câmpul de luptă” războiul cu Rusia

Premierul Ungariei, Viktor Orban, a declarat încă o dată că Ucraina nu va putea învinge Rusia pe câmpul de luptă. Fragmentul cu declarația despre confilctul ruso-ucrainean, din discursul lui Orban, a fost publicat…

15:26, 26.11.2023

Health minister announces national transplant register is almost completed

The national transplant register is almost completed, providing transparency and predictability to people waiting for a transplant, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila declared on Saturday."The national transplant…

13:25, 25.11.2023

Health minister: 35 ml doses of Covid vaccine delivered to Romania out of approximately 80 ml ordered

Romania received 35 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine out of approximately 80 million ordered, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said in a statement on Saturday."Of the 35 million supplied, about 10 million have…

13:25, 25.11.2023

Code orange advisory of heavy precipitation in six counties, blizzard to grip ten counties on Sunday

The National Weather Administration issued on Saturday a Code Orange advisory for heavy rainfall effective between November 25, 10:00 a.m. and November 26, 6:00 p.m. in six south and southeastern counties - specifically…

15:25, 24.11.2023

REPER co-chair on former Health Minister Mihaila: She is an honest professional

Former Health Minister Ioana Mihaila is a dedicated, honest professional, REPER Party co-chair, MEP Ramona Strugariu said on Friday in connection with the investigation initiated by the anti-corruption watchdog…

15:00, 24.11.2023

Linie de transport între centrul Bucureştiului şi Aeroportul Otopeni

Linia de autobuz 783 devine linia 100 şi va asigura o legătură directă între centrul Bucureştiului şi Aeroportul Internaţional Otopeni, din 2 decembrie 2023, informează Asociaţia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară pentru…

16:10, 20.11.2023

Festivalul „Dracula TiMes” – periplu în timpul şi spaţiul filmului fantastic

Dracula Film Festival, unul dintre cele mai importante festivaluri de gen din întreaga lume, prezintă prima ediție a festivalului de film fantastic Dracula TiMes, care va avea loc la Timișoara,  în perioada 29…