Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:41, 12.06.2024

Romania submits to ILO document for ratification of Convention on Elimination of Violence and Harassment at Workplace

Romania submits to ILO document for ratification of Convention on Elimination of Violence and Harassment at Workplace

The Minister of Labour, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, submitted to the International Labor Organization (ILO) the ratification document by Romania of the Convention on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment at the…

16:05, 28.05.2024

LabMin has open dialogue on pension law, public sector pay law

LabMin has open dialogue on pension law, public sector pay law

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity (MMSS) Simona Bucura Oprescu discussed in Iasi, at the meeting of the Social Dialogue Commission, the new pension law, the course of the new public sector pay law, labour,…

17:40, 20.05.2024

Partnership with UNICEF continues in interest of vulnerable people (Labor Ministry)

Partnership with UNICEF continues in interest of vulnerable people (Labor Ministry)

The Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity (MMSS) and UNICEF have a long-term partnership, and Monday's discussions focused on how UNICEF can also get involved in the development of secondary legislation on the…

20:30, 14.05.2024

Ministry of Labour: Gross minimum salary formula to consider purchasing power and labour productivity

Ministry of Labour: Gross minimum salary formula to consider purchasing power and labour productivity

The formula that will be established for the country's minimum gross salary guaranteed in payment will take into account the purchasing power, the level of the average gross salary and labour productivity, informs…

21:46, 19.04.2024

LabourMin: I want at least one percentage point of Romanias GDP to come from social enterprises

LabourMin: I want at least one percentage point of Romania's GDP to come from social enterprises

The Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity has developed a project on European funds, worth 4 million euros, which involves the development of a sales platform for the promotion of social economy products and…

11:40, 16.04.2024

Școlile, liceele și grădinițele pot primi calculatoare dacă se înscriu în proiectul Dăm Click pe România

Școlile, liceele și grădinițele pot primi calculatoare dacă se înscriu în proiectul Dăm Click pe România

Social Școlile, liceele și grădinițele pot primi calculatoare dacă se înscriu în proiectul Dăm Click pe România aprilie 16, 2024 10:38 Dăm Click pe România este un proiect al asociației Ateliere Fără Frontiere…

15:15, 09.04.2024

Romanian state needs to be more involved in supporting small producers, in reviving crafts (Labour minister)

Romanian state needs to be more involved in supporting small producers, in reviving crafts (Labour minister)

The Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura - Oprescu, says that Romanian crafts and producers must be supported in a concrete way, with funding to attract and train the workforce, but also to ensure…

01:50, 02.03.2024

Coordonarea sistemelor de securitate sociala pentru lucratorii migranti.

Agentia Nationala pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca utilizeaza sistemul informatic european EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information), dezvoltat de catre Comisia Europeana si pus la dispozitia statelor…

11:35, 13.02.2024

Labour minister signs EU's roadmap for social economy

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura Oprescu signed the European Union's roadmap for social economy in Liege, the ministry said on Tuesday.According to a post on the Facebook page of the Ministry…

15:05, 07.02.2024

Labour minister meets WB experts on pensions, labour and social protection

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura Oprescu met with World Bank experts in the area of pensions, labour and social protection, social assistance, informs the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity…

13:40, 24.01.2024

UNICEF Romania to get involved in secondary legislation's elaboration on package of laws regarding social assistance reform

UNICEF Romania to get involved in secondary legislation's elaboration on package of laws regarding social assistance reformUNICEF Romania will be involved in the elaboration of the secondary legislation on the…

12:15, 04.01.2024

3.6 million children and young people to receive higher state allowances (Ministry of Labour)

State child allowances have been increased by 13.8% from January 2024, benefiting 3.6 million children and young people, informs the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity (MMSS), Agerpres reports.The first increased…

13:50, 03.01.2024

US, Romanian workers' pension rights, mutually ensured

The pension rights of Romanian and US workers working on the territory of the other state will be granted on the basis of new provisions included in the Agreement on Social Security between Romania and the United…

20:45, 28.12.2023

Gov't okays pay increase in education, prefect's institutions

The Government approved on Thursday the Emergency Ordinance that provides for the increase in basic salaries for education staff by 20%, on average, in 2024, in two installments: from January 1, respectively from…

18:46, 19.12.2023

Ministry of Labor: Money for increasing pensions in 2024 is foreseen in budget

The expenditure on pensions after January 1, 2024 will be 125.9 billion RON, annually, and will increase by 10 billion RON from September, the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, declared…

18:30, 07.12.2023

Minimum Inclusion Income to be implemented from January 1, 2024 (LabMin)

The Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity, through the National Payments and Social Inspection Agency, together with the World Bank and with the support of local authorities throughout the country, will implement,…

12:26, 03.12.2023

Ministry of Labor: People with disabilities must enjoy equal opportunities

People with disabilities must enjoy equal opportunities, and in this sense, no effort to build a life without barriers is too great, said Simona Bucura-Oprescu, Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, on Sunday."Today…

16:50, 16.11.2023

Gov't approves funding of National Integrated Social Assistance System

Gov't approves funding of National Integrated Social Assistance SystemThe government has approved funds for the implementation of the "Integrated National Social Assistance System - SNIAS", necessary for the digital…

13:05, 18.10.2023

Cât de îngraşi după ce te căsătoreşti. Felul în care căsnicia poate duce la creșterea în greutate, analizat într-un studiu

Un studiu și-a propus să analizeze felul în care casatoria poate avea un impact negativ asupra obiceiurilor alimentare si de sport ale persoanelor implicate.Rezultatele au fost surprinzătoare: Dupa ce isi oficializeaza…

20:15, 17.10.2023

Labour Minister: Ukrainian refugees, further supported by Romanian state

Labour Minister: Ukrainian refugees, further supported by Romanian stateMinister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura-Oprescu on Tuesday discussed the situation of refugees in Ukraine with United Nations…

19:45, 17.10.2023

Cât de îngraşi după ce te căsătoreşti. Felul în care căsnicia poate duce la creșterea în greutate, analizat într-un studiu

Un studiu și-a propus să analizeze felul în care casatoria poate avea un impact negativ asupra obiceiurilor alimentare si de sport ale persoanelor implicate.Rezultatele au fost surprinzătoare: Dupa ce isi oficializeaza…

13:15, 27.09.2023

Concordia Humanitarian Organization: Day care centres cover only 30% of social needs, locally

Concordia Humanitarian Organization: Day care centres cover only 30% of social needs, locallyDay care centres for children at the local level only cover 30% of social needs, say the representatives of the Concordia…

10:30, 06.09.2023

Salvați Copiii solicită Ministerului Educației să nu condiționeze bursele sociale pentru copiii cu un părinte decedat

Social Salvați Copiii solicită Ministerului Educației să nu condiționeze bursele sociale pentru copiii cu un părinte decedat septembrie 6, 2023 09:26 Organizația Salvați Copiii România solicită Ministerului Educației…

21:00, 05.09.2023

Labour Minister, Kazakh ambassador discuss the mutual recognition of contributions to pensions

Labour Minister, Kazakh ambassador discuss the mutual recognition of contributions to pensionsThe Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura Oprescu, on Tuesday discussed with the ambassador of the…

14:30, 01.09.2023

Stil, Protecție și Eleganță: Universul Ochelarilor de Soare

Social Stil, Protecție și Eleganță: Universul Ochelarilor de Soare septembrie 1, 2023 13:28 Ochelarii de soare reprezintă mult mai mult decât un simplu accesoriu. Aceștia sunt atât o modalitate de a vă proteja…

18:30, 26.08.2023

Digitisation will be used to improving social assistance services in Romania (Labour minister)

The Ministry of Labour will use digitization to improve social assistance services in Romania, with the Single Register of Social Assistance and Service Beneficiaries and the Register of Social Assistance Service…

10:36, 16.08.2023

Scheduled events for August 16

Scheduled events for August 16EXECUTIVE:- Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has working meetings with the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, the…

10:45, 31.07.2023

Scheduled events for July 31

Scheduled events for July 31SOCIAL:- Consultative meeting with non-governmental organizations on the reform of the social assistance system in Romania, organized at the level of the Prime Minister's Chancellery…

19:21, 25.07.2023

Labour Minister: Package of service pensions/pensions from public system to be ready in due time

Labour Minister: Package of service pensions/pensions from public system to be ready in due timeThe package of service pensions/public system pensions will be ready in due time for Romania to submit payment request…

08:51, 25.07.2023

Should we make reforms on time, we'll also have the money we expect from Recovery & Resilience Plan

A team set up at the level of the Ministry of Labour, by ministerial order, works on deadlines, paying attention to what we have to do on the targets and milestones of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan,…