Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:21, 29.06.2021

EBRD significantly increases, to 6 pct, growth forecasts for Romanian economy in 2021

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has significantly improved its estimates of Romania's economic performance in 2021, forecasting a 6 percent increase this year, compared to a 3 percent…

20:40, 31.05.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre - significant contribution to increasing Romania's, NATO's, EU's resilience

The Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience will make a significant contribution to increasing the resilience of Romania, NATO and the EU, and will generate "tangible benefits" in terms of security, the Foreign Minister…

10:06, 14.05.2021

Florin Citu: Economic growth in 2021 to be above all expectations from start-year

Economic growth in 2021 will be "above" all estimates from the beginning of the year, Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Friday, adding that, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the…

14:35, 23.04.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Romania-Poland-Turkey Trilateral works very well, significantly contributes to NATO reinforcement

The Romania-Poland-Turkey Trilateral is working very well, and its relevance and usefulness have increased significantly, contributing in its 9 years of existence to strengthening the North Atlantic Alliance, as…

21:20, 06.04.2021

IMF significantly upgrades its estimate of Romanian economy's growth to 6pct in 2021

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has significantly upgraded its estimates of Romania's economic growth in 2021, which should go up to 6%, surpassed elsewhere in Europe only by a projected 6.4% growth in Spain,…

11:11, 02.03.2021

INS: Significant drops recorded in arrivals, overnight stays in accomodation units in Romania, in January

Arrivals and overnight stays in tourist accommodation units in Romania decreased by 39.6pct and 43.9pct, respectively, in January, compared to the same month in 2020, according to data published by the National…

09:10, 17.02.2021

UPB: Fire was caused by a device in the basement of the Rectorate building

Representatives of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) say that, according to their information, the fire that broke out on Tuesday was caused by a piece of equipment in the technical basement of the…

14:15, 09.02.2021

PSD's Rafila: Schools' opening has no significant influence on pandemic developments

Romania's representative to the World Health Organization, Social Democrat MP Alexandru Rafila said on Tuesday that the bogey had been raised in the past that opening schools would result in higher numbers of COVID-19…

18:30, 30.12.2020

Youth and Sport Minister: I intend to make significant contribution to entire world of sports

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Eduard Novak, stated in his New Year's message that he intends to make a "significant contribution to the entire world of sports" during his mandate. ''Dear colleagues, collaborators…

16:05, 15.12.2020

Nicolae Ciuca: Romania-US Strategic Partnership has significantly contributed to Romanian Armed Forces development

The Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US is one of the pillars that our country's defence is based on and has significantly contributed to Romanian Armed Forces development, Interim Prime Minister Nicolae…

13:30, 10.12.2020

Code Yellow of rain in northern Oltenia, Muntenia and southwestern Moldavia until Friday

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Thursday issued a Code Yellow alert of significant rainfall for northern Oltenia, Muntenia and southwestern Moldavia and heavy snow in the Southern and Curvature…

14:46, 02.12.2020

President Iohannis: Number of COVID-19 cases dropped significantly, starting with weekend markets to reopen

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Wednesday, in eastern Bacau, that the number of new SARS-CoV-2 infection cases dropped significantly in the recent period and announced that at the end of this week the agrifood…

19:31, 24.11.2020

Number of Bucharest soup kitchen beneficiaries almost doubles in November

There was a significant rise this November in the number of beneficiaries of the Soup Kitchen program that provides a daily meal of soup or broth and bread for vulnerable people, the Bucharest Social Assistance…

12:05, 28.10.2020

Eurostat: Romania, among EU states with industry representing most significant economic activity

In 2019, industry remained the largest economic activity in the EU measured in terms of output generated, accounting for 19.7pct of EU total gross value added (GVA), the states with the highest percentage points…

21:32, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Orban says he is satisfied with the way the elections unfolded: Turnout was significant

The Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, is satisfied with the way the local elections unfolded, stating that there was a significant turnout. "I'll tell you yes. Of course…

11:40, 17.09.2020

ACEA: Romania, Estonia report in August most significant decline in car sales in Europe

New car registrations in Europe fell 17.6% in August to 884,394 units, while Romania and Estonia reported the most significant decline, according to the data released on Thursday by the European Automobile Manufacturers'…

13:55, 10.09.2020

Ombudsperson: Significant percentage of students unable to access online education

Ombudsperson Renate Weber declared on Thursday that an analysis carried out by representatives of this institution and of the Children's Ombudsman has found that a significant percentage of Romanian students are…

19:50, 20.08.2020

BNR's Deputy Governor: Development of agriculture, food industry would significantly diminish important vulnerabilities of economy

The development of agriculture and the food industry would diminish significantly important vulnerabilities of the local economy, namely high levels of the budget deficit and the current account deficit, which…

13:19, 17.07.2020

President Iohannis, in Brussels: Romania has high chance of obtaining significant funding

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that Romania has a high chance of obtaining significant funding for the coming years from the European Union."In total, very (large) amounts are being negotiated today, maybe…

08:45, 24.06.2020

Romania asks for significant funds under resilience plan, 2.5billion euros for irrigation infrastructure

Romania will invest 2.5 billion euros to rehabilitate its entire irrigation infrastructure out of 33 billion euros coming from the European Union; 1.1 billion euros will go to the desiccation and drainage infrastructure,…

00:12, 23.06.2020

Eurostat: Financial corporations held almost half of Romania's government debt last year

Financial corporations held almost half (49.8 pct) of Romania's government debt last year, while non-residents accounted for 46.3 percent and resident non-financial entities for 3.9 percent thereof, shows data…

14:57, 09.06.2020

Iohannis: Shopping malls, kindergartens, private nurseries could open after 15 June

Shopping malls, kindergartens and private nurseries could open after 15 June, within new relaxation measures that are to be taken, on Tuesday said President Klaus Iohannis. "Given that lately the number of new…

14:36, 05.06.2020

PM Orban urges Romanians to protect themselves;significant increase of COVID-19 cases can lead to new restrictions

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban urged Romanians again to protect themselves and observe the "physical distance for health protection," warning that "any significant increase in the number of cases [of COVID-19 infections]…

09:07, 13.04.2020

CE Oltenia employees to be put on furlough, by rotation, as of 13 April and until 17 June

The approximately 13,000 employees of the Compex Energetic Oltenia - CEO (Oltenia Energy Complex) will be put on furlough, by rotation, as of 13 April and until 17 June, the measure being taken as a result of the…

14:12, 04.02.2020

Romania, the Netherlands highest increase of industrial producer prices in the EU, in December 2019

Industrial producer prices in the European Union and the Euro area remained stable in December compared to the previous month, Romania and the Netherlands ranking first among the member states, the data published…

17:20, 11.12.2019

ArcelorMittal Hunedoara is suspending production, in reaction to market conditions and increased energy prices

ArcelorMittal temporarily ceases production at the steel plant in Hunedoara, as a result of high prices for electricity and natural gas, informs a press release issued by the company sent to AGERPRES on Wednesday.Plant…

21:16, 19.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Iohannis: I had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that in the beginning of his mandate he had some achievements that will significantly influence Romania's journey, pointing to the Pact to allot 2 percent of the GDP to…

13:15, 04.11.2019

FOTO ​Capitala Indiei interzice circulația anumitor mașini într-o încercare de a combate poluarea aerului / Școlile au fost închise, la fel și șantierele…

Capitala Indiei, Delhi, a interzis luni circulația mașinilor al căror plăcuțe de înmatriculare se încheie cu &"numere impare&" într-o încercare de a diminua poluarea din oraș, relatează…

11:43, 30.10.2019

President Iohannis says Romania can progress significantly by improving use of European agriculture funds

Romania can make significant progress through better use of European funds for agriculture, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday at the opening of the INDAGRA International Trade Fair in Bucharest.  "I believe…

12:27, 25.10.2019

Outgoing DefMin Les: Our servicemen are Romania's most important ambassadors to the world

The day of October 25 represents a landmark with a special significance in the consciousness of the Romanian people, beyond its strictly historical significance, states outgoing Minister of National Defense Gabriel…