Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:40, 10.05.2024

DefMin Tilvar: State-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increase national airspace safety

DefMin Tilvar: State-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increase national airspace safety

The Romanian Air Force getting equipped with state-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increases the safety of the national and NATO airspace and ensures a high degree of interoperability with similar…

15:45, 10.04.2024

More significant representation of Eastern Flank countries in NATO leadership is legitimate aspiration, says president Iohannis

More significant representation of Eastern Flank countries in NATO leadership is legitimate aspiration, says president Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis presented on Wednesday the arguments for joining the race for the position of NATO secretary general, stressing that the countries of the Eastern Flank are in the "allied first line of…

09:40, 08.04.2024

Attacks on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant significantly increase accident risk, IAEA head says

Attacks on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant significantly increase accident risk, IAEA head says

The head of the UN’s atomic watchdog agency on Sunday condemned a Ukrainian drone strike on one of six nuclear reactors at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, saying such attacks…

21:46, 20.03.2024

Bookfest Timisoara Book Fair opens its doors on Thursday with significant book offer

Bookfest Timisoara Book Fair opens its doors on Thursday with significant book offer

The 11th edition of the Bookfest Timisoara Book Fair, which will take place between March 21 and 24, opens its doors on Thursday, from 12:00, at the Regional Business Center in Timisoara, featuring book releases,…

10:31, 22.02.2024

Romania, sole EU country signing with Japan a cooperation Declaration in justice, minister Gorghiu says

Minister Alina Gorghiu announced on Thursday on her Facebook page that she signed a Declaration of cooperation in the field of Justice with Japan, Romania being the only country in the European Union that initialed…

11:36, 01.02.2024

President Iohannis: The European Union wants to provide this significant aid to Ukraine

AGERPRES special correspondent to Brussels, Belgium, Oana Ghita reports:The European Union wants to provide "significant" aid to Ukraine, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday. He added that it is about financial,…

21:00, 31.01.2024

Prima ediție FILMIKON International Festival la final: evenimente sold out și întâlniri esențiale

Între 18 și 25 ianuarie 2024, a avut loc la București prima ediție FILMIKON International Festival, care a adus pe ecrane o selecție de filme internaționale premiate de-a lungul anilor de juriile ecumenice și interreligioase…

14:56, 26.11.2023

Security official: Romania is an exporter of cyber security in its part of the word

Romania has made significant progress in the last year in terms of cyber security, growing into an exporter of cyber security in its part of the world, head of the Senate's Defense, Public Order and National Security…

08:55, 15.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu in Tirana addresses significance of maintaining ethnic identity of Aromanians of Albania

ForMin Odobescu in Tirana addresses significance of maintaining ethnic identity of Aromanians of AlbaniaForeign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu on an official visit to Tirana on Tuesday, stressed the importance…

13:10, 11.11.2023

Ciolacu: Veterans Day and its significance make us remember how important peace is

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu sent a message on the occasion of Veterans Day in the Theaters of Operations, in which context he evoked the sacrifice of the Romanian military and emphasized the importance of peace.At…

12:45, 27.10.2023

(VIDEO)Atac la graniţa dintre Israel şi Egipt

Update:  Două surse egiptene de securitate au declarat vineri pentru Reuters că un alt proiectil a căzut în staţiunea Nuweiba de la Marea Roşie, la aproximativ 270 de km de Fâșia Gaza și la 60 de km de granița…

10:20, 18.10.2023

Apple va rezolva problemele de „burn-in” cu update-ul iOS 17.1, fără o vizită la service

Se pare că problemele care au dus la retenție de imagine pe modelele iPhone 15 Pro la doar câteva zile de la lansare pot fi rezolvate prin software. Update-ul iOS 17.1, care este așteptat pentru lansare pe data…

12:10, 01.10.2023

VIDEO | Momentul atacului terorist din Ankara, surprins de camerele din zonă. Explozia a fost urmată de focuri de armă

Camerele de supraveghere din zona Parlamentului Turciei au surprins momentul atacului terorist de duminică dimineață care a avut loc în Ankara. Pe imaginile publicate pe X, fostul Twitter, se poate vedea explozia…

17:25, 21.08.2023

VIDEO. Coloană de tancuri și alte blindate rusești, nimicite la sud de Bahmut: „Încă o tentativă eșuată”

O coloană de blindate de luptă ale infanteriei și tancuri a fost nimicită de forțele ucrainene în timpul unei tentative a armatei ruse de a înainta la sud de Bahmut, scrie Hotnews.ro . Imagini apărute online arată…

14:36, 15.08.2023

PM Ciolacu on Navy Day: Naval Forces make significant contribution to security of Romania and of NATO partners

The Romanian Naval Forces have made and will continue to make a significant contribution to the security of Romania and that of our partners in the North Atlantic region, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday…

22:00, 10.07.2023

Fechet: Romania has a significant and diversified capacity to produce energy from renewable sources

Romania has a significant and diversified capacity to produce energy from renewable sources, and integrated land use planning allows the identification of areas with a low value of biodiversity for renewable energy…

22:30, 23.06.2023

Evgheni Prigojin acuză armata rusă că a bombardat taberele mercenarilor Wagner din Ucraina. Promisiune pentru Șoigu: „Această creatură va fi oprită”

Șeful și fondatorul grupului rus de mercenari Wagner, Evgheni Prigojin, a afirmat vineri, 23 iunie, că Ministerul rus al Apărării a lansat un atac cu rachete asupra unei tabere ale organizației sale paramilare.…

12:31, 16.06.2023

EnergMin Burduja: Romania is not just a country with significant gas resources, but a strategic transit point

Romania is a country with significant natural gas resources, a strategic transit point and an important regional player, and can contribute, thanks to its operational transmission infrastructure, to enhanced regional…

08:50, 07.06.2023

Public healthcare, social work establishments to go on Japanese-style strike

Public healthcare, social work establishments to go on Japanese-style strike. The health workers' trade unionists will launch a Japanese-style strike today in the public healthcare and social work establishments,…

08:40, 07.06.2023


1716 - Death of Constantin Cantacuzino stolnicul (ruling court's chief cook), important personality of the Romanian culture (b. 1640) CITESTE SI Chamber of Deputies' speaker invites Italian companies to invest…

22:30, 06.06.2023

Chamber of Deputies' speaker invites Italian companies to invest in construction, strategic sector in coming period

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, on Tuesday invited Italian companies to invest in the field of construction, noting that this sector will be a strategic one for Romania in the coming period.The…

21:30, 06.06.2023

Significant earthquake measuring 5.2 in Banat, on Tuesday evening

A significant earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.2 on the Richter scale, occurred on Tuesday evening, at 20:26 local time, in Banat, Arad county, according to the first data made public by the National Research…

16:55, 06.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Relevance of Saber Guardian 23 exercise is more significant than ever for Alliance's Eastern Flank

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, declared, on Tuesday, at the Distinguished Visitors Day event of the multinational exercise Saber Guardian 23, from the Bordusani training district, Ialomita county,…

11:41, 06.06.2023

ECB says consumers’ inflation expectations fell significantly

Consumer expectations for eurozone inflation eased significantly in April, adding to the case for the European Central Bank’s historic ramp-up in interest rates to conclude this summer, according to Bloomberg.…

18:20, 30.05.2023

Interim Senate President Gorghiu hopes for education crisis to end with agreement signing

Interim Senate President Gorghiu hopes for education crisis to end with agreement signing. Interim Senate President, Liberal Alina Gorghiu, said Tuesday that she wants the crisis in education conclusion with an…

13:35, 11.05.2023

ECB says consumers’ inflation expectations rose significantly

Consumer expectations for euro-zone inflation rose “significantly” in March, bolstering the case of European Central Bank officials who say interest-rate increases may need to persist beyond the summer, according…

21:11, 18.04.2023

BNR: Uncertainties regarding economic activity outlook, generated by war, turbulence in U.S., Swiss banking systems

Significant uncertainties and risks regarding the outlook of economic activity, implicitly the medium-term evolution of inflation, continue to be generated by the war in Ukraine and the associated sanctions, show…

15:55, 10.04.2023

Banking sector in Romania remains solid, rate of non-performing loans reaches historic low

The banking sector in Romania remains solid, the rate of non-performing loans reaching a historic low, and solvency rates are significantly better than a decade ago, according to Mihai Chipirliu, CFA Risk director…

19:00, 23.03.2023

President seals Finland’s NATO bid by signing required laws

The Finnish president on Thursday formally sealed the Nordic country’s historic bid to join NATO by signing into law the required national legal amendments needed for membership in the Western military alliance,…

16:35, 23.03.2023

Romania-US Agreement: Citizens can accumulate periods worked in both countries for pension rights

Romania and the United States of America have concluded the Social Security Agreement and the Administrative Arrangement for its implementation, with the signing of the two documents by Minister of Labour Marius…