Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:27, 24.05.2020

Convergence proigramme for 2020: Economic activity expected to show serious drop in Q2 (-14.4pct)

The economic activity in Romania will see a severe drop in the second quarter of this year, by 14.4 per cent, while the impact on the manufacturing industry in the mentioned period will be about 18 per cent, and…

08:34, 21.05.2020

PM Orban: Pensions, to increase depending on real possibilities

The government has as priority the payment of pensions and salaries and will increase the pensions, but only after a very serious analysis, depending on the real possibilities, so as to have the guarantee that…

17:09, 09.04.2020

DefMin Ciuca:Problem of hospitals with staff infected with COVID-19 is serious; Suceava Hospital not militarised

The problem of the hospitals systematically affected by the spreading of the COVID-19 infections among the medical personnel is a "serious" one, "of maximum urgency" and demands "firm, radical and immediate" measures,…

12:23, 06.04.2020

Crown Custodian Margareta says abiding by stay-at-home rule, understanding situation seriousness are paramount

Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Princess Margareta, calls on the population to further abide by the stay-at-home rule and understand the seriousness of the situation caused by the coronavirus, mentioning some…

21:46, 26.03.2020

PM Orban: Stories we go door to door to test - not serious

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Thursday criticized the "door-to-door" testing method for coronavirus infection, pointing out the importance of following the procedures recommended by the National Institute of…

16:35, 26.03.2020

GCS: 29 patients admitted to intensive care ward; 23 patients in serious health condition

A number of 29 patients infected with the novel coronavirus are admitted to the intensive care ward, of whom 23 patients are in a serious health condition, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs. According…

13:57, 23.03.2020

Settlement of technical unemployment after two months, set to cause serious problems to retail businesses

The settlement of the technical unemployment after more than two months since it has to be paid by employers will lead to a serious survival problem for the majority of the non-food retail companies, Cosmin Savu…

15:38, 19.03.2020

Iohannis: Public health directorates must do their job very seriously, all hospitals must be prepared

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday requested the public health directorates to do their job with maximum of seriousness, and the hospitals to be prepared in the coronavirus epidemic context."It is very important…

14:59, 19.03.2020

Iohannis, to prefects and heads of decentralized institutions: Please be active, situation is serious

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday forwarded to the prefects and the heads of the decentralized public institutions to be active, showing that the situation is serious."Please (...) be very active! Do everything…

17:28, 17.03.2020

Healthcare system has serious deficiencies in terms of personal protective equipment in fight against COVID-19

The perception of the employees in healthcare is that the healthcare system is not ready yet to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest weakness being the serious deficiencies in terms of personal protective…

22:07, 31.01.2020

Amendă colosală pentru Airbus, 4 miliarde de dolari. Compania a acceptat să plătească, pentru a-i fi închise dosarele de corupţie

O instanţă franceză a aprobat plata de către Airbus a sumei de 2,08 miliarde de euro pentru a clasa investigaţia deschisă pentru fapte de corupţie în vânzarea de avioane civile şi sateliţi în perioada 2004-2016.…

21:35, 31.01.2020

PM Orban: Rosia Montana file - a serious one; I believe we have every chance to receive a favourable decision

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that the file regarding the inclusion of the Rosia Montană site with UNESCO's World Heritage list is a "serious one", pointing out that there is every chance of a favourable…

22:05, 29.01.2020

CSM: Elimination of service pensions of magistrates seriously affects justice independence

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) said the elimination of the service pensions of the magistrates "is a very serious matter that affects justice independence." "The Superior Council of Magistracy is concerned…

21:08, 27.01.2020

President Iohannis on coronavirus epidemic: We are getting ready as best as we can

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday about the coronavirus epidemic in China that it should be taken "very seriously" and the authorities will prepare for it "as best as possible". "I understand that today there…

14:32, 30.12.2019

HealthMin Costache: Control Body's preliminary report into Floreasca case denotes serious irregularities

Health Minister Victor Costache said on Monday that the preliminary report of the Control Body in the case of the patient at the Floreasca Hospital denotes a cascade of particularly serious irregularities.The health…

08:36, 23.12.2019

PM Orban: Collaboration with President Iohannis is extremely close, loyal and serious

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Sunday evening in a television broadcast that the collaboration relation with President Klaus Iohannis is "extremely close, loyal and serious" and those who deny the obvious…

23:35, 19.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ Iohannis: 10 August - most serious intervention of the state against citizens since Mineriad

The National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate in the presidential elections, President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Tuesday that 10 August 2018 represented the "most serious intervention of the state against the citizens…

18:04, 19.11.2019

PM Orban: We are carrying out a serious assessment of effective absorption capacity on each programme

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has stated on Tuesday that the Government is carrying out a "very serious" assessment of the effective absorption capacity on each programme, adding that there are problems related…

13:02, 10.11.2019

Tariceanu: We are witnessing perfectly anonymous elections; this is a serious democratic deficit

ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) leader Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Saturday that, for the first time in the past 30 years, the presidential election unfolded "perfectly anonymously, without an election…

12:15, 05.11.2019

PM Orban about minimum wage increase: We will make decision based on serious effect analysis

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Tuesday that the Executive will make a decision regarding increasing the minimum wage following an analysis of the effects of this measure, underpinned by objective economic…

11:46, 05.11.2019

New LabMin Violeta Alexandru announces ministry overhaul, serious checks on pensions budget

Freshly installed Labor Minister Violeta Alexandru announced the downsizing of the ministry as well as serious checks on the situation of the pensions budget, given that according to her, the Social Democrat rule…

20:47, 09.10.2019

President Iohannis says transitional gov't to be built around PNL, hoping for censure motion to pass

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that he very much wants the censure motion to be adopted by Parliament, indicating that if the motion is successful, a government will be built around the opposition National…

21:43, 04.10.2019

BNR governor Isarescu: Romania seriously affected by asymmetric shocks if it switched to euro now

If Romania were to switch to the euro now, it would be seriously affected by asymmetric shocks, and this is why it chose the middle path in its efforts to adopt the European single currency, considering that a…

21:43, 04.10.2019

Iohannis: PM's actions generate serious deadlock/Parliament - sole authority that can opine on Gov't

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that "the insistence with which Prime Minister Viorica Dancila refuses to ask Parliament's agreement for a new Government generates the serious deadlock in which the institutions…

17:32, 01.10.2019

Victor Ponta: Censure motion has serious chances to pass

The censure motion has serious chances to pass, as in 2012, the most important aspect being what will happen after this moment, said PRO Romania leader Victor Ponta on Tuesday.He reaffirmed that another government…

22:31, 03.09.2019

President Iohannis condemns deadly terrorist attack in Afghanistan, offers condolences to bereaved family

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Tuesday a message of condolence to the family of the representative of Romania's diplomatic mission who was killed in the terrorist attack committed in Kabul, Afghanistan, and which…

20:58, 03.09.2019

One Romanian dead, another seriously injured in terrorist attack in Kabul

A representative of the diplomatic mission of Romania in Kabul has died, and another was seriously injured following the terrorist attack that occurred Monday night, in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Romanian Ministry…

15:27, 27.08.2019

PM Dancila: We will discuss several measures to deter crime

The government on Tuesday is set to debate for the first time on several measures meant to deter crime, by introducing more severe penalties for serious and exceptionally serious crimes - such as murder, rape,…

17:43, 22.08.2019

Emergency ordinance draft for tightening penalties in cases of persons' deprivation of liberty

The Justice Minister Ana Birchall on Thursday unveiled a draft of an Emergency Ordinance (OUG) providing the tightening of the penalties in the cases of serious and very serious crimes against the person, in particular…

17:25, 08.08.2019

PM Dancila: I call on JusMin to urgently finalise analysis on criminal legislation and come up with amendment proposals

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila called on Minister of Justice Ana Birchall, on Thursday, to "urgently" finalise the analysis regarding the criminal legislation in the case of serious and very serious crimes, so…