Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:35, 14.09.2023

Impact of Russian aggression on Romanians at Ukrainian border, addressed by DefMin Tilvar and German ambassador Gebauer

The minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, received the German ambassador in Bucharest, Peer Gebauer, on Thursday, at the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) headquarters, with whom he discussed the current…

22:45, 13.09.2023

Chargé d'affaires a.i. of Russian Federation's Embassy in Bucharest, summoned again to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest was summoned again to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the level of secretary of state for Strategic Affairs,…

15:15, 13.09.2023

Drones used by Russia attack at low altitudes, radars get image very hard (Defence Ministry)

The drones used by the Russian Federation are difficult to spot on radar because they attack at low and very low altitudes, said Wednesday the Ministry of National Defence spokesman Constantin Spinu.Asked why the…

14:20, 13.09.2023

Romania, Moldova to meet on energy issues

Romania, Moldova to meet on energy issuesMoldova's Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov has informed his Romanian counterpart Sebastian Burduja about Moldova's having met the unbundling requirements, which entailed…

23:00, 11.09.2023

DefMin: We consider measures to strengthen monitoring, security of Romania's and, implicitly, NATO's airspace

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, stated, on Monday, at a meeting with the head of the National Guard of the U.S. state of Alabama, that Romania is considering measures to strengthen the monitoring…

13:11, 11.09.2023

NATO's Geoana: There are no indications that Russia has any intention of attacking a NATO state

NATO's Geoana: There are no indications that Russia has any intention of attacking a NATO stateNATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana says that there are no indications of the Russian Federation having an…

19:05, 06.09.2023

Defence Ministry: Additional measures to strengthen air space monitoring and security at borders

Defence Ministry: Additional measures to strengthen air space monitoring and security at bordersThe Ministry of National Defence (MApN) announced on Wednesday, after the visit of Minister Angel Tilvar to Ceatalchioi…

21:35, 04.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu pays official visit to Berlin, condemns Russian attacks on Ukrainian Danube ports

ForMin Odobescu pays official visit to Berlin, condemns Russian attacks on Ukrainian Danube portsThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, paid an official visit to Berlin on Monday, where she had meetings…

11:05, 01.09.2023

Kievul cere locuitorilor din regiunile ocupate să nu voteze în alegerile regionale organizate de ocupaţia rusă şi „să părăsească” regiunile dacă este…

Autorităţile ucrainene îi îndeamnă pe ucrainenii din regiunile ocupate de Rusia să nu voteze în alegerile regionale organizate de ocupaţia rusă  şi le cer „să părăsească regiunea” dacă este posibil, relatează …

08:45, 29.08.2023

DefMin Tilvar to participate in Informal Meeting of EU Defence Ministers in Spain

DefMin Tilvar to participate in Informal Meeting of EU Defence Ministers in SpainNational Defence Minister Angel Tilvar will participate on Tuesday and Wednesday in Toledo (Spain) in the Informal Meeting of EU…

16:15, 18.08.2023

Government will continue to provide full and consistent support for Ukraine, as long as it is needed (PM)

The Romanian government will continue to provide full and consistent support for Ukraine, as long as it is needed, "until the victory of Ukraine and the restoration of its territorial integrity", but also further,…

16:35, 16.08.2023

No military threats to the territory or territorial waters of Romania have been identified (DefenceMinistry)

The structures of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) monitoring the airspace "have not identified any military threats" to the national territory or territorial waters of Romania, the MApN informed on Wednesday,…

09:50, 07.08.2023

Romanian Defence minister on an official visit to Republic of Moldova

Minister of National Defense Angel Tilvar pays an official visit to the Republic of Moldova on Monday, at the invitation of his counterpart from Chisinau, Anatolie Nosatii.According to the ministry, the agenda…

08:15, 04.08.2023

Baza navală rusă din Novorossiisk a fost atacată cu drone marine

Portul rusesc Novorossiisk de la Marea Neagră, un centru important pentru exporturile rusești, a fost, vineri dimineața, ținta unui atac cu drone maritime, informează agenția rusă de presă TASS.Potrivit autorităților…

17:40, 03.08.2023

So far, it is not confirmed that parts of a Russian drone fell on Romanian territory, Defence Ministry says

The Ministry of National Defence informs that, so far, no concrete elements have been identified to prove the hypothesis that parts of a drone involved in the attacks carried out on Tuesday by the Russian Federation…

18:55, 01.08.2023

De ce este atacată Moscova atât de ușor

Kremlinul a declarat marţi că este de datoria Ministerului rus al Apărării să ia măsuri de protecţie după noul atac cu drone asupra Moscovei, transmite DPA. „Pericolul există, acest lucru este evident, dar se iau…

15:15, 27.07.2023

Putin deschide summitul Rusia-Africa de la Sankt Petersburg promiţând să livreze gratuit cereale în şase ţări africane, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali,…

”În lunile care vin, vom fi în măsură să asigurăm livrări gretuite cuprinse între 25.000 şi 50.000 de tone de cereale în Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia, Republica Centrafricană şi Eritreea”, dă asigurări…

11:01, 25.07.2023

Sky News: Odesa era considerată diferită. Majoritatea oamenilor de aici vorbesc limba rusă. Acum sunt furioși

Odesa este cunoscută drept Perla Mării Negre – un oraș portuar cosmopolit și un centru maritim care este la fel de important din punct de vedere strategic pentru Ucraina de astăzi cum a fost pentru Imperiul Rus…

14:05, 24.07.2023

PM Ciolacu calling on Russia to put an end to air strikes on Ukrainian port infrastructure

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu slammed Russia for its military strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets and critical infrastructure, calling on the Russian Federation to put an end to its attacks on the Ukrainian port…

18:55, 17.07.2023

Iohannis: Half of Ukraine's grain exports were via Romania, and this will stay like that

Half of the Ukrainian grain exports were via Romania, and this process will continue, President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, in the aftermath of the Russian Federation's announcement that it is withdrawing from…

14:45, 10.07.2023

Spy network, dismantled in Republic of Moldova

The Director of the Security and Intelligence Service of the Republic of Moldova (SIS) Alexandru Musteata announced on Monday, in a livestreamed press briefing in Chisinau, the dismantling of a spy network operating…

14:15, 06.07.2023

Lawmaker Grosu: Supposed Russian diplomats arrive in Transnistria not dealing with diplomacy

In Chisinau, there are cases of "persons with a status of diplomats of the Russian Federation quickly arriving on the left bank of the Dniester, in Transnistria, where they do not deal with diplomacy," Chairman…

23:45, 22.06.2023

Geoana: I am convinced Ukraine will succeed; Republic of Moldova has chance to escape from trap of history

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared on Thursday evening, in Oradea, that Ukraine will win the war and that it will be part of the family of Western democracies, a situation in which the Republic…

11:50, 21.06.2023

VIDEO. Cum arată un centru de „reabilitare” în care sunt ținuți soldații ruși care refuză să lupte pe front

Pe canalele de Telegram rusești a apărut o înregistrare video cu un așa-zis centru de „concentrare și reabilitare”, în fapt un centru de tortură al FSB, în care sunt ținuți soldații ruși care refuză să lupte în…

19:35, 20.06.2023

Generalul Kirilor Budanov acuză Rusia că a „minat” iazul de răcire de la centrala nucleară din Zaporojie. Ce spune despre dezastrul de la Nova Kahovka

Șeful serviciilor ucrainene de informații militare, generalul Kirilo Budanov, a acuzat marți, 20 iunie, Rusia că a "minat" iazul de răcire folosit pentru a menține reci reactoarele de la centrala nucleară din Zaporojie,…

13:55, 20.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Romania is a supporter of Moldova's European path

ForMin Odobescu: Romania is a supporter of Moldova's European path. Romania is a supporter of Moldova's "European path" and this process will be followed "together" by the two countries, Romanian Foreign Minister…

13:55, 20.06.2023

Courts, prosecutor's offices in Bucharest halt work over amended pension regulations

Courts, prosecutor's offices in Bucharest halt work over amended pension regulations. The Bucharest Court of Appeal, the Bucharest Courthouse, the Prosecutor's Office with the Bucharest Courthouse and the prosecutor's…

13:26, 20.06.2023

DefMin Tilvar draws attention on threat to regional security represented by the Russian Federation

DefMin Tilvar draws attention on threat to regional security represented by the Russian Federation. The missile attacks on civil targets in Ukraine and the incidents with missiles registered in Poland and the Republic…

10:25, 10.06.2023

Patriarch Daniel stresses importance of prayer of parents, grandparents for children in special message to families

On the occasion of the Sunday of Parents and Children, observed in the Romanian Patriarchate on the first Sunday following June 1, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel has sent a message to Christian families. CITESTE…

10:25, 10.06.2023

Swedish traditions and cultural values, celebrated this weekend, in King Mihai I Park

Swedish traditions and cultural values will be celebrated, on Saturday and Sunday, at the Roaba de Cultura in King Mihai I Park, as part of the Midsommar event. CITESTE SI Patriarch Daniel congratulates Basilica…