Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:56, 27.05.2024

Sute de arestări după protestele conduse de arhiepiscopul Bagrat Galstanian, care vrea să devină premier. Motivul manifestațiilor

Sute de arestări după protestele conduse de arhiepiscopul Bagrat Galstanian, care vrea să devină premier. Motivul manifestațiilor

Poliţia armeană a reţinut peste 220 de protestatari care blocau străzile din Erevan în cadrul unei serii de proteste antiguvernamentale, a anunţat, luni, 27 mai, agenţia rusă de ştiri TASS, citată de News.ro. Manifestanții…

11:41, 04.03.2024

Taxi drivers protests carry on with some 100 cars amassed in Constitution Square

Taxi drivers' protests carry on with some 100 cars amassed in Constitution Square

Taxi drivers affiliated to the National Association of Taxi Transport Operators (ANPOTRT) continue their protests on Monday, with approximately 100 cars amassed in Bucharest's Constitution Square, in front of the…

14:40, 27.02.2024

EU Parliament passes nature law despite political backlash

The European Parliament approved an EU flagship law to restore nature on Tuesday, salvaging at least part of its plans to protect the environment after farmers’ protests ignited a backlash, according to Reuters. …

13:15, 20.02.2024

Polish farmers to step up protests with total blockade of Ukrainian border

Polish farmers will step up protests on the border with Ukraine on Tuesday, blocking almost all traffic in what they say is a bid to save their livelihoods but which Kyiv says is damaging its war effort, according…

14:35, 13.02.2024

Port of Antwerp disrupted by Belgian farmers’ protests

Operations at the port of Antwerp, one of Europe‘s biggest container ports, were seriously impacted on Tuesday as hundreds of farmers on tractors blocked the roads around the port to demand better pay and working…

21:25, 09.02.2024

Protest la Budapesta: O mie de oameni au cerut demisia președintei Novak, după ce a grațiat un bărbat condamnat într-un dosar de pedofilie | VIDEO

Cel puțin 1.000 de persoane au protestat vineri, 9 februarie, în capitala Ungariei, cerând demisia președintei Katalin Novak, din cauza deciziei acesteia de a grația un bărbat condamnat pentru complicitate la mușamalizarea…

09:40, 08.02.2024

Wood industry representatives begin protests in several cities, nationwide

The representatives of the Wood Industry Association (AIL) - Prolemn are starting protest actions on Thursday, in several cities in the country, against the background of dissatisfaction related to the failure…

22:26, 07.02.2024

Ciolacu on taxi drivers' protests: I am interested in the comfort of the citizen, competition

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday in Mioveni that he is willing to talk with the taxi drivers who protested in Bucharest, but starting from the interests of the citizens and from the principle of…

20:35, 07.02.2024

Taxi drivers, gov't agree on five demands

Five demands from representatives of taxi drivers were agreed at a government meeting, which is why the protests stopped, Cristian Coman, chairman of the Bucharest- Ilfov Taxi Drivers Association told AGERPRES…

18:30, 07.02.2024

Imagini de la protestele fermierilor bulgari

Pentru a doua zi, fermierii din Bulgaria au ieşit în stradă. Protestele de miercuri au avut loc între orele 10:00 şi 13.00. Marţi, protestele s-au desfăşurat în peste 80 de locaţii pe cuprinsul ţării. Fermierii…

12:05, 06.02.2024

EU drops plan to halve pesticide use after farmer protests

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said she will withdraw a plan to halve the use of pesticides because it became a “symbol of polarization” following protests by farmers across Europe, according…

18:10, 03.02.2024

Protestele fermierilor au ajuns și în Elveția: 30 de tractoare au defilat în centrul Genevei. „Fără ţărani nu veţi avea ce mânca” | VIDEO

Un grup de aproximativ 30 de tractoare a defilat sâmbătă, 3 februarie, pe străzile din Geneva, pentru ca fermierii elveţieni să îşi exprime revolta şi revendicările, cu prilejul primului protest de acest fel organizat…

12:55, 01.02.2024

VIDEO. Tensiuni în Bruxelles. Incendii în fața Parlamentului European acolo unde se află și Iohannis

Mai multe incendii au izbucnit în fața sediului Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles, acolo unde se află și președintele Klaus Iohannis. Incendiile au fost provocate de fermierii protestatari potrivit Antena…

09:16, 01.02.2024

Germany’s airport security staff to ground flights in nationwide protests

Security staff at some of Germany‘s biggest airports, including the global hub Frankfurt, walked off the job on Thursday, grounding flights and piling pain on Europe‘s largest economy, according to Reuters. The…

14:21, 31.01.2024

Farmers in Europe step up protests against rising costs, green rules

French and Belgian farmers set up dozens of blockades on highways and on access roads to a major container port on Wednesday to press governments to ease environmental rules and protect them from rising costs and…

10:20, 31.01.2024

PNL's Ciuca: The farmers' protests are justified

Senate Chairman Nicolae Ciuca, the national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), says that the farmers' protests are well-founded, and the government should support them."The farmers' protests are well-founded…

22:50, 20.01.2024

Mii de israelieni au ieșit în stradă, la Tel Aviv, pentru a-i cere demisia lui Netanyahu: „Acest guvern trebuie să plece acasă. Acum!” | VIDEO

Mii de israelieni s-au adunat sâmbătă, 20 ianuarie, la Tel Aviv pentru a protesta împotriva guvernului premierului Benjamin Netanyahu, acuzându-l pe liderul veteran că a gestionat greşit securitatea naţiunii şi…

10:35, 19.01.2024

Protests in Romania rage on despite the government adopting brokered measures

The Romanian government adopted measures on Thursday, transposing into law the solutions reached in negotiations with protesting transporters and farmers during the week, although protesters remain on the streets…

12:10, 16.01.2024

Romanian government reaches agreement with farmers following a week of protests

An agreement was reached between Romania‘s Agriculture Ministry and representatives of major agricultural organizations on Monday, with the former addressing several demands by farmers who have been protesting…

22:15, 15.01.2024

Representatives of agricultural associations in vegetal sector advise farmers to give up protests

Representatives of agricultural associations in vegetal sector advise farmers to give up protestsThe representatives of the agricultural associations in the vegetal sector advise the farmers in the street to give…

12:40, 12.01.2024

Transporters continue protests, regroup at entrance to Bucharest

Transporters continue protests, regroup at entrance to BucharestThe transporters continue the protests started on Wednesday, and at this moment they are regrouping at the entrance to Bucharest, at Afumati, Alex…

09:00, 12.01.2024

Farmers, transporters protests are politcally hijacked, says Bucharest prefect

Farmers, transporters protests are politcally hijacked, says Bucharest prefectThe protests of farmers and transporters are politically hijacked, this is not the time "for certain demands to be instrumented by an…

11:06, 12.12.2023

APIA employees warn with more protests if salary discrimination situation is not settled

The officials of the Payments and Intervention in Agriculture Agency (APIA), members of the APIA National Federation of Trade Unions, continue the Japanese strike protest every day, between 10:00 and 11:00, and…

21:30, 23.11.2023

Bolos about protests: Budget has a certain limit,can't bite off more than we can chew

The Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, said on Thursday, regarding the protests of employees in the health sector regarding salary claims, that "the budget has a certain limit"."We have to wait for the budget for…

17:40, 20.10.2023

Război Israel. Proteste masive la Cairo! Ciocniri între manifestanți și poliție, în piața Tahrir - Granița cu Gaza, luată cu asalt - VIDEO

Violențe extreme, vineri, în Egipt. Zeci de egipteni au ieșit în stradă pentru a-și exprima respingerea agresiunii israeliene și a planurilor de relocare a populației din Gaza în Sinai, o peninsulă de formă triunghiulară…

20:45, 18.09.2023

Publisind trade unions to stage protests against austerity measures

Publisind trade unions to stage protests against austerity measuresThe Publisind trade union federation says it will stage protests against expected austerity measures that include pay and job cuts, layoffs, tax…

12:35, 28.08.2023

Finance employees resume protests in several cities

Finance employees resume protests in several citiesFinance employees resumed protests in several cities across the country on Monday, as negotiations with Finance Minister Marcel Bolos have failed. According to…

18:11, 04.07.2023

USR protests Education package in front of Cotroceni Palace

A group of Save Romania Union (USR) members mounted on Tuesday a protest in front of the Cotroceni Palace, dissatisfied with the provisions of the new Education package which President Klaus Iohannis just signed…

12:46, 03.07.2023

Ambulanta National Trade Union Federation to continue national protests

The leadership of the "Ambulanta" National Trade Union Federation of Romania announces the continuation of the national protest started in November 2022 in the public ambulance services, without affecting the work…

14:20, 01.07.2023

'Solidaritatea Sanitara' Federation says 'Ordinance of delusions' not meeting health workers' demands, protests to continue

"Solidaritatea Sanitara" Federation says 'Ordinance of delusions' not meeting health workers' demands, protests to continue. The Emergency Ordinance adopted Friday by the Government does not meet the demands of…