Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:25, 29.04.2021

Royal Air Force Air Police Mission - certified by NATO

State Secretary Simona Cojocaru, head of the Department for Defence Policy, Planning and International Relations, and the deputy head of the Defence General Staff, Lieutenant General Vasile Toader, participated…

16:10, 09.04.2021

Foreign Investors Council: Major companies planning to build vaccination centres in Romania

Romania's major foreign investors have expressed their willingness to build vaccination centers for their employees and presented this idea to the government, president of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) Ramona…

12:25, 23.03.2021

UK: Vara asta are loc primul festival cu prezență fizică și la capacitate maximă din pandemie

În Marea Britanie o să aibă loc anul ăsta primul festival în format fizic şi ”la capacitate maximă’‘ de la izbucnirea pandemiei. Este vorba de Latitude, programat în perioada 22-25 iulie. We can’t wait to welcome…

20:51, 03.03.2021

Banks planning to maintain lending standards unchanged in Q1 2021 (BNR survey)

Banks will maintain their lending standards unchanged in the first quarter of this year, both for consumer loans and for property loans, found the February survey on lending to non-financial corporations and households…

13:30, 01.03.2021

Orban: With exemplary mobilisation, we will be able to pass the budget as planned

In the debates in Parliament's joint plenary sitting today, the National Liberal Party (PNL) will endorse the national budget as passed by the government and the specialist committees, PNL national leader Ludovic…

15:55, 18.02.2021

LabMin Turcan: No one has planned to abolish bonuses

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Raluca Turcan declared on Thursday, in southeastern Constanta, that the government is not planning to abolish the bonuses granted to the public sector employees, but to have…

15:20, 20.01.2021

(P) Cum să folosești un planner

Un birou curat și ordonat sporește productivitatea și creativitatea unei persoane atunci când petrece mai multe ore într-un singur loc. Pentru ca un birou să rămână curat, o persoană trebuie să aibă un management…

15:35, 13.01.2021

State pensions to increase as planned, but not by 40pct

In reaction to a Constitutional Court ruling on Wednesday, Prime Minister Florin Citu says Romania in 2020 did not afford to increase state pensions by 40% and it does not afford now either, but the government…

08:50, 05.01.2021

Education Ministry to hold consultations with representatives of students, parents and teachers on reopening of schools

The Ministry of Education announces that this week it will hold consultations with representatives of pupils, students, parents and teachers to analyze the measures required both for the reopening of schools and…

22:25, 23.12.2020

Coronavirus/ Citu: We're not planning restrictions; on the contrary, we may relax

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated on Wednesday that he is not taking into account new restrictions in regards to the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, mentioning that in Romania the number of infections…

13:05, 19.11.2020

Proiecte şi conferinţe la AOA Argeş

Deși situația sanitară a dat multe bătăi de cap tuturor partenerilor consorțiului, Asociația Oamenilor de Afaceri Argeș și-a continuat activitatea, astfel că proiectul ERASMUS+ ”VEPA – VET Planner for Work Based…

21:15, 28.10.2020

Gov't planning concrete, hands-on and steady action to reduce bureaucracy

The government must take "concrete, hands-on and steady" action to reduce bureaucracy and simplify administrative procedures in order to streamline and improve services to people and the business environment, the…

21:25, 09.10.2020

Romania's commitment to NATO and army endowment programmes discussed by Minister of Defence, US officials

The Minister of National Defence, Nicolae Ciuca, together with the Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, and the Secretary of State and Chief of the Department for Defence Policy, Planning…

11:01, 31.08.2020

Românii salvează litoralul bulgăresc. Sezonul estival va continua și în luna septembrie

Față de anii trecuți, weekend-ul 28-30 august a reprezentat vârful de sezon pentru litoralul bulgăresc, cel puțin din punct de vedere al turiștilor români, multe hoteluri fiind în ”stop sales”, deci cu grad de…

19:25, 04.08.2020

Tax authority's 2019 budget collections at 271.62 bln lei, 99.2 pct of planned amount

Collections by the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF) last year amounted to 271.639 billion lei, which represents a 99.2 percent achievement rate of the budget revenue plan, shows the 2019 activity report…

18:30, 03.08.2020

Finance Ministry, planning to borrow 3.45 bln lei from banks in August

The Public Finance Ministry (MFP) seeks to raise this August from commercial banks 3.45 bln lei, of which 3 billion lei through eight issues of government bonds.Another 450 million lei might add to these amounts…

10:12, 13.07.2020

Rally in Victoriei Square, planned, I don't understand why they protested, says PM Orban

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday evening that the rally in Victoriei Square "was planned" and said he did not understand the reason for the protest."Unfortunately, we are facing a very strange campaign.(...)…

20:39, 08.07.2020

Curtea Supremă a SUA validat o reformă a lui Trump care limitează rambursarea costurilor pentru contracepție / Școlile confesionale, protejate în fața…

Curtea Supremă a Statelor Unite validat miercuri o reformă a guvernului lui Donald Trump care limitează rambursarea costurilor contracepției salariaților în numele apărării valorilor religioase ale angajatorilor,…

10:15, 04.06.2020

PNL planning to modify health reform law after parliamentary elections

Health Minister Nelu Tataru told private broadcaster B1 TV on Wednesday evening that after the parliamentary elections the Liberals intend to amend Law No. 95/2006 so that the important hospitals be transferred…

16:24, 29.05.2020

DefMin Ciuca: Romania's National Defense Strategy requires integrated planning by all state institutions

Minister of National Defense Nicolae Ciuca declared on Friday in Targu Mures that the newly devised 2020 - 2024 National Strategy for the Country's Defense, which was discussed at this week's meeting of the Supreme…

17:18, 28.05.2020

Iohannis: National examinations, to take place physically as planned/second session of National Assessment - June 29

The national exams will take place physically as planned and announced a few weeks ago, starting June 15, and as regards the National Assessment, a second session will be organized on June 29 for children who are…

16:27, 11.05.2020

Două firme cu răsunet în domeniul ingineriei, interesate de drumul expres ce leagă Clujul de Autostrada Transilvania

O ofertă a fost depusă de firma clujeană SC Explan SRL, cu China Highway Engineering Consultants Corporation (terț) și subcontractanții Protelco S.A., Electronic Solutions, Muzeul Național de Istorie a Transilvaniei,…

16:12, 08.05.2020

President Iohannis: We'll have a higher budget deficit and it must be funded

President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Friday that it is "clear" that Romania's budget deficit will be higher than the one planned and it will have to be funded. "It's clear that we will have a higher deficit than…

19:22, 08.04.2020

Frigate Regina Maria stops over in Georgian Poti Port in context of planned missions in Black Sea

The Romanian Frigate "Regina Maria" (F-222), part of the package of forces put at NATO's disposal by the Romanian Military Navy, docked in the Georgian Poti Port on Wednesday, within the missions planned in the…

16:33, 25.02.2020

Orban at Defense Ministry's stocktaking meeting: DefMin has very strong voice in Gov't

The Defense Minister is a very strong voice in the government, acting Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told the meeting for the review of the National Defense Ministry's activity this Tuesday; the Premier mentioned…

00:24, 04.02.2020

Chief of Defense Staff, French ambassador discuss strengthening bilateral Partnership's defense dimension

Romania's Chief of Defense Staff, Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, and Secretary of State for Defense policy, Planning and Foreign relations Simona Cojocaru met on Monday with French ambassador in Bucharest,…

13:36, 25.01.2020

Alarmant! 10% din copiii născuți în 2018 au mame minore. România, pe primul loc în UE la acest capitol

Educaţia sexuală ar trebui introdusă în şcoli, crede președintele Consiliului Național pentru Combaterea Discriminării. Educație sexuală, prevenție, planning familial – cine și cum le mai face? În urmă cu câțiva…

11:34, 15.01.2020

Cât de importante sunt educația sexuală și prevenția. Ce spun oamenii

Educație sexuală, prevenție, planning familial - cine și cum le mai face? În urmă cu câțiva ani, planning-ul familial era la modă,  cum pare că nu se mai aude de așa ceva. Sau se face din ce în ce mai rar.

17:20, 28.11.2019

Simona Cojocaru - new head of Department for defence policy, planning and international relations

Simona Cojocaru is, starting with Thursday, the new head of the Department for defence policy, planning and international relations of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), a release by this ministry shows.State…

15:38, 11.10.2019

ALDE's Tariceanu, after Cotroceni consultations: Not planning on being part of future gov't formula

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) is not planning on being part of a future government formula, party chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Friday, after the consultations with President Iohannis,…