Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:50, 05.04.2024

Phenomenon of demographic ageing increases in 2023, elderly population outnumbering young population by more than 27 pct

Phenomenon of demographic ageing increases in 2023, elderly population outnumbering young population by more than 27 pct

The phenomenon of demographic ageing has increased last year, as the elderly population aged 65 and over exceeded by more than 27.5% the young population aged 0-14 years, according to data from the National Institute…

13:31, 29.03.2024

Imagini cu Tudor Ionescu și Bianca Tilici, o voce nouă în industria muzicală. „Soarele pe strada mea”

Imagini cu Tudor Ionescu și Bianca Tilici, o voce nouă în industria muzicală. „Soarele pe strada mea”

Tudor Ionescu își surprinde din nou fanii pe plan muzical, iar la scurt timp după participarea la Power Couple, împreună cu soția lui, artistul lansează o nouă piesă, ce ar putea fi hitul verii. Interpretul cântă…

23:20, 11.12.2023

Premieră în arhitectura romanească: o organizatie de design arhitectural lansează primul avatar bazat pe inteligenta artificială cu rol de comunicator!

Phenomena Laboratory este o organizație de design arhitectural, cu o viziune unică, ce se distinge printr-o înțelegere profundă a nevoilor umane, având ca scop armonizarea mediului de viață prin intermediul designului…

16:45, 02.11.2023

EnviMin Fechet: We are working on bill to stop illegal waste trafficking

Minister of the Environment Mircea Fechet on Thursday said that currently work is being done on a bill that "clarifies very well what second-hand means" in order to stop part of illegal waste trafficking.At a news…

11:25, 11.09.2023

Iohannis: Drug use in young people is alarming

Iohannis: Drug use in young people is alarmingDrug use among in Romania's young people is an alarming phenomenon, President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, adding that the subject will be included on the agenda…

11:05, 25.08.2023

Belgium asks Romania to explain fake dentist diploma phenomenon

Belgian Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke has contacted the Romanian authorities to find out how the country controls the authenticity of dental diplomas following reports of individuals with Romanian credentials…

07:00, 24.08.2023

Avionul lui Prigojin – Embraer este un fabricant brazilian

Șeful Wagner, Evgheni Prigojin, era pe lista pasagerilor unui avion privat care s-a prăbușit miercuri în Tver. Conform presei locale preluate de EFE, este vorba de o aeronavă privată Embraer, care avea la bord…

14:45, 28.03.2023

Actori câștigători de Oscar care și-au început cariera jucând în filme horror

Vei rămâne impresionată atunci când vei vedea că unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți actori de la Hollywood, care este posibil să se afle și printre preferații tăi, și-au început cariera jucând în filme horror. 1. Matthew…

22:00, 22.03.2023

US Ambassador in Bucharest - received by Patriarch Daniel; migration phenomenon - on agenda of talks

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, received, on Wednesday, the ambassador of the United States of America to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, on a presentation visit, with the phenomenon of migration…

20:21, 14.03.2023

Phenomenon of migration addressed by Archbishop of Canterbury and Patriarch Daniel

Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) received on Tuesday, in a private visit, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, with whom he discussed the migration phenomenon, with the Primate of the…

08:35, 20.01.2023

Conference on phenomenon of population aging, on Friday at National Institute of Statistics

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) and the Romanian Academy Library organises on Friday the conference called "The ageing of the resident population, a phenomenon difficult to stop," which falls under the…

15:56, 05.11.2022

VIDEO - Fraţii Adrian şi Dragoş Pavăl, patronii Dedeman, şi-au cumpărat un nou avion

Compania Dedeman, înfiintata de fratii Adrian si Dragos Paval, si-a cumparat un nou avion, care va fi operat de Tiriac Air. Firma de bricolaj din Bacau mai detin un avion, achizitionat în 2017, scos recent la vânzare.…

17:40, 04.11.2022

VIDEO: Dedeman Bacău și-a cumpărat avion nou. Vezi cum arată aeronava Embraer EMB-505 Phenom 300E, ce va fi operată de Țiriac Air

Compania Dedeman, înființată de frații Adrian și Dragoș Pavăl, și-a cumpărat un nou avion, care va fi operat de Țiriac Air. Firma de bricolaj din Bacău mai dețin un avion, achiziționat în 2017, scos recent la vânzare.…

11:35, 21.10.2022

Crizantema de Aur/Golden Chrysanthemum, a national emblem of resistance through culture, a musical phenomenon with unique longevity

Crizantema de Aur /Golden Chrysanthemum is a national emblem of resistance through culture, a true musical phenomenon, whose unique longevity in Romania speaks for itself about the cultural, moral, aesthetic and…

19:06, 24.02.2022

Official Scantei explains Venice Commission rapporteurs that dismantling section investigating justice crimes is an emergency

The head of Senate's legal committee, Iuliana Scantei, on Thursday stated, after she had an online meeting with the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission, that she explained to them the urgent need to abolish the…

23:31, 22.02.2022

SRI Director: Cyber attacks, espionage activities and 'fake news' phenomenon intensified

Cyber attacks, espionage activities and those associated with the "fake news" phenomenon have intensified recently, given the regional context, said the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), Eduard…

22:15, 21.01.2022

AGERPRES Director General Claudia Nicolae opens series of "Phenomenal Women" events at Danubius University

AGERPRES National News Agency Director General Claudia Nicolae opened the series of "Phenomenal Women" events on Friday, organized by Danubius University in Galati to mark the 30th anniversary of the higher education…

16:01, 16.01.2022

EduMin Cimpeanu: School seriously affected by pandemic; we have an explosion of the bullying phenomenon

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, stated that the school was affected during the "enormous, frightening long" pandemic and that "the educational losses are very high," difficult to recover, requiring perseverance…

17:50, 09.12.2021

Iohannis: Romania, determined to prevent and combat all negative phenomena that undermine democratic trust

President Klaus Iohannis said in a message on Thursday conveyed to the Democracy Summit organized by US President Joe Biden, that Romania is determined to prevent and combat all negative phenomena that undermine…

15:46, 25.11.2021

Violence against women and girls represents one of most widespread phenomena

Violence against women and girls represents one of the most widespread phenomena, which affects fundamental human rights to life, safety, freedom, dignity, physical and mental integrity, the Ministry of Foreign…

16:15, 04.10.2021

Rădăcini Estate demarează construcția 303 by Rădăcini, ansamblu rezidențial cu un concept inovator al arhitectului Dorin Ștefan

Rădăcini Estate, divizia imobiliară a grupului Rădăcini, a început recent construcția celui mai nou ansamblu rezidențial din portofoliu – 303 by Rădăcini. Amplasat într-o zonă cu mare potențial de dezvoltare –…

10:21, 22.06.2021

VIDEO Canada: O persoană a murit în urma trecerii unei tornade în apropiere de Montreal

O tornadă a ucis o persoană în localitatea canadiană Mascouche, situată la câteva zeci de kilometri nord de Montreal, a anunţat luni seara vicepremierul şi ministrul siguranţei publice din Quebec, potrivit AFP.…

20:05, 25.05.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Climate change risks undemining global stability and security

Climate change risks undermining global stability due to the consequences on human security, including phenomena such as large-scale famine, acceleration of desertification or forced migration, said, on Tuesday,…

12:00, 09.12.2020

Iohannis: It is absolutely fundamental for health of state, society to firmly fight corruption

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Wednesday on the occasion of the International Anticorruption Day, stressing that the phenomenon of corruption must be fought "firmly" by the institutions responsible…

16:51, 07.11.2020

Compania auto Porsche şi constructorul brazilian de avioane Embraer au anunţat un parteneriat inedit

Compania auto Porsche şi constructorul brazilian de avioane Embraer au anunţat un parteneriat inedit, în cadrul căruia un avion şi o maşină sport pot fi cumpărate la pachet, potrivit Mediafax.Cele două companii…

20:11, 29.09.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Phenomenon of fake news, misinformation, confusion, more present than ever in our societies

The phenomenon of fake news, misinformation and confusion "are more present than ever in our societies, in the context of the current crisis", the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, said on Tuesday, in…

10:55, 28.08.2020

Romania's resident population at 19.318 million as of 1 January 2020, ageing phenomenon deepens

Romania's resident population counted for 19.318 million as of 1 January 2020, down by 96,500 compared to 1 January 2019, with a visible deepening of the demographic ageing phenomenon, a release by the National…

20:54, 06.07.2020

Top-modelul Naomi Campbell a cerut industriei modei ''să impună principiul includerii''

Top-modelul britanic Naomi Campbell, care militează de mulţi ani împotriva discriminării, a cerut luni industriei modei "să impună principiul includerii" în show-urile sale, într-o înregistrare video ce a fost…

17:15, 24.06.2020

Iohannis: We will have to overcome mentality that it's enough to build a few dykes to stop floods

President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Wednesday that, together with the Government, he will make demarches so projects financed from European funds, meant to prevent climate change, be implemented in Romania,…

02:09, 19.05.2020

YouTube este lider mondial la trafic. Priza cefalorahidiană. HOROSCOPUL LUI DOM’ PROFESOR

  19 mai   YouTube este lider mondial la trafic. Priza cefalorahidiană. HOROSCOPUL LUI DOM’ PROFESOR   Pe 19 mai s-au născut William Waldorf Astor, Ho Şi Min, Grace Jones, Malcom X, Edward  de Bono, Florin Marin,…