Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:55, 17.12.2023

Guns N’ Roses a lansat “The General”

Guns N’ Roses a lansat “The General”, a doua lansare a trupei din 2023, după single-ul din vară – „Perhaps”. Guns N’ Roses a debutat inițial „The General” în fața unui public in orașul natal, în timpul petrecerii…

16:20, 02.10.2023

NATO's Geoana says Romania could join UK-France entente cordiale on climate

At the opening of the new academic year at the Petroleum-Gas University (UPG) of Ploiesti on Monday, Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana menioned an entente on the protection of the environment and biodiversity,…

11:25, 20.08.2023

Guns N’ Roses lanseaza single-ul Perhaps

Guns N’ Roses lanseaza melodia „Perhaps”, primul track al trupei de la ultima lansare – „Hard Skool”, din 2021. Odată cu noua lansare a single-ului, trupa este pe cale să înceapă un turneu național in SUA, care…

17:20, 25.04.2023

Legendarul cântăreț american Harry Belafonte a murit la 96 de ani

Harry Belafonte, un cântăreț, compozitor și actor revoluționar care și-a început cariera în divertisment cu melodia sa de succes din anii '50 "Banana Boat" și care a devenit apoi o forță majoră în mișcarea pentru…

18:20, 28.03.2023

PM Morawiecki: Poland and Romania, pillars of North Atlantic Treaty in this part of Europe

Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday, in Bucharest, after the meeting with president Klaus Iohannis that Romania and Poland are the pillars of the North Atlantic Treaty in this part of Europe,…

09:31, 11.12.2022

Ucrainenii au atacat cu rachete HIMARS o bază rusească situată la Melitopol: Cel puțin doi militari ruși au murit și peste 10 au fost răniți - VIDEO

Cel puțin doi militari ruși au murit și peste 10 au fost răniți în timpul incidentului.Mai multe imagini cu rămășițele obuzelor au fost postate în mediul online.Un consilier al președintelui ucrainean Volodimir…

10:10, 28.11.2022

VIDEO Proteste fără precedent în Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan și alte mari orașe. Manifestanții au ieșit în stradă contra regimului Xi Jinping și a restricțiilor…

China a raportat al cincilea record zilnic consecutiv de 40.347 de noi infectii cu COVID-19 la 27 noiembrie, dintre care 3.822 au fost simptomatice si 36.525 asimptomatice, noul bilant record venind în contextul…

09:36, 24.09.2022

Iohannis to Silicon Valley's Romanian entrepreneurs: Perhaps you've got some lessons we could use

Perhaps you have some lessons that would use us, surely there are some areas where you can tell us how you think it would have been good for things to work in Romania," President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday at…

21:00, 16.08.2022

VIDEO Tancuri rusești, dibuite de ucraineni în pădure. N-a mai rămas nimic din ele

O noua înregistrare video distribuita pe retelele de socializare a surprins cum doua tancuri rusesti încearca fara succes sa se ascunda într-un pâlc de copaci de artileria ucraineana. Eastern Ukraine, a column…

10:20, 15.08.2022

VIDEO Tanc rusesc, „promovat” la submarin pe ritmuri de Benny Hill

O înregistrare video realizata de militarii ucraineni l-a surprins pe „probabil nu cel mai bun sofer de tanc din armata rusa". #Ukraine: Perhaps not the best tank driver in the Russian Army was captured on camera…

19:11, 01.04.2022

Organizatorii Zmeura de Aur retrag premiul pentru „cea mai proastă interpretare”, acordat lui Bruce Willis, după anunțul privind diagnosticul de afazie

Organizatorii Zmeurei de Aur au anulat premiul lui Bruce Willis, acordat în 2021, pentru „cea mai proastă interpretare” după ce familia actorului a anunțat că acesta se retrage, după ce a fost diagnosticat cu afazie…

16:30, 24.12.2021

PM Ciuca: Celebrating Christmas again this year under pressure of health crisis caused by pandemic

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed a Christmas message on Friday, stressing that this year is also marked by the pressure of the health crisis caused by the pandemic and shows that the responsibility with which…

23:20, 22.11.2021

Scriitoarea J.K. Rowling, acuzată de transfobie, spune că a primit amenințări cu moartea

Autoarea seriei de romane „Harry Potter” a declarat, luni, că a fost amenințată cu moartea de unii activiști pentru drepturile persoanelor transgen, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpres. J.K. Rowling este acuzată…

22:21, 22.11.2021

Acuzată de transfobie, scriitoarea J.K. Rowling spune că a primit ameninţări cu moartea

Scriitoarea britanică J.K. Rowling, autoarea seriei literare "Harry Potter", a spus luni că a primit numeroase ameninţări cu moartea din partea unor activişti pentru drepturile persoanelor transgen, care…

22:55, 17.06.2021

News conference following Russia-US talks

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon. I am at your service. I think there is no need for long opening remarks since everyone is familiar with the topics of discussion…

18:40, 15.04.2021

IntMin Lucian Bode says new, modern Road Code needed

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Lucian Bode, said on Thursday in western Zalau that a new and modern Road Code is needed, to be carried out after debates with all the factors involved. "Perhaps we manage to sit…

15:45, 07.09.2020

Romanian Diplomacy Meeting /Aurescu: Pandemic period, most difficult to Romanian diplomacy since 1989

The COVID-19 pandemic period has been "perhaps the most difficult to the Romanian diplomacy since 1989," Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu told the opening on Monday of the Annual Meeting of the Romanian…

11:36, 13.04.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu asking for inquiry into departure of 2,000 Romanians to work in Germany

National leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu argues that a parliamentary committee should be set up to inquire into what he dubs "the asparagus operation" that saw 2,000…

20:20, 09.04.2020

Orban orders merciless investigation of situation at Cluj-Napoca Airport

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has asked the transport minister and the interior minister to conduct a "merciless" investigation and "penalise all those responsible for the disaster", referencing the situation at…

09:41, 01.04.2020

FinMin Citu:Romania's economy will have a different structure after this period passes,perhaps a healthier one

Romania's economy will have a different structure after this period passes, perhaps a healthier one on the long run, which will help us to be among the first economies in Europe, Finance Minister Florin Citu said…

18:32, 11.01.2020

Monsignor Aurel Perca - new Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest

Monsignor Aurel Perca, who was appointed by Pope Francis as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest, was invested on Saturday within a solemn Holy Mass officiated in the "St. Joseph" Cathedral in Bucharest.Through…

09:54, 01.10.2019

Chief prosecutor Banila tells President Iohannis that resignation could reveal cowardice

Chief Prosecutor with the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Felix Banila said on Tuesday that office resignation is a one-sided act of will, "but there are circumstances…

09:45, 25.07.2019

PM Dancila: When the entrance to Romania's Gov't is forced, I believe it looks like a coup d'etat

Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila mentioned, when referring to the events which occurred on 10 August, that the attempt to enter through violence in the Government building represents…

09:16, 29.01.2019

PM advisor Darius Valcov: '2018, best year in Romania history as regards budget revenues' increase'

The year 2018 is "the best in Romania's history" as regards the increase of the budget revenues, according to the figures displayed on Monday by the Public Finance Ministry (MFP), the prime minister's advisor on…

09:27, 27.11.2018

President Iohannis to Romanians in France: I urge you to be more united, stay as much involved in modernising Romania

On Monday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis urged Romanians in France to be more united and stay involved as much as they are now in helping modernise Romania."I am well aware of the aspirations and the difficulties…

17:56, 19.04.2018

Italy's PM Gentiloni: Integration of the Romanian community in Italy is currently satisfactory

The levels of integration of the Romanian community in Italy have improved over time and are now satisfactory, Italy's Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Thursday on a visit in Bucharest. "Our relationships…

12:04, 12.01.2018

Football business restore the people business if can confidence

Perhaps the earlier go route spooked him a little bit. That’s really the most important thing to him, Snyder said. The camp was a reprieve from wrangling pigs, and after his mission, he figured he’d study New Cheap…

12:03, 12.01.2018

Intercepted by kessel pass atlanta kessel

Saturday’s game was Kessler’s sixth game with at least 300 passing yards and four passing touchdowns. What’s impressive about the Falcons roster is that while the team MLB Authentic Jerseys has 18 pending free…

11:02, 05.01.2018

The Rise of Dissertation Methodology Chapter

This process is very useful if you’re interested in putting quantitative data into a true world context or reflect various perspectives on a subject. It’s however, important to be aware that the selection of method…

23:31, 02.01.2018

Donald Trump despre sancțiunile împotriva Coreei de Nord. „Omul rachetă vrea să discute cu sud-coreenii, pentru prima dată”

Donald Trump despre sancțiunile împotriva Coreei de Nord. Președintele Statelor Unite a declarat că sancțiunile internaționale dictate împotriva regimului de la Phenian încep să aibă un impact major. Liderul nord-corean…