Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:15, 11.09.2023

Gov't to upload latest tax measures on its website for public transparency

Gov't to upload latest tax measures on its website for public transparencyPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that this week the tax measures he is going to take responsibility for in Parliament will be…

18:20, 08.09.2023

EduMin says International Olympiad of Hellenism - celebration of excellence

Minister of Education Ligia Deca highlighted on Friday, in her message to the participants of the 8th International Olympiad of Hellenism, the importance of affirming the cultural and linguistic identity of national…

22:20, 04.09.2023

Senate's Ciuca: Parliament must not be the scene of political scandal, demagogy

Senate's Ciuca: Parliament must not be the scene of political scandal, demagogyThe President of the Senate, PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Nicolae Ciuca, asked the Senators, on Monday, to hurry and debate,…

16:41, 04.09.2023

Right Force's Orban says party to endorse motion of censure against Ciolacu Gov't

Right Force's Orban says party to endorse motion of censure against Ciolacu Gov'tThe 16 MPs who are members of the Right Force party will sign and vote for the motion of censure against the Ciolacu Government,…

11:25, 25.08.2023

Romanian PM seeks to ram tax reform through parliament, risks censure motion

The Romanian government will take responsibility for the administrative reform package and fiscal measures, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday, allowing his government to pass laws on these files…

18:20, 24.08.2023

AUR to table motion of censure against Ciolacu gov't early next parliamentary session

AUR to table motion of censure against Ciolacu gov't early next parliamentary sessionThe Alliance for the Union of Romanians (USR) says that it will table a motion of censure against the government led by Marcel…

11:50, 24.08.2023

Government to take responsibility for legislative package aimed at reforming state apparatus (PM Ciolacu)

The government will take responsibility before Parliament on the legislative package aimed at reforming the state apparatus, fiscal balancing measures and those aimed at combating evasion, prime minister Marcel…

21:35, 22.08.2023

MP Simonis: Local and parliamentary election merger, unconstitutional

MP Simonis: Local and parliamentary election merger, unconstitutionalThe interim Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Social Democrat MP Alfred Simonis, said Tuesday in Timisoara that a merger of local and parliamentary…

14:15, 16.08.2023

USR MPs call for Parliament extraordinary session to eliminate special pensions

USR MPs call for Parliament extraordinary session to eliminate special pensionsSave Romanian Union (USR) submitted on Wednesday an official request for Parliament to convene an extraordinary session between August…

16:50, 09.08.2023

PNL's Ciuca: We do not want to affect the purchasing power of Romanians or the companies

The President of the Senate, PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Nicolae Ciuca, on Wednesday had a meeting at the Parliament with the representatives of the "Concordia" Employers' Confederation and the National…

23:20, 08.08.2023

Senator Ciuca: When special pension amendments agreed with EC Parliament will urgently convene

Senate Chairman Nicolae Ciuca, the national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Tuesday that when the amendments to the law on special pensions are agreed with the European Commission, Parliament…

21:15, 08.08.2023

UDMR's Szabo: Public expenditure reduction ordinance could affect more than half of schools in Romania

The ordinance cutting government's public spending, mainly the part related to the abolition of public bodies with less than 50 employees, would affect education, with more than half of the schools in Romania being…

18:15, 02.08.2023

CCR decision on special pensions - dishonest and lacking any institutional authority (Right Force Party)

The Right Force Party /Forta Dreptei maintains that the repeal of special pensions has become "a masquerade of complicity between the CCR [the Constitutional Court of Romania] and the PSD-PNL [Social Democratic…

12:45, 26.07.2023

Constitutional Court postpones discussion on Supreme Court's notification on special pensions

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has postponed to August 2 the discussion on the notification from the High Court of Cassation and Justice (the Supreme Court) regarding the amendments made in Parliament…

22:55, 23.07.2023

CURS Poll - National Voting Intent: AUR rises to second place, PSD maintains over 30%

The Center for Urban and Regional Sociology - CURS has published the data from the most recent survey, conducted between July 8th and July 20th, 2023. According to the sociological research, the national voting…

14:25, 10.07.2023

Euro trades at 4.9514 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON CITESTE SI USR's Ungureanu…

13:50, 10.07.2023

SRI director position officially declared vacant by Parliament plenary

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies approved on Monday in plenary session the decision on the resignation of the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), Eduard Hellvig, and the vacancy of this position.There…

22:50, 03.07.2023

Mii de persoane manifestă în Australia pentru reforma drepturilor populației indigene

Mii de persoane s-au adunat duminică în Australia pentru a susține o campanie de recunoaștere a populației indigene a țării în constituție, înaintea unui referendum de la sfârșitul acestui an, după o recentă scădere…

10:20, 29.06.2023

Romanian parliament passes watered-down special pensions reform

Romanian lawmakers passed the special pension reform requested by the European Commission on Wednesday, though several last-minute changes diluted the law, according to Euractiv. The special pension reform is an…

20:05, 28.06.2023

President Iohannis promulgates law repealing special pensions of MPs

President Iohannis promulgates law repealing special pensions of MPs. President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Wednesday the law repealing the special pensions of MPs. CITESTE SI CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss…

20:05, 28.06.2023

CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss Romania's objectives for NATO summit

CSAT to convene on July 6 to discuss Romania's objectives for NATO summit.President Klaus Iohannis has called on the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) to convene on July 6 at the Cotroceni Presidential…

18:00, 28.06.2023

Ministry of Energy announces European Commission's last requests to be implemented according to terms in regulation

Ministry of Energy announces European Commission's last requests to be implemented according to terms in regulation. The latest requests and observations of the European Commission for the completion of milestones…

18:00, 26.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu: We will continue to monitor situation in Russia and Belarus

ForMin Odobescu: We will continue to monitor situation in Russia and Belarus. Romania will continue to monitor the situation in Russia and Belarus, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Monday,…

17:46, 26.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: By a large majority, we put an end to special pensions of MPs; Cumulation of pension and salary is up next

PM Ciolacu: By a large majority, we put an end to special pensions of MPs; Cumulation of pension and salary is up next. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that the bill repealing MPs' special pensions…

17:00, 26.06.2023

President Iohannis promulgates bill establishing new science, tech university

President Iohannis promulgates bill establishing new science, tech university. President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed into law a bill establishing the Bucharest National Science and Technology Polytechnic University…

17:00, 26.06.2023

Parliament approves participation of Romania's Army in Operation Interflex of the UK

Parliament approves participation of Romania's Army in Operation Interflex of the UK. Senators and deputies approved, in a joint sitting on Monday, at the request of President Klaus Iohannis, the participation…

15:50, 22.06.2023

Statements by so-called representative of Russia in Kherson against Republic of Moldova are unacceptable

Statements by so-called representative of Russia in Kherson against Republic of Moldova are unacceptable. Romania strongly condemns the statements made by the so-called Russian representative in Kherson, a Ukrainian…

15:11, 22.06.2023

Student League Iasi calls on president Klaus Iohannis to send Education Laws back to Parliament

Student League Iasi calls on president Klaus Iohannis to send Education Laws back to Parliament. The Student League (LS) Iasi calls on president Klaus Iohannis to send the Education Laws back to Parliament, given…

11:36, 22.06.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Special pensions laws,MPs' pensions,accumulation of pension with salary, settled by the end of session

PNL's Ciuca: Special pensions laws,MPs' pensions,accumulation of pension with salary, settled by the end of session. Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that the laws regarding…

18:45, 20.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu meets in Chisinau with high officials from Rep. of Moldova

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu had talks on Tuesday in Chisinau with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Speaker of Parliament of Moldova Igor Grosu, counterpart Nicu Popescu and Minister of Justice Veronica…