Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:45, 02.06.2024

Germania a introdus un nou permis de muncă pentru străini

Germania caută muncitori mai bine pregătiți și a introdus o nouă modalitate prin care cetățenii străini calificați să se mute în această țară. Cardul de Oportunitate le permite cetățenilor din afara UE să vină…

10:45, 02.06.2024

Germania și criza forței de muncă calificate: soluția Cardului de Oportunitate

Germania și criza forței de muncă calificate: soluția Cardului de Oportunitate

Trăim într-o lume marcată de schimbări demografice rapide și o piață a muncii tot mai dinamică. Germania face un pas decisiv pentru a atrage muncitori calificați din afara Uniunii Europene. Introducerea Cardului…

14:15, 09.05.2024

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity (tax official)

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity (tax official)

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity on a market with a well-trained workforce, with an abundant portfolio of natural resources and an excellent geopolitical positioning in terms of economic corridors…

15:21, 24.04.2024

Cooperation opportunities between Romania and Western Australia

Cooperation opportunities between Romania and Western Australia

The Ambassador of Romania to Australia, Radu Gabriel Safta, ended on Wednesday an official visit of several days to Perth, the capital of the state of Western Australia, a region of the Australian Commonwealth…

19:40, 14.03.2024

Opportunity to have vote until years end regarding Romanias full accession to Schengen (MEP Negrescu)

Opportunity to have vote until year's end regarding Romania's full accession to Schengen (MEP Negrescu)

AGERPRES special corespondent, Florin Stefan, reports: There is the opportunity to have a vote until the end regarding Romania's full accession to the Schengen area, but for that our country must demonstrate that…

19:55, 29.02.2024

PM Ciolacu's meeting with Patriarch Daniel, an opportunity to reaffirm importance of strengthening partnership with the Church

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Thursday at the Patriarchate Palace with Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church and with the other members of Romania's Holy Synod. "I had the joy of meeting today…

20:40, 27.02.2024

Iohannis: Before pursuing an international career, high performing researchers must be given opportunity to have a career in Romania

President Klaus Iohannis emphasized, on Tuesday, in a message read by presidential advisor Diana-Loreta Paun, the importance of providing visibility and recognition to high-performing researchers, noting that it…

14:05, 12.02.2024

Nou program Google pentru startup-uri de inteligență artificială din Europa. Gigantul tech alocă și 25 milioane EUR pentru europeni, să învețe să folosească…

Gigantul tech Google a anunțat luni că lansează „AI Opportunity Initiative for Europe”, un nou proiect prin care vrea să ofere suport startup-urilor și oamenilor din țările europene pentru a învăța să utilizeze…

08:40, 07.02.2024

„RPC OPPORTUNITY – locuințe pentru un stil de viață complet!

Descoperă o comunitate în plină ascensiune la RPC OPPORTUNITY – cartierul Freidorf! Beneficiezi de toate facilitățile pentru un trai comod și convenabil: ???? Acces la mijloace de transport în comun pentru o mobilitate…

17:25, 06.02.2024

MEP Negrescu: Hopefully, Romania takes advantage of the opportunity to voice its expectations at EU level

The speech that President Klaus Iohannis will give on Wednesday to the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg is an opportunity for Romania to strengthen what it has set to at the level of the…

19:11, 05.02.2024

MEP Muresan: President Iohannis' speech to EP, Romania's opportunity to present its vision of EU challenges, future

MEP Muresan: President Iohannis' speech to EP, Romania's opportunity to present its vision of EU challenges, futureThe speech that Romania's President Klaus Iohannis will deliver on Wednesday to a plenary session…

05:45, 26.01.2024


1. 41 î.Hr. – Cezar Octavianus (mai târziu cunoscut sub numele de împăratul Augustus) devine consul al Romei.2. 1533 – Henric al VIII-lea se căsătorește cu Anne Boleyn, în ciuda opoziției Papei Clement al VII-lea.3.…

15:20, 22.01.2024

PM Ciolacu: I encourage Vietnamese investors to take advantage of the special opportunities that Romania offers

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that he encourages as many Romanian and Vietnamese companies as possible to be present on the markets of the two countries, saying that a steady increase in bilateral…

09:05, 22.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu, Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son on new cooperation opportunities

ForMin Odobescu, Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son on new cooperation opportunitiesForeign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu had a bilateral meeting on Sunday with her Vietnamese counterpart, Bui Thanh Son,…

16:05, 31.12.2023

Iohannis' New Year message: Year's end - good opportunity to look to future with optimism, confidence

President Klaus Iohannis declared that in 2023 Romanians went through "times of deep trial and deep uncertainty", but Romania remained a safe country, with a stable government, which continued to modernize the…

17:06, 09.12.2023

Under clear legal conditions, new genomic techniques could be an opportunity for Romanian farmers

The Alliance for Agriculture and Cooperation (AAC) is not opposed to technological progress, but believes that there are a number of issues that must be clarified and a number of conditions that must be met before…

08:56, 06.12.2023

PM Ciolacu discusses opportunities Romania offers with Google representatives

Large companies in the area of information technology, which want to expand their business in Eastern Europe, will find excellent opportunities in Romania, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the meeting he had…

16:40, 04.12.2023

David Popovici: European Championships in Otopeni, opportunity to improve ourselves in preparation for Olympic Games

Romanian swimmer David Popovici, double European champion in 100 and 200 m freestyle, declared, on Monday, on the occasion of the official conference of the European Senior Short Course Championships in Otopeni…

12:26, 03.12.2023

Ministry of Labor: People with disabilities must enjoy equal opportunities

People with disabilities must enjoy equal opportunities, and in this sense, no effort to build a life without barriers is too great, said Simona Bucura-Oprescu, Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, on Sunday."Today…

15:25, 20.11.2023

Romania cannot grow if all children born here do not have equal opportunities to develop (PM)

Romania cannot grow if all children born here do not have equal opportunities to develop their potential, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said.The head of the executive attended on Monday at the Victoria Palace of…

13:46, 06.10.2023

Primaria Constanta: Eveniment international cu primari din Georgia si Muntenegru

Primaria Constanta a organizat "European Euro Atlantic Path: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices",eveniment international conceput ca o platforma destinata schimbului de idei si experiente cu oaspetii…

12:30, 26.09.2023

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operation

DefMin Tilvar: The strong strategic partnership with Italy offers opportunities to strengthen defence co-operationRomania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Monday met his Italian counterpart Guido Crosetto as…

15:40, 06.09.2023

3SI/PM Ciolacu meet Apple, Amazon, IBM reps on collaboration opportunities

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday had a series of meetings with representatives of some of the world's largest tech companies - Apple, Amazon and IBM.According to a press statement released by the Romanian…

21:40, 24.07.2023

US ambassador - exploratory discussions on new American investment opportunities in Brasov area

US ambassador - exploratory discussions on new American investment opportunities in Brasov areaThe US Ambassador to Bucharest, Kathleen Kavalec, discussed, in Brasov, with the mayor of the municipality, Allen Coliban,…

10:06, 14.07.2023

Oferte de neratat pentru apartamentele din proiectul “Opportunity Freidorf” din Timișoara

RPC Group a început construcția a 32 apartamente si un spațiu comercial, in cartierul “opportunity Freidorf”, chiar in vecinătatea magazinului LIDL de pe strada Nicolae Andreescu. Fundațiile si primii pereți de…

01:46, 14.06.2023

SUA nu susține o potenţială apropiere între Africa de Sud şi Rusia

SUA, prin Casa Albă, şi-a exprimat marţi îngrijorarea în legătură cu o potenţială apropiere între Africa de Sud şi Rusia, ca răspuns la un apel al unor aleşi americani vizând sancţionarea Pretoriei, notează AFP.…

15:21, 19.05.2023

French Ambassador: Graduates of university courses in French will have increased opportunities for employment in Europe

Graduates of university courses in French will have increased opportunities for employment in sectors that are extremely important at European level thanks to their training and knowledge of French, said French…

20:55, 17.05.2023

“Opportunity Freidorf”, ultima provocare imobiliară de la RPC Group. Vezi oferta

RPC Group a început construcția a 32 apartamente si un spațiu comercial, in cartierul “opportunity Freidorf”, chiar in vecinătatea magazinului LIDL de pe strada Nicolae Andreescu. Apartamentele sunt localizate…

14:50, 28.04.2023

Head of PM's Chancellery Abrudean: Romania aims to include Ukraine, Rep.Moldova, Georgia as partners in I3M projects

The head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery and the national coordinator for the Three Seas Initiative (I3M), Mircea Abrudean, stated that Romania aims to include Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia as…

13:15, 22.04.2023

Iohannis: Earth Day - a new opportunity to prioritize environmental challenges

President Klaus Iohannis drew attention, on Saturday, in a message on the occasion of Earth Day, that the degradation of the environment attracts huge human and material costs, which is why we must find time and…