Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:40, 08.11.2022

Kelemen Hunor, on joining Schengen: I think we have to try to convince the Dutch until last moment

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Romania, Kelemen Hunor, leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), believes that Romania is ready to enter the Schengen area next year, which is why,…

15:00, 06.11.2022

MEP Negrescu shows three possible scenarios for Romania's accession to Schengen

MEP Victor Negrescu on Sunday wrote on his Facebook page that there are three scenarios currently under discussion regarding Romania's accession to the Schengen Area and that "there are increasing chances that…

12:35, 28.10.2022

Romania, Netherlands to talk bilaterally about Dutch objection to Romania's accession to Schengen Area

Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Friday that he discussed Romania's accession to the border-free Schengen area at meetings with European officials on his recent visit to Brussels, Belgium, adding that…

16:35, 25.10.2022

Gov't sources: Report of fact-finding mission to Schengen hopefuls is 'highly positive' for Romania

The report of the fact-finding mission to Schengen hopefuls Romania and Bulgaria, which will be presented on Wednesday in Brussels, is "highly positive" for Romania, government sources said on Tuesday, adding that…

11:55, 21.10.2022

Olanda protejează interesele Gazprom. O spun chiar olandezii

Descarcă În contextul în care Olanda se opune din nou intrării României în spațiul Schengen, este interesant de văzut cum se comportă statul Olandez în spațiul european, mai ales în contextul războiului din Ucraina.…

18:11, 20.10.2022

PM Ciuca on Dutch Parliament's resolution: We are not worried at all

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that the Duch Parliament having passed a resolution saying that the Netherlands should not vote for the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area is not…

17:11, 13.10.2022

Romanian Business Leaders: Romania is ready and deserves to enter the Schengen area

Romania is ready and deserves to enter the Schengen area, argue Romanian entrepreneurs from the Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) community, in an open letter sent to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,…

23:20, 12.10.2022

Iohannis: Romania's accession to Schengen as soon as possible is not only necessary, but also extremely opportune

President Klaus Iohannis said, on Wednesday, that he discussed with the Prime Minister of the Government of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, about Romania's accession to Schengen, voicing the hope that the political…

20:50, 12.10.2022

Dutch Prime Minister, at Cincu: Together we stand next to each other against Putin's war of aggression

Prime Minister of the Government of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said on Wednesday, that the allied countries "stand together, against Putin's war of aggression", and the attempts to divide NATO have actually made…

19:55, 12.10.2022

Dutch PM Rutte reaches Cincu training centre, alongside President Iohannis, PM Ciuca

The Prime Minister of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, on a working visit to our country, arrived on Wednesday afternoon at the Getica National Combined Training Center in Cincu, central…

08:55, 12.10.2022

Dutch PM Rutte on visit to Romania; President Iohannis, PM Ciuca, visiting PM to visit "Getica" Training Center

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte is paying a visit to Romania on Wednesday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help your friends know…

11:25, 07.10.2022

Over 17 tons of ferrous scrap waste and spent catalysts, stopped at Giurgiu border crossing point

Over 17 tons of sawdust and ferrous chip waste and 600 kilograms of used car catalyst waste from Bulgaria for Romania and the Netherlands, respectively, were stopped by the border police at PTF Giurgiu, told Agerpres.…

13:50, 06.10.2022

Court tells Netherlands to bring asylum centres up to EU standard

A Dutch court on Thursday ordered the government to bring conditions in Dutch emergency asylum centres up to European Union standards and said vulnerable refugees should no longer be housed there, according to…

20:31, 29.09.2022

Joint Declaration condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine, signed by representatives on Holocaust from eight countries

The special coordinators for the Holocaust matters from Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania, Great Britain, and the USA signed, on the occasion of the commemoration of the Babyn…

10:20, 14.09.2022

Romania reportedly fears the Netherlands may again veto its Schengen membership

CDA, a party in the ruling coalition in the Netherlands led by Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra, is reportedly reluctant toward Romania‘s accession to the Schengen Area, European sources told G4Media.ro. The party’s…

17:50, 13.09.2022

Haos pe aeroportul Schiphol din Amsterdam. Pasagerii au așteptat ore în șir la cozi după ce zeci de zboruri au fost anulate

Peste 80 de zboruri au fost anulate și aproximativ 650, întârziate, luni, pe aeroportul Schiphol din Amsterdam, capitala Țărilor de Jos, ceea ce a dus la formarea unor cozi de pasageri întinse pe sute de metri.…

17:40, 09.09.2022

Peste 600 de mașini din Europa, cu roțile pe jantă într-o singură noapte, după o acțiune a unui grup de activiști: „Sunt dezastre climatice”

Grupul de activiști climatici „Tyre Extinguishers” a revendicat cea mai importantă noapte de acțiune de până acum împotriva SUV-urilor, cu peste 600 de vehicule cu roțile dezumflate, în opt țări din Europa și în…

21:21, 31.08.2022

Inflație record: Ce țări din Europa sunt cele mai afectate de creșterea prețurilor la energie și alimente

Inflația din zona euro continuă să atingă niveluri record, ultima estimare a organismului de statistică al UE preconizând o inflație anuală de 9,1% în zona euro. Conform estimărilor din august, prețurile pentru…

19:56, 14.08.2022

Team Romania captures another two gold medals at European Rowing Championships in Munich

Romanian Ionela Cozmiuc won the gold medal in the women's lightweight single sculls on Sunday, at the European Rowing Championships in Munich, clocking 08 minutes 04.41 seconds. Zoi Fitsiou of Greece came in second…

10:00, 19.07.2022

Maia Sandu evită din nou să pronunțe numele României! Unde exportă totuși cel mai mult R. Moldova

„Uniunea Europeană este principală piață unde vindem produsele noastre – acolo pleacă 65% din exporturile moldovenești”, anunță triumfal președinta Maia Sandu pe facebook , evitând astfel, din nou, să pronunțe…

22:25, 03.07.2022

Cancerul prostatei: O descoperire care ar putea rezolva problema rezistenței celulelor malinge la terapiile anti-hormonale

Cercetătorii olandezi au găsit o soluție la problema rezistenței celulelor maligne la terapiile anti-hormonale. Hormonoterapia este tratamentul de referință pentru a ține sub control cancerul prostatei. Dar celulele…

18:46, 27.06.2022

Tornadă puternică în Olanda, soldată cu moartea unei persoane

O tornadă a ucis cel puțin o persoană și a rănit alte 10 în orașul de coastă Zierikzee din sud-vestul Olandei, potrivit serviciilor de urgență, citate de Le Figaro. Fenomenul rar a smuls acoperișurile a patru case…

12:30, 31.05.2022

Iohannis discusses with Dutch PM about regional security and measures for consolidating Eastern Flank

President Klaus Iohannis had a bilateral meeting on Tuesday with the Prime Minister of the government of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, on the sidelines of the special meeting of the European Council, Agerpres reports.…

11:45, 29.04.2022

Foreign Ministry marks 25 years since Chemical Weapons Convention took effect

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and since the establishment of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons…

10:55, 20.04.2022

Chief of Defense Staff to join Invictus Games Team Romania in the Netherlands

Romania's Chief of the Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, will be in The Hague on Thursday for the Invictus Games where the Romanian Army's team competes in seven sports, the Defense Ministry said in a release.…

17:20, 06.04.2022

Hundreds of foreigners deceived by a group of Romanians through fictitious sale of goods on Internet

More than 200 people from Italy, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium were deceived by a group of Romanians by selling online goods they did not actually own, the damage in this case being about 450,000 euros.…

12:30, 30.03.2022

Several EU countries expel Russian diplomats over alleged spying

EU countries Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and the Czech Republic on Tuesday announced the expulsion of dozens of Russian diplomats suspected of spying, in coordinated action taken in the shadow of Moscow’s…

11:20, 23.03.2022

Four Romanians picked for Team of the Week of Rugby Europe Championship 2022 final round

Four Romanians were included in the Team of the Week of the final round of the Rugby Europe Championship 2022, where the Oaks defeated the Netherlands 38-12 in the away match on Saturday, securing the third place…

16:00, 18.03.2022

Romanian men's gymnastics squad to train with Dutch coach Gerard Speerstra

Six Romanian male gymnasts will participate in a two-week training camp coordinated by Dutch coach Gerard Speerstra at the Regio Zwolle Turnacademie - northeastern Netherlands, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation…

12:05, 14.03.2022

Australia, Netherlands sued Russia over downing of Flight MH17

Australia and the Netherlands started legal proceedings against Russia at the International Civil Aviation Organization over the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 eight years ago, according to Bloomberg.…