Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:30, 26.02.2024

Postage set marking 200th anniversary of Avram Iancu's birth to hit the stores on Tuesday

The National Stamp Company Romfilatelia announces the release, starting on Tuesday, of the anniversary postage set titled "200 Years Since Avram Iancu's Birth". According to a Romfilatelia statement, the set consists…

13:36, 31.01.2024

Romania's Embassy preparing events promoting partnership with U.S., marking 20th NATO accession anniversary

Events in all areas will be organized in the US all over the year 2024 by the Romanian Embassy to promote the partnership with the United States and mark the 20th anniversary of Romania's accession to NATO. In…

12:20, 01.09.2023

BNR to release silver coin marking 150th birth anniversary of famed architect Petre Antonescu

BNR to release silver coin marking 150th birth anniversary of famed architect Petre AntonescuThe National Bank of Romania (BNR) on September 4 will put into circulation for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated…

20:16, 30.05.2023

Romania's Foreign Ministry to mount exhibition marking Treaty of Trianon Day

Romania's Foreign Ministry to mount exhibition marking Treaty of Trianon Day. Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) will mount an exhibition to highlight the Treaty of Trianon that focuses on the Paris Peace Treaties…

16:20, 08.05.2023

Macron leads ceremony marking end of WWII in Europe

French President Emmanuel Macron led the traditional ceremony on Paris’ Champs-Elysees Monday commemorating the day that marked the end of World War II in Europe in 1945, according to AP News. Flanked by Prime…

11:10, 16.03.2023

OIF Secretary General pays visit to Bucharest marking Romania's 30th membership anniversary

Secretary General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie Louise Mushikiwabo will be in Bucharest on Thursday for an official visit at the invitation of President Klaus Iohannis, in the context of…

18:56, 08.02.2023

PM Ciuca: On Thursdsay we are marking one year since initiating Romania's accession to the OECD

Romania's accession to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is one of the most important country projects for the current government, alongside a series of commitments undertaken within…

16:46, 21.01.2023

Suceava Archbishop’s anti-human trafficking decalogue

Marking the European Anti-Trafficking Day, His Eminence Archbishop Calinic of Suceava and Rădăuţi published a decalogue for preventing and combating this social phenomenon with profound adverse effects on children,…

18:15, 21.11.2022

National Bank launches gold coin marking 300 years since building of Kretzulescu Church in Bucharest

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) will launch, on November 28, a gold coin with the theme "300 years since the building of the Kretzulescu Church in Bucharest" into the numismatic circuit, the central bank announced.…

13:10, 24.10.2022

Patriarch Daniel officiates Doxology at Alba Iulia marking Coronation Centennial of King Ferdinand, Queen Marie

On October 15, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel presided over a Te Deum service at the Cathedral of Alba Iulia commemorating the 100th anniversary of the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie. Fii la curent…

16:40, 20.09.2022

Milestones marking Via Transilvanica on route in Tara Dornelor are already in place

The first stage of the Quality & Safety pilot project intended for marking the Via Transilvanica on the route from Tara Dornelor, started in June this year by Tasuleasa Social and the Ecotourism Tara Dornelor…

13:16, 24.08.2022

Volkswagen și Mercedes-Benz semnează un acord cu Canada pentru accesul la materii prime și ...

Mărcile germane Volkswagen și Mercedes-Benz au semnat un memorandum de înțelegere cu guvernul din Canada. Memorandumul a fost semnat de către Herbert Diess, șeful Volkswagen și Marking Schaefer, CTO-ul Mercedes-Benz,…

17:25, 02.06.2022

Cei 243 de copii uciși în război, comemorați la Liov, cu autobuze școlare goale: „Excursia care nu va avea loc vreodată”

Orașul Liov, din vestul Ucrainei, i-a comemorat pe copiii uciși în timpul invaziei declanșate de Rusia. Intitulat "Excursia care nu va avea loc vreodată", memorialul din oraș a prezentat autobuze școlare goale,…

13:00, 10.05.2022

EXCLUSIV/ Președintele Consiliului European și premierul ucrainean discută într-un adăpost, în timp ce rușii bombardează Odesa

Momentul în care președintele Consiliului European Charles Michel, aflat luni în vizită la Odesa, se refugiază într-un adăpost antiaerian, în timp ce rușii lansează noi atacuri. În timpul unei întâlniri cu premierul…

13:50, 07.01.2022

Eurozone inflation hits 5%, marking another record high

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union announced that the eurozone inflation accelerated unexpectedly in December, hitting a new record of 5% from 4.9% in November and raising more questions about…

19:46, 07.12.2021

Culture Minister, Japanese ambassador discuss marking 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Cultural cooperation possibilities by organizing actions to mark the 100th anniversary this year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan were on the agenda of today's meeting of Culture…

09:26, 27.11.2020

Romania issues seven alerts for non-compliant masks imported from China

Romania has issued, under the RAPEX system, seven alerts for non-compliant masks on the market coming from China, which bear the CE marking, according to the European Commission's rapid alert system for non-food…

13:45, 05.11.2020

DefMin Ciuca: Marking National Day, in accordance with limitations and restrictions of COVID-19 pandemic

Minister of Defence, Nicolae Ciuca, stated on Thursday that the options taken into account for marking the National Day depend on the pandemic situation, according to AGERPRES."We cannot renounce everything that…

13:02, 03.05.2020

World Press Freedom Day, as seen by political people, public authorities of Romania

The freedom of press is the guarantee of any functional democracy wherein citizens must be properly and timely informed, reads a message by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) on the World Press Freedom Day, sent…

14:55, 05.04.2020

PM Orban: We are marking NATO Day by showing the Euro-Atlantic unity and solidarity

We are marking the NATO Day in Romania this year by showing the Euro-Atlantic unity and solidarity, in the context of an unseen health crisis in our contemporary world, reads a message sent by Prime Minister Ludovic…

15:06, 16.12.2019

Solemn session/Parliament adopts Declaration devoted to marking 30 years since 1989 Revolution

Parliament adopted on Monday in a joint plenary solemn session a Declaration devoted to marking 30 years since the Revolution of December 1989, highlighting that the fight of the Romanian people against communism…

18:57, 18.12.2018

MAE says celebration of National Minorities Day proves respect and acceptance of others

Marking the National Minorities Day of Romania represents "a proof of accepting and respecting the other - defined through a distinct ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic identity" and "a proof of the maturity…

13:30, 05.05.2017

BNR to mint silver coin marking 140thy anniversary of Romania`s national independence

On May 8, the National Bank of Romania (BNR) will put into circulation, for numismatic purposes, a silver coin dedicated to the anniversary of 140 years since the proclamation of Romania's independence.According…

07:37, 14.07.2016

Earth Defense Force 4.1 coming to PC via Steam

D3 Publisher va aduce Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair pe PC via Steam din 18 iulie la prețul de $49.99 cu o reducere de 30% la lansare.Această versiune va fi însoțită de 4 DLC-uri:Gigantus Tank,…

18:15, 26.01.2015

Alertă maximă în Ucraina! Kievul a instituit stare de urgenţă în Doneţk şi Lugansk. Separatiştii fac front comun

Scopul instituirii stării de urgenţă îl reprezintă posibilitatea coordonării activităţii tuturor instituţiilor responsabile cu asigurarea securităţii cetăţenilor ucraineni. De asemenea, Guvernul ucrainean a solicitat…

18:15, 27.08.2014

Ruşii continuă invazia în Ucraina şi şi-au instalat chiar şi un cartier general în regiunea separatistă Doneţk

„De pe teritoriul Federaţiei Ruse au intrat 30 de tancuri, diferite vehicule blindate şi mai mulţi militari. Ei au înaintat opt kilometri pe teritoriul Ucrainei şi deţin cotrolul asupra a şase sate aflate în apropierea…

10:18, 27.08.2014

Ruşii continuă invazia în Ucraina, ajutând separatiştii să se îndrepte spre Mariupol, pe fondul eşecului întâlnirii Putin-Poroşenko de la Minsk

„De pe teritoriul Federaţiei Ruse au intrat 30 de tancuri, diferite vehicule blindate şi mai mulţi militari. Ei au înaintat opt kilometri pe teritoriul Ucrainei şi deţin cotrolul asupra a şase sate aflate în apropierea…

08:30, 27.08.2014

INVAZIE RUSĂ în Ucraina. Ce au văzut pe FRONT 2 jurnaliști militari

”Forţele militare regulate ruseşti au invadat Ucraina din partea regiunii Taganrog şi deja îşi instalează puncte de control”, scrie pe o reţea de socializare jurnalistul militar ucrainean, Roman Bocikala. Amănunte…

21:15, 26.08.2014

Se anunţă INVAZIA trupelor regulate ruseşti pe teritoriul Ucrainei. "Militarii au intrat cu 30 de tancuri"

Forţele militare regulate ruseşti au invadat Ucraina din partea regiunii Taganrog şi deja îşi instalează puncte de control. Declaraţia a fost făcută de jurnalistul Roman Bocikala care face referire la spusele grănicerilor…

17:54, 25.08.2014

VIDEO. Lupte sângeroase în estul Ucrainei după ce dimineață un convoi militar rusesc a pătruns în țară

  Forțele militare ucrainene sunt mobilizate în apropiere de orașul Novoazovsk, satul Markino unde se duc lupte cu teroriști susținuți cu un echipament militar de cca 30 de tancuri. Militarii ucraineni au reușit…