Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:46, 31.01.2023

Anti-graft prosecutors detain Victor Piturca's son for 24 hours (sources)

Anti-graft prosecutors on Tuesday detained former footballer Alexandru Piturca, son of ex national football coach Victor Piturca, for 24 hours in the case of illegal public procurements during the COVID pandemic,…

14:30, 31.01.2023

Cum să reduci costurile când iei masa în oraș: 9 metode

Cina sau masa de prânz luate la restaurant sunt ideale pentru a avea o conversație plăcută și a te bucura de compania persoanelor dragi în timp ce savurați preparate delicioase. Există și câteva metode pentru a…

09:25, 27.01.2023

Mountain rescuers receive 17 emergency callouts in the past 24 hours, 17 saved

Salvamont Romania informs on Friday morning that, in the last 24 hours, the national dispatch center has received 17 callouts requesting the emergency intervention of the mountain rescuers. Fii la curent cu cele…

09:50, 28.12.2022

Mountain rescuers recieve 22 calls in last 24 hours, 21 people rescued, seven rushed to hospital

The National mountain rescuers Salvamont dispatcher received, in the last 24 hours, 22 calls requesting emergency intervention, Agerpres informs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

11:15, 15.12.2022

Eddie Murphy va primi premiul pentru întreaga carieră la gala Globurilor de Aur

Actorul Eddie Murphy va fi recompensat luna viitoare cu premiul pentru întreaga cariera la Globurile de Aur, ceremonia care încearca sa-si restabileasca reputatia la Hollywood dupa un scandal de diversitate si…

11:16, 13.12.2022

Flexible working hours, among most desired benefits, Romanian employers&employees say

The majority of employers in Romania (97 pct) say that the flexible working schedule is one of the most desired benefits by employees, while two out of three top companies offer benefits related to this aspect,…

14:01, 08.12.2022

Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary register the lowest hourly labour costs in the EU

In 2020, the average hourly labour cost in the EU was 28.9EUR and the lowest hourly labor costs, expressed in EUR, were recorded in Bulgaria and Romania, according to the data published on Thursday by the European…

09:15, 25.11.2022

Vestul Arabiei Saudite, devastat de inundații. Casele și mașinile oamenilor au fost luate de ape - VIDEO

După câteva ore de ploi abundente, întreaga regiune a fost devastată. Șuvoaiele de apă au peste 2 metri în unele zone și au luat totul în calea lor. Sute de autoturisme au fost distruse, la fel și locuințele. #Jeddah…

13:05, 20.11.2022

Tragedii în lanț în Egipt. Un nou accident rutier ucide 12 persoane

Cel puțin 12 persoane au fost ucise, duminică, când autobuzul în care se aflau s-a ciocnit cu un camion în apropiere de stațiunea Hourghada, în estul Egiptului, a anunțat Ministerul Sănătății. Acesta este al doilea…

08:25, 31.10.2022

(VIDEO) India: Cel puțin 81 de morți după prăbușirea unui pod pietonal

Cel puțin 81 de persoane au murit după ce un pod pietonal peste un râu din statul Gujarat din vestul Indiei s-a prăbușit, aruncând sute de oameni în apă, au spus oficialii, potrivit The Guardian . Autoritățile…

10:30, 26.10.2022

IGPF: Approximately 152,800 people cross borders in Romania in 24 hours

Approximately 152,800 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, with more than 47,300 means of transportation, completed the control formalities at the border crossing points nationwide, both on the way in and on…

12:00, 26.09.2022

Ministry of Interior: 43 staying permits for Ukrainian citizens issued in past 24 hours

Romanian authorities have issued 43 residence permits for Ukrainian citizens in the past 24 hours. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help your friends…

19:10, 20.09.2022

Bărbat care cânta la muzicuță în fața consulatului britanic din Hong Kong, arestat pentru „răzvrătire”, în timpul înmormântării Reginei

Mii de locuitori din Hong Kong au stat la coadă, săptămâna aceasta, pentru a-i aduce un omagiu defunctului monarh al Marii Britanii, unii dintre ei arătându-și nostalgia pentru trecutul colonial al orașului, într-un…

16:40, 02.09.2022

72 migrants, spotted at western border hiding in trucks, in last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, the western Arad border police caught 72 migrants who tried to leave the country illegally, hidden in trucks checked at the crossing points at Varsand, Nadlac I and Nadlac II. Fii la curent…

10:45, 02.09.2022

Hourly labour costs, up 11.67pct in Romania in Q2 2022

Hourly labour costs adjusted for working days in Romania increased by 11.67% in Q2 2022, y-o-y, and 8.05% on a quarterly basis, according to data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).…

10:10, 12.08.2022

Over 270,000 persons cross border points, in last 24 hours

Approximately 279,300 persons, Romanian and foreign citizens, with over 67,000 means of transportation, have carried out control formalities (both inbound and outbound), through border crossing points nationwide,…

14:05, 17.07.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily caseload rises by over 2,000 on 9,000-plus tests performed in 24 hours

As many as 2,165 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, on over 9,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry informed on Sunday. Fii…

13:25, 15.07.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily caseload rises by over 4,000 on 18,000-plus tests performed in 24 hours

As many as 4,107 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, by 114 more than on the previous day, on over 18,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the…

09:45, 15.07.2022

Border Police: Over 220,000 cross-border travelers in past 24 hours

As many as 227,830 people, Romanian and foreign nationals, with over 57,000 means of transportation, have entered Romania on Thursday, through border crossing points nationwide (on both the inbound and the outbound),…

10:31, 11.07.2022

Border Police: Over 270,000 cross-border travelers in past 24 hours

Approximately 279,300 people, Romanian and foreign nationals, and over 64,900 means of transport underwent border checks at all of Romania's crossing points on Sunday, on both the inbound and the outbound, the…

15:45, 03.07.2022

Over 12,000 citizens enter Romania in last 24 hours

The General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) informs that 177,869 persons entered Romania through border crossing points, on Saturday, including 12,060 Ukrainian citizens (up by 4.7% from the previous day).…

10:01, 27.06.2022

Cât te costă o vizită la Disneyland, paradisul copiilor din Paris

Disneyland Paris este cel mai vizitat parc de distracții din Europa, care atrăgea peste 10 milioane de turiști anual înainte de pandemia de coronavirus. Tărâmul magic a fost creat special pentru copii, însă este…

12:55, 26.06.2022

12,570 Ukrainians enter Romania in past 24 hours

The Border Police Inspectorate General (IGPF) informs that 132,550 persons entered Romania through the border check points on Saturday, of whom 12,570 were Ukrainian citizens (down 2.6 percent from the previous…

13:50, 03.06.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily cases rise by 404 in over 14,700 tests in 24 hours

As many as 404 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, up 222 from Thursday, in 14,702 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry informed…

13:31, 03.06.2022

Numărul de noi cazuri de COVID-19, din nou în creștere. Decesele raportate în ultimele 24 de ore

Peste 400 de noi cazuri COVID și 3 decese s-au raportat în ultimele 24 de ore în România, potrivit Ministerului Sănătății. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

13:31, 03.06.2022

Hourly labour cost up 8.84 pct in Q1 2022

The hourly labour cost in adjusted form (by number of working days) registered a growth rate of 8.84% in Q1 2022 compared to the same period in 2021, and a decrease rate of 0.47% compared to Q4 2021, according…

12:55, 02.06.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily cases rise by 182 in roughly 8,000 tests in 24 hours

As many as 182 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, down 118 from Wednesday, with over roughly 8,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health…

12:50, 01.06.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily cases rise by 300 in over 19k tests in 24 hours

As many as 300 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, up 303 from Tuesday, with over 19,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry informed…

13:06, 31.05.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily cases rise by 491 in over 19k tests in 24 hours. 139 cases of COVID cases with Omicron variant during May 23-29

As many as 491 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, up 303 from Monday, with over 19,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry informed…

12:51, 30.05.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily cases rise by 188 in roughly 8,033 tests in 24 hours

As many as 188 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the last 24 hours in Romania, down 15 from Sunday, with roughly 8,033 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry…