Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:50, 26.07.2022

PM Ciuca meets healthcare NGO officials on children's hospital for serious illnesses, injuries

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed on Tuesday officials of the Daruieste Viata Association healthcare NGO Oana Gheorghiu and Carmen Uscatu to look into solutions, including legislative ones, so that after the…

08:45, 14.07.2022

Un anestezist a violat o femeie care trebuia să facă o operație de cezariană!

Un medic anestezist, în vârstă de 32 de ani, din Brazilia, Giovanni Quintella Bezerra pe numele săi, tocmai a fost arestat. Pentru că a agresat sexual, și chiar în câteva rânduri, o femeie care trebuia să nască…

12:15, 06.07.2022

Spitalul din Caransebeș, fără pericol de incendii

CARANSEBEȘ – Conducerea administrației locale a semnat contractul de proiectare și execuție de lucrări cu firma care va reface toate instalațiile vechi de zeci de ani ale Spitalului Municipal de Urgență! Mai precis,…

19:11, 05.07.2022

Seven Polish tourists and driver of bus involved in accident on DN 18, hospitalized in Borsa

Eight Polish citizens - seven tourists and the driver of the bus involved in an accident on DN 18, in the commune of Moisei - northern Maramures County, were hospitalized for medical care at the City Hospital in…

14:25, 21.06.2022

MedLife achiziţionează 80% din pachetul de acţiuni al Medici’s, cel mai mare operator medical local din Timişoara

”MedLife, liderul pieţei de servicii medicale private din România, anunţă semnarea achiziţiei pentru 80% din acţiunile celui mai important operator medical local din regiunea de vest, Medici’s. Tranzacţia marchează…

17:21, 30.05.2022

Health Minister meets designers of regional hospitals in Cluj-Napoca and Iasi

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila had a first working meeting on Monday with the representatives of the companies that won the design contracts for the regional hospitals in Cluj-Napoca and Iasi, and they presented…

17:46, 14.05.2022

Londra: Încă două persoane diagnosticate cu variola maimuțelor

Două persoane au fost diagnosticate cu variola maimuțelor, au confirmat autoritățile sanitare de la Londra, citate de Sky News. Cele două cazuri apar după ce o altă persoană care a călătorit recent în Nigeria a…

19:00, 12.05.2022

Ciuca: Establishing ANDIS, mandatory, in order to build hospitals

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Thursday that at the level of the Ministry of Health it is mandatory to establish the Health Infrastructure Development Agency (ANDIS), in order to start building new hospitals…

14:40, 06.05.2022

Suplimente pentru îmbunătățirea vieții sexuale?

Farmaciile sunt pline de reclame la medicamente magice si potiuni care promit sa va îmbunatateasca viata sexuala. Indiferent de cât de încurajatoare ar parea, specialistii recomanda sa va gânditi de doua ori înainte…

16:36, 31.03.2022

Food allowance for hospital patients to be doubled, says PSD's Ciolacu

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday, on Facebook, that the value of food allowance for hospital patients will be doubled, and the same value will also be granted…

10:50, 31.03.2022

Care sunt pașii pentru ”trezirea” după o noapte albă

Chiar si expertii în somn se confrunta, ocazional, cu nopti nedormite. Cu toate acestea, trebuie sa-ti revii cumva si sa ramâi eficient în timpul zilei.   Iata ce recomanda specialistii sa faci, pentru a-ti reveni,…

22:21, 30.03.2022

'George Emil Palade' Hospital to be established under authority of Targu Mures University of Medicine

The government approved on Wednesday the establishment of the 'George Emil Palade' Hospital, an in-patient self-funding unit under the authority of the 'George Emil Palade' University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science…

17:35, 24.03.2022

Ukrainian refugee gives birth to baby girl at Buna Vestire maternity hospital

A 27-year-old woman from Ukraine, a refugee in Galati, has given birth to a baby girl at the Buna Vestire maternity hospital in the city, hospital officials reported on Thursday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent…

18:36, 18.03.2022

First Romanian social pharmacy sends drugs worth 200K RON to Ukrainian hospitals

The first pharmacy with social enterprise status in Romania, which is functioning in Sangeorgiu de Mures, announced on Friday that it has succeeded in sending three transports of drugs and medicines to the hospitals…

15:10, 15.03.2022

HealthMin says 75 persons from Ukraine admitted to hospitals in Romania

As many as 75 people from Ukraine are admitted to hospitals in Romania, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said on Tuesday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

12:35, 15.03.2022

World Vision ships over 100,000 food items to hospitals in Ukraine

World Vision has shipped more than 100,000 food items to hospitals in Ukraine, according to a statement released by the organisation on Tuesday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

17:01, 01.03.2022

Lovitură devastatoare în Harkov - Un spital, DISTRUS de rachetele rușilor. Imagini șocante

Больница в Харькове. Российские военные преступники, вам не привыкать бомбить больницы. Ни намека на военный объект pic.twitter.com/qPQ8DcSvNy — Аслан (@antiputler_news) March 1, 2022  Hospital destruído #Ucrania…

11:50, 01.03.2022

'You are not alone!': Metropolis of Moldavia offers free medical services to Ukrainian refugees

“You are not alone!” the representatives of the Providența medical establishments of the Metropolis of Moldavia and Bukovina told the Ukrainian refugees in a message. The Providența Polyclinic, Hospital and Medical…

13:40, 27.02.2022

Ciuca: Decided to offer possibility for Ukrainian injured to be treated in Romanian hospitals

PM Nicolae Ciuca announced that he is analyzing all possibilities for supporting the Ukrainian people which was seriously affected by the Russian aggression, mentioning that together with the Cabinet members, he…

18:45, 03.02.2022

HealthMin Rafila in Rome, set to visit 'Bambino Gesu' children's hospital also treating Romanian patients

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila is on a visit to Rome on Thursday and Friday, having meetings scheduled at the Superior Institute of Health and the Health Ministry. On Friday, Alexandru Rafila and his Italian…

05:20, 02.02.2022

Suplimentele cu vitamina D scad riscul de boli autoimune

Un studiu recent a arătat că suplimentele pe bază de vitamina D, cu sau fără Omega 3, au scăzut riscul de a dezvolta boli autoimune. Sunt disponibile foarte puține tratamente eficiente pentru bolile autoimune,…

21:00, 31.01.2022

HealthMin Rafila: Hospitals wings closed longer than safety interval

The Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, declared on Monday that he requested the Public Health Directorate (DSP) to conduct a situation at the level of Capital City, seeing that there are hospitals with wings…

19:30, 31.01.2022

HealthMin Rafila: Ratio of people hospitalized compared to those diagnosed with COVID-19 is 4.5%

Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila declared that the ratio of hospitalized persons compared to the number of people diagnosed with the novel coronavirus was 4.5% on Monday, probably the highest in the last month.…

13:55, 31.01.2022

GCS: 9,781 hospitalized patients with COVID, 881 are children; In Bucharest City - 4,257 of COVID-19 cases

A number of 9,781 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are hospitalized in the country's health units, 901 more than the previous day, of whom 881 are children, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Monday,…

17:51, 27.01.2022

Caz revoltător într-un spital: Unui pacient i se refuză transplantul de inimă deoarece nu este vaccinat anti-COVID

Un spital din Boston a refuzat să realizeze un transplant de inimă pentru un pacient în vârstă de 31 de ani, deoarece acesta nu este vaccinat împotriva COVID-19 şi, prin urmare, transplantul ar eşua, au relatat…

09:35, 26.01.2022

Unui american i s-a refuzat transplantul de inimă pentru că nu vrea să se vaccineze

Un spital din Boston a respins cererea de transplant de inimă pentru un pacient de 31 de ani care refuză vaccinarea anti-Covid pe motiv că aceasta contravine principiilor sale fundamentale, informează Hotnews .…

09:30, 26.01.2022

Unui pacient american i s-a refuzat transplantul de inimă pentru că nu se vaccinează antiCovid

Un spital din Boston a respins cererea de transplant de inimă pentru un pacient de 31 de ani care refuză vaccinarea antiCovid pe motiv că aceasta contravine principiilor sale fundamentale, transmite BBC. DJ Ferguson…

15:20, 24.01.2022

Romania's COVID-19 daily case count up by 12,082 on 38,000-plus tests performed over past 24 hrs; 6,370 hospitalized COVID patients; including 620 children

A total of 12,082 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported in the last 24 hours, 2,006 fewer than the previous day, and more than 38,000 tests have been performed, the Strategic Communication Group…

18:21, 23.01.2022

Official data: 324 children abandoned in maternity wards, other health facilities in first nine months of 2021

A total of 324 children were abandoned in maternity wards and other health facilities in the first nine months of 2021, by one more than in the same period of 2020, shows data released on the website of the National…

17:00, 23.01.2022

Sampling centers for Covid suspects set up with several Bucharest hospitals

According to a joint decision of the Health Ministry and the Bucharest Public Health Directorate, sampling centers for people with Covid symptoms will open with several hospitals in Bucharest and Ilfov County,…