Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:20, 03.09.2023


1546 - Death of Petru Rares, ruler of Moldova (1527-1538; 1541-1546) 1848 - Third National Assembly in Blaj. The Romanians declared they didn't recognize "the union" of Transylvania with Hungary and started gathering…

17:16, 26.08.2023

Marie Curie era mai radioactivă decât muncitorii de la Cernobîl. Cum a fost îngropată?

Marie Curie a murit în data de 4 iulie 1934, din cauza anemiei aplastice cauzate de munca sa cu substanţele radioactive. Este vorba de o afecțiune care a fost descoperită în urma bormbardamentelor nucleare de la…

08:45, 22.08.2023


1233 - First documentary mention of a Ban of Severin (Military governor of Severin), namely Luca. First mention of the second highest official position in Wallachia, agerpres reports. 1456 - Vlad Tepes (Vlad the…

17:45, 21.08.2023

Noi incendii în Grecia: Un om a murit, iar alţi opt sunt răniţi

Un bărbat a fost găsit mort luni, într-un incendiu izbucnit în regiunea Boetia, în centrul Greciei. De asemenea, un nou incendiu a izbucnit pe insula Evia, iar opt persoane au fost spitalizate, informează News.ro,…

15:40, 17.08.2023

Avram Iancu International Airport in Cluj-Napoca reaches two million passengers in 2023

The Avram Iancu International Airport in Cluj-Napoca reached, on Thursday, the figure of two million passengers in 2023, being the fifth time in its history that it is at that level."The Avram Iancu Cluj International…

14:00, 17.08.2023

Actorul Marcel Iureş, gazda unui nou serial documentar la History Channel

Serialul „Enigmele României”, format din şase episoade de 30 de minute, în care actorul Marcel Iureş va cerceta enigme fără răspuns, care se axează pe istorie, geologie, castele, crime, lumini cereşti, tulburări…

08:30, 17.08.2023


AUGUST 17 IN HISTORY1872 - Birth of Traian Vuia, engineer and inventor, Romanian aviation pioneer and first Romanian to take flight, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (d. September 3, 1950) 1889 - Birth of…

13:35, 16.08.2023

Îndrăgitul actor Marcel Iureș, gazda unui nou serial documentar de la HISTORY Channel

HISTORY Channel anunță lansarea seriei „Enigmele României”, a doua serie locală a televiziunii în România. Seria este formată din șase episoade de 30 de minute, în care aclamatul actor Marcel Iureș va cerceta o…

13:15, 16.08.2023

Marcel Iureș va prezenta serialul documentar „Enigmele României” la HISTORY Channel 

Îndrăgitul actor Marcel Iureș va prezenta un nou serial documentar, intitulat „Enigmele României”, care urmează să fie difuzat de HISTORY Channel. Seria este formată din șase episoade de 30 de minute. “Aclamatul…

08:56, 15.08.2023


AUGUST 15 IN HISTORYChristian Orthodox feast: Assumption of Mary, Mother of Lord Jesus, into Heaven The Romanian Navy Day 1530 - Completion of Humor Monastery's erection, under the head of the ruler's Chancellery…

08:21, 12.08.2023

August 12 in history

August 12 in history1807 - The Russian-Turkish Armistice of Slobozia's main clause, the evacuation by the troops of the two principalities, was not fulfilled, so hostilities resumed in March 1809 1816 - Birth of…

08:36, 28.07.2023

July 28 in history - National Day of Ambulance

National Day of Ambulance CITESTE SI Ciuca: In democracy, conflicts are resolved in civilized way, without anyone being excluded by political decision 27/07/2023 11 Mircea Geoana: Romania has indisputable multiregional…

08:31, 27.07.2023

July 27 in history

1921 - Birth, at Mihaileni, of Eugenio Coseriu, Romanian linguist from Basarabia, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (d. September 7, 2002) CITESTE SI FinMin Bolos discusses with US ambassador about investments,…

08:20, 26.07.2023

July 26 in history - Day of Military Archives

Day of Military Archives CITESTE SI Freedom of expression in digital era, discussed at World Law Congress 25/07/2023 11 Phone conversation between ForMin Odobescu, Kenyan counterpart on grain transport from Ukraine…

08:20, 25.07.2023

July 25 in history - Day of Radiolocation

Day of Radiolocation CITESTE SI Phone conversation between ForMin Odobescu and American counterpart: Romania joins G7 Declaration in support of Ukraine 24/07/2023 28 US ambassador - exploratory discussions on new…

12:41, 20.07.2023

IntMin Predoiu: On Aviation Day we celebrate tradition, history and intelligence

IntMin Predoiu: On Aviation Day we celebrate tradition, history and intelligenceRomanian Aviation and Air Force Day is a special moment, when we celebrate tradition, history and intelligence, an institutional landmark…

08:40, 18.07.2023

July 18 in history - 1868 - Birth of Miron Cristea, first Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

July 18 in history1867 - Birth of chemist Stefan Minovici, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy (8 June 1925) (d. 29 December 1935) CITESTE SI Iohannis - meeting with president pro tempore of CELAC 17/07/2023…

10:25, 13.07.2023

US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec: Romania continues to prove to the world it is realizing its potential

Romania continues to prove to the world that it is realizing its potential and respects its commitments, declared Wednesday evening, in Constanta, the ambassador of the United States of America to Romania, Kathleen…

09:50, 12.07.2023

Hidroelectrica Company, to get listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange on Wednesday

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, representatives of the financial-banking market, the central public authority and company directors will participate on Wednesday in the…

08:20, 12.07.2023

July 12 in history

1882 - Birth of mathematician Traian Lalescu, honorary post-mortem member of the Romanian Academy (d. June 15, 1929) CITESTE SI Elena Udrea, Ioana Basescu dodge conviction for reasons of statute of limitations…

08:20, 11.07.2023

July 11 in history

1428 - First documented attestation of Horaita monastery (Neamt county), issued by Chancellery of Moldova's ruler prince Alexandru cel Bun (1400-1432) CITESTE SI Fechet: Romania has a significant and diversified…

09:10, 10.07.2023

Swimming: Silver and bronze for Romania on last day of European Junior Championships

Romania won a silver and a bronze medal on Sunday, on the last day of the European Junior Swimming Championships in Belgrade.Daria Silisteanu won the silver medal in the 100 m backstroke, timed at 1 min 01 sec…

08:20, 10.07.2023

July 10 in history

1718 - Treaty of Passarowitz/Pojarevac establishes Holy Roman Empire rule over Banat and Oltenia provinces CITESTE SI July 9 in history 09/07/2023 8 EconMin: I am convinced that we will see, starting in August,…

08:25, 09.07.2023

July 9 in history

Statistician Day (on the second Sunday of July) CITESTE SI EconMin: I am convinced that we will see, starting in August, price drops for basic products 08/07/2023 9 Development of Romania-Colombia bilateral relations,…

00:00, 08.07.2023

Itinerant photographic exhibition 'Noi, Poporul/We the People' - as of next week, in Constanta

The traveling photographic exhibition "Noi, Poporul/We the People", which celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the United States of America and Romania, will open on July 12, in…

21:50, 07.07.2023

Ce se întâmplă dacă ai RH negativ? Ce se ascunde în spatele teoriei despre originea extraterestră

Factorul Rh reprezinta un tip de proteina care, în general, se găsește în cadrul celulelor roșii. Când există, vorbim de Rh pozitiv, cum au circa 85% din oameni, iar când lipsește, avem Rh negativ. Ei bine, potrivit…

21:45, 07.07.2023

Cum s-a născut conspirația RH Negativ? Există moștenirea extratereștră în sângele unor oameni?

Factorul Rh reprezinta un tip de proteina care, în general, se găsește în cadrul celulelor roșii. Când există, vorbim de Rh pozitiv, cum au circa 85% din oameni, iar când lipsește, avem Rh negativ. Ei bine, potrivit…

08:40, 25.06.2023

14 ani de la moartea lui Michael Jackson. Declarații despre pedofilie ale apropiaților Megastarului

Au trecut 14 ani de la moartea lui Michael Jackson. Megastarul a murit pe 25 iunie 2009, la vârsta de 50 de ani, în urma unui stop cardiac. Autorul hitului „Thriller” rămâne unul dintre cei mai mari artiști din…

08:40, 23.06.2023

NATO's Geoana: Jens Stoltenberg's successor will be elected by the allies

NATO's Geoana: Jens Stoltenberg's successor will be elected by the allies. Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana said on Thursday evening in Oradea that the successor of Jens Stoltenberg as NATO secretary…

23:45, 22.06.2023

Geoana: I am convinced Ukraine will succeed; Republic of Moldova has chance to escape from trap of history

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared on Thursday evening, in Oradea, that Ukraine will win the war and that it will be part of the family of Western democracies, a situation in which the Republic…