Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:50, 08.06.2022

Romania's economy grows by 5.2% in the first three months of 2022

Romania's Gross Domestic Product increased by 6.5% in the first quarter of the year, compared to the same period in 2021, both in the gross series and in the seasonally adjusted series, while compared to the previous…

10:50, 25.05.2022

Piața Ițcani devine piață agroalimentară cu caracter permanent unde se vor comercializa produse cu amănuntul dar și en-gross

Primarul municipiului Suceava, Ion Lungu, a anunțat că în ședința de Consiliu Local din 26 mai se va afla la aprobare un proiect de hotărâre care prevede transformarea Pieței  Ițcani, în Piață agroalimentară cu…

12:31, 23.05.2022

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca: Reforming business opening procedure to lead to increase in GDP per capita

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Monday underscored that the data of the final report on 'Comprehensive redesign of the licensing system in Romania' shows that reforming the current procedure system for opening…

11:10, 23.05.2022

Cubanezul Andy Diaz a stabilit cea mai bună performanţă mondială a anului la triplusalt

Atletul cubanez Andy Diaz a stabilit cea mai bună performanţă mondială a anului la triplusalt, 17,64 m, duminică, la Grosseto, în Italia, transmite AFP, citat de Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:55, 13.04.2022

Romania's economy digital component is over 20 pct of GDP (online stores' assoc)

The digital economy is an important component in Romania's economy, being estimated at over 20 pct of the Gross Domestic Product, Oleg Roibu, vice-president of the Romanian Association of Online Stores (ARMO),…

13:31, 31.03.2022

Magazinul BEST C+C angajează șofer categoria C și vânzători/vânzătoare pentru depozitul en gross Nufărul!

Magazinul BEST C+C angajează șofer categoria C și vânzători/vânzătoare pentru depozitul en gross Nufărul (curte la Hotel Sky) și vânzători/vânzătoare pentru magazinele de pe Cazaban și Matei Corvin.

19:40, 29.03.2022

Unul din doi români "este vaccinat anti-COVID-19"

Unul din doi români "este vaccinat anti-COVID-19"  Foto: facebook/Ro Vaccinare. Realizator: Georgiana Grosso - Unul din doi români este vaccinat anti-COVID-19, iar în cadrul campaniei naționale…

17:35, 23.03.2022

Romania already using 3.4pct of GDP to prop up economy, citizens

Romania is already using 3.4% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to prop up its economy and citizens, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said on Wednesday at a news briefing at the end of a government meeting, Agerpres…

21:30, 21.03.2022

Pe aeroportul din Pisa: Transporturi „umanitare” către Ucraina, cu armament?

Pe aeroportul Galileo Galilei din Pisa s-a descoperit că încărcătura unui zbor de plecare nu era alcătuită din „material umanitar”, ci lăzi cu arme destinate conflictului din Ucraina. Muncitorii au oprit operațiunile…

10:40, 15.02.2022

Romanian economy grows 5.6% in 2021; GDP advances 2.2% in Q4 2021

The Romanian economy grew 5.6% last year, and in the last quarter of 2021 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by 2.2% compared to the same period in 2020, but fell by 0.5 % compared to the previous quarter, according…

17:25, 28.01.2022

Budget deficit goes down to 6.72pct of GDP in 2021 from 9.61pct in 2020

The consolidated general budget ended last year with a deficit of 6.72pct of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), respectively 80 billion lei, below the initial estimates which indicated a negative balance of 7.13pct…

13:05, 26.01.2022

Ombudsman report says minimum gross basic salary insufficient to cover family's needs

The minimum gross basic salary per country is insufficient to cover the daily living needs of a family, according to a report by the Ombudsman on respect for the right to work, released on Wednesday in a press…

20:40, 25.01.2022

I s-a refuzat transplantul de inimă pentru că nu s-a vaccinat

Bărbatul în vârstă de 31 de ani, luptă pentru viața sa și are nevoie disperată de un transplant de inimă.Familia bărbatului spune că el a fost primul pe listă pentru a primi un transplant, dar politica spitalului…

13:30, 25.01.2022

România, iadul scumpirilor. Puterea de cumpărare față de țările UE – analiză

Salariile sunt țara noastră sunt mici comparativ cu restul statelor din UE. Dacă ne raportăm la salariu mediu net pe economie, suntem codași alături de bulgari, iar puterea de cumpărare comparativ cu creșterea…

10:51, 19.01.2022

Volume of construction works decrease 1.2% in first 11 months of 2021 (official data)

The volume of construction works decreased in the first 11 months of 2021, compared to the period January 1 - November 30, 2020, as a gross series by 1.2%, and as a series adjusted to the number of working days…

16:26, 12.01.2022

World Bank: Romanian economy is expected to advance 4.3pct in 2022

The Romanian economy is expected to advance 4.3% in 2022 as against a 4.5% forecast in June 2021, according to the World Bank's Global Economic Prospects published on Wednesday. For 2023, the World Bank forecasts…

10:50, 07.01.2022

Retail turnover up 10.5pct in Jan-Nov 2021

Retail trade turnover (except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased in the first 11 months of last year, both as gross series by 10.5pct and as series adjusted depending on the number of business…

15:15, 03.01.2022

Romania's GDP goes up by 17 billion Euro in 2021, from 2019 (minister)

Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has gone up in 2021 by 17 billion Euro, as opposed to 2019 and reached almost 1.190 billion RON, a historic record, according to the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism,…

12:55, 27.12.2021

Romania’s budget deficit increases to 4.7% of GDP after 11 months

Romania‘s Finance Ministry said on Monday that the country’s general consolidated budget deficit increased to 4.7% of the Gross Domestic Product  (GDP) after the first 11 months of 2021 compared to 4.03% of GDP…

10:40, 21.12.2021

INS revises 2020 GDP evolution data, estimating a smaller decline - 3.7%

The estimated gross domestic product (GDP) for 2020, semi-final data, was 1,058 billion lei in current prices, decreasing - in real terms - by 3.7% compared to 2019, according to data with the National Institute…

16:35, 19.12.2021

Economic growth of 4.6% in 2022 and 5.3% in 2023 (strategy)

The Romanian economy will grow in the next two years by 4.6% in 2022 and 5.3% in 2023, and the advance will slow down in 2024 when an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 5%, estimates the Finance Ministry…

09:20, 17.12.2021

2022 state budget, built on cash budget deficit target estimated at 5.8 pct of GDP

The 2022 state budget was built on a cash budget deficit ratio estimated at 5.8 pct of the Gross Domestic Product and ESA deficit estimated at 6.2 pct of GDP, according to the draft law for the approval of the…

11:40, 16.12.2021

Volume of construction works down by 2 pct, January through October 2021

The volume of construction works decreased in the first ten months of this year by 2 pct as a gross series and by 1.3 pct as a series adjusted by number of working days and seasonality, compared to the same period…

11:06, 13.12.2021

Industrial production down 1.5 pct in October (gross series)

Industrial production fell in October this year by 1.5 pct as gross series and by 0.9 pct as series adjusted for the number of working days and seasonality compared to the previous month, according to data from…

10:40, 07.12.2021

Romania's Q3 2021 economic growth, upwardly revised to 0.4pct

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) has upwardly revised Romania's Q3 2021 economic growth, to 0.4% from a previous 0.3%; compared with the similar period of 2020, the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)…

16:05, 25.11.2021

Antrenorul Stefano Pioli îşi va prelungi contractul cu AC Milan

Antrenorul Stefano Pioli îşi va prelungi, vineri, înțelegerea cu AC Milan, grupare la care evoluează şi portarul Ciprian Tătăruşanu, informează lequipe.fr. Noul contract va fi valabil până în…

10:46, 18.11.2021

Turnover in market services rendered to companies - 17 pct increase in first nine months (INS)

The turnover in market services rendered mainly to companies has increased by approximately 17 pct in the first nine months of this year compared to the similar period of 2020, both as gross series, as well as…

12:15, 16.11.2021

Romania’s GDP rises 7.2% y/y in Q3

Romania‘s National Institute for Statistics (INS) announced on Tuesday that the country’s economic output increased by 7.2% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2021 for the unadjusted series and stated that for…

10:40, 16.11.2021

Construction works go up by 0.4% during first 9 months (INS)

The volume of construction works has gone up, as gross series, by 0.4%, during the first 9 months of the year, when comparing to the data registered for the same period of 2020, according to the information published…

09:40, 16.11.2021

Romanian economy growth slowed to 0.3 pct in Q3

The growth of the Romanian economy has slowed to 0.3 pct in Q3 over the previous quarter, while compared to the same period of last year the growth of the GDP stood at 7.2 pct as gross series and 8 pct as adjusted…