Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:00, 18.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu in Davos speaks of Romania's support for Western Balkans countries

Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu spoke on Wednesday, on the first day of her participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, about the support Romania is giving to the Western Balkans countries in terms of…

19:30, 10.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu to participate in Snow Meeting, focusing European security

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu Thursday through Friday will participate in the informal "Snow Meeting" on foreign policy and security issues, traditionally organised by Lithuania in Trakai.The event…

16:36, 09.01.2024

De ce nu s-a prăbușit Rusia

După invazia Ucrainei în februarie 2022, multe voci occidentale au lăudat posibilitatea dezintegrării Rusiei. S-au amăgit. În ciuda unei serii de articole triumfaliste care vorbesc despre „renașterea” Occidentului,…

15:10, 04.01.2024

Sri Lankan citizen, caught 33 years after killing a foreign citizen in Bucharest

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan citizen was detected in the town of Moers, Germany, following the exchange of information carried out by the SIRENE Bureau of the International Police Cooperation Center - IGPR, with the…

11:20, 04.01.2024

6,447 companies running on foreign capital established in Romania in first 11 months of 2023

The number of newly established foreign-owned companies in Romania decreased by 6.2% in the first 11 months of this year, compared to the same period in 2022, to 6,447 units, according to data centralized by the…

10:40, 04.01.2024

Arad border police find several foreigners hidden in a truck among tyres

The Arad border police found several persons from Pakistan, Ethiopia and Afghanistan hidden in a truck among tyres ready to cross the Nadlac II border checkpoint illegally, with the Romanian driver currently facing…

10:40, 04.01.2024

Industrial production prices down 2.6pct in November 2023

Industrial production prices in total (domestic and foreign markets) decreased in November 2023 2.6% compared to the same month last year, according to data the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on…

11:20, 31.12.2023

Romanian officials hail Schengen sea, air rules for Romania, Bulgaria starting March 2024

The member states of the European Union unanimously approved on Saturday the gradual entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area of free movement, after Austria, the last EU-27 country opposing this measure,…

10:40, 29.12.2023

Over 9,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Thursday

More than 9,000 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Thursday, and in total about 185,400 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and about 44,700 means of transport completed the control formalities at the border…

06:00, 29.12.2023

După eșecul din Ucraina, serviciile secrete ruse au devenit mai inventive și se bazează tot mai mult pe cetățeni străini

Revista americană Foreign Affairs publică o analiză a jurnaliștilor Andrei Soldatov și Irina Borogan co-fondatori ai Agentura.ru, un supraveghetor al activității serviciilor secrete ruse despre „renașterea spionajului…

21:05, 28.12.2023

Ucraina şi Ungaria pregătesc o întâlnire între Volodimir Zelenski şi Viktor Orban, pe fondul tensiunilor dintre cele două țări

Ucraina şi Ungaria pregătesc, în viitorul apropiat, o întâlnire între preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski şi premierul ungar Viktor Orban, a anunțat joi, 28 decembrie, Andrii Iermak, şeful de cabinet al liderului…

18:36, 28.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu receives the farewell visit of Japanese ambassador Hiroshi Ueda

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, on Thursday received the ambassador of Japan in Bucharest, Hiroshi Ueda, on a farewell visit, on which occasion she presented him with the National Order "Faithful…

17:10, 28.12.2023

Un laureat Nobel pentru economie aruncă bomba: SUA își distrug dolarul deliberat și vor să bage și UE în faliment

Avertismentul a fost făcut de către laureatul Nobel pentru economie într-un interviu acordat ziarului italian La Repubblica .„Nu mă pot convinge că această confiscare a bunurilor rusești este calea corectă. Pe…

11:20, 28.12.2023

Romanian driver caught at border with 20 foreigners in minibus

A 51-year-old Romanian driver was caught at the western border when he wanted to illegally take 20 people from Bangladesh out of the country, hidden in the cargo minibus he was driving, the Arad Border Police informed.The…

16:40, 27.12.2023

Immigrations Inspectorate removes 16 foreigners, under escort, from the country

Immigrations Inspectorate removes 16 foreigners, under escort, from the countryImmigration police from the centres for the accommodation of foreigners taken into public custody from Otopeni and Arad over December…

08:30, 27.12.2023

38 foreign citizens, detected while trying to cross into Hungary, hiding in a truck

Border police officers from western PTF Nadlac II detected 38 foreign citizens who were trying to cross illegally into Hungary, hidden in a truck with textiles, the Romanian Border Police announces.The foreign…

08:06, 27.12.2023

Foreign Policy: Ce ar însemna o victorie a Rusiei în războiul din Ucraina

După ce contraofensiva de anul acesta lansată de Ucraina s-a împotmolit ca tancurile rusești în mlaștinile din estul Ucrainei, iar ajutorul militar vital pentru armata ucraineană a rămas blocat în Congresul Statelor…

19:40, 24.12.2023

Ce poate însemna o victorie a Rusiei pentru Ucraina: „O teroare în masă de o amploare nemaiîntâlnită în Europa, de la epoca totalitară”

O victorie a Rusiei în război ar putea aduce un val de atrocități împotriva ucrainenilor, o anulare a identității ucrainene și un control totalitar asupra culturii, educației și exprimării, avertizează un expert…

14:35, 24.12.2023

DefMin Tilvar conveys best wishes and thanks to the soldiers, veterans and their families

Minister of National Defence Angel Tilvar has thanked, in a message conveyed on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the soldiers on foreign missions and their families "for their understanding and support"."The…

18:30, 22.12.2023

Foreign citizen caught with 50 kilograms of psychoactive substance 2-MMC in car

A foreign citizen was caught in the act with 50 kilograms of the psychoactive substance 2-MMC (2-methylmethcathinone, part of the New Psychoactive Substances) in his car and was detained by anti-drug prosecutors…

16:36, 21.12.2023

Social homes built by almost 300 Romanian and foreign volunteers in Jucu de Sus, Cluj county

More than 200 volunteers from Romania and another 80 from the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom have built social homes in Jucu de Sus, northwest-central Cluj county, as part of a project of the PRIMA DATA ACASA…

13:26, 19.12.2023

Verișoara lui Vladimir Putin, pe lista ultimului pachet de sancțiuni impus de UE. Cine este Ana Țivileva

Ca parte a noului pachet de sancțiuni, al 12-lea, Uniunea Europeană a introdus restricții împotriva a 61 de persoane și 86 de organizații și companii. Pe lista difuzată UE se află și Ana Țivileva, 51 de ani, verișoara…

16:30, 18.12.2023

Romania demonstrates remarkable economic resilience and high investment attractiveness (EY)

Romania has seen an 86 percent increase in the number of foreign investment projects in 2022, thus ranking 15th among the most attractive European investment destinations, up seven places from the previous year,…

15:56, 18.12.2023

International Migrants Day/Over 200k foreigners live in Romania

As many as 200,798 foreign citizens with a right of residence valid on the reference date were in the records of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, at the end of November, the IGI informs on Monday, in a…

07:05, 17.12.2023

Cum a făcut Hamas din Fâșia Gaza centrul mișcării palestinene de rezistență

În ultimul deceniu, Fâșia Gaza nu a părut a fi un câmp de luptă major pentru rezistența palestiniană. Incursiunile recurente ale armatei israeliene păreau să fi obligat gruparea islamistă palestiniană Hamas la…

14:55, 16.12.2023

Foreign Ministry welcomes 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Romania and Republic of Tunisia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 60th anniversary, on 16 December, of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Republic of Tunisia.''This anniversary is a good opportunity…

13:10, 16.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu, new Polish counterpart discuss deepening bilateral cooperation

Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu, in a telephone conversation on Friday, congratulated Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski on his appointment and assured him of her full openness…

15:30, 15.12.2023

Foreign Affairs Ministry celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Albania

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Republic of Albania.Romania and Albania are European allies and partners that share a special connection,…

11:35, 15.12.2023

Romania’s Foreign Ministry summons Russian ambassador over drone incident

Romania’s Foreign Ministry summoned Russian Ambassador Valeri Kuzmin on Thursday in response to the latest incident involving a Russian drone that fell on Romanian territory overnight, according to Euractiv. Following…

15:31, 14.12.2023

A strong supporter and defender of multilateral diplomacy, Romania celebrates 68 years of UN membership

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the 68th anniversary of Romania's admission to the United Nations on December 14."During the 68 years of UN membership, Romania has been a strong supporter and defender…