Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:52, 29.02.2016

The eviction of Antena 3 could change laws in Romania

The eviction of Antena 3 could change laws in Romania.  Representatives of civil servants have explained to Prime Minister and to the Minister of Finance that the current legislation may leave room for…

11:52, 29.02.2016

Bucharest Court ruled in favor of Antena 3: There is no court judgment for the eviction

The court rules in favor of Antena 3 regarding the eviction requested by NAFA .  Bucharest Court confirms that there is no eviction judgment and, consequently, the evacuation cannot be implemented within...

17:40, 24.02.2016

Tax authority brings Antena broadcaster to court over eviction

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has filed a petition with the Bucharest District 1 Courthouse for the eviction of Antena TV Group SA, Intact Production SRL, Antena 3 SA and Sangold Development…

07:27, 18.02.2016

President Iohannis on Antena TVs eviction: Tax authority approach "at least inappropriate

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday qualified as "gung-ho" and "inappropriate" the approach of National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF) to the case of the Antena Group televisions. "I believe you have reached…

19:44, 16.02.2016

PM Ciolos denies responsibility for eviction of TV stations

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos confirmed his presence on Wednesday in the Senate, where he was summoned to explain the eviction of Antena 3 private TV and other stations of its group by tax authorities.

09:30, 23.04.2015

Garantia contra evictiunii - CLINICA JURIDICA ANDREI ȘAGUNA

Membrii Cercului studentesc Clinica juridica al Facultatii de Drept si Stiinte Administrative din cadrul Universitatii "Andrei Saguna", au fost eroii unui proces simulat, care s a desfasurat la Tribunalul din Constanta,…

10:15, 17.02.2015

Interviu-eveniment la Adevarul Live de la ora 12.00: Camelia Toader, judecătorul român de la Curtea Europeană de Justiţie, în dialog cu jurnalistul Cristian…

Începând cu ora 12.00, în cadrul emisiunii Adevărul Live moderate de Cristian Unteanu, puteţi urmări un interviu-eveniment cu Camelia Toader, judecătorul român de la Curtea Europeană de Justiţie.   Licenţiată…

19:30, 17.03.2014

Contractul de arendă şi obligaţia de garanţie pentru evicţiune

“Anul trecut am încheiat un contract de arenda cu proprietara unui teren agricol pentru o perioada de 10 ani, pe care l-am înregistrat la primarie, dar ulterior aceasta a semnat un alt contract cu un alt arendas,…