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14:15, 02.02.2024

President Iohannis to deliver speech at "This is Europe" plenary debate of European Parliament on February 7

President Iohannis to deliver speech at "This is Europe" plenary debate of European Parliament on February 7President Klaus Iohannis will address, next Wednesday, the plenary session of the European Parliament,…

12:50, 02.02.2024

Fermierii au aprins focul în fața Parlamentului European! Tensiuni la cote maxime în ziua summit-ului european extraordinar - VIDEO

În mediul online au apărut primele imagini cu incendii cu focul aprins și baricadele construite de fermierii belgieni, care protestează în fața Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles.Proteste au loc, zilele acestea,…

16:51, 01.02.2024

(VIDEO) Glasul tractoarelor la summitul UE de la Bruxelles

Circa 1.000 de tractoare blocau joi dimineaţă străzile din Bruxelles, unde are loc un summit al Uniunii Europene, pe fondul nemulţumirilor fermierilor faţă de politica europeană în acest domeniu, transmite AFP.…

12:55, 01.02.2024

VIDEO. Tensiuni în Bruxelles. Incendii în fața Parlamentului European acolo unde se află și Iohannis

Mai multe incendii au izbucnit în fața sediului Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles, acolo unde se află și președintele Klaus Iohannis. Incendiile au fost provocate de fermierii protestatari potrivit Antena…

12:30, 01.02.2024

(VIDEO) Glasul tractoarelor la summit-ul UE de la Bruxelles

Circa 1.000 de tractoare blocau joi dimineaţă străzile din Bruxelles, unde are loc un summit al Uniunii Europene, pe fondul nemulţumirilor fermierilor faţă de politica europeană în acest domeniu, transmite AFP.…

10:10, 01.02.2024

Fermierii au aprins focul în fața Parlamentului European! Tensiuni la cote maxime în ziua summit-ului european extraordinar - VIDEO

În mediul online au apărut primele imagini cu incendii cu focul aprins și baricadele construite de fermierii belgieni, care protestează în fața Parlamentului European de la Bruxelles.Proteste au loc, zilele acestea,…

15:00, 31.01.2024

European Parliament election to definitely take place on June 9, says PM Ciolacu

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that the European Parliament election will definitely be held on June 9, adding that he had agreed with Social Democratic Party (PSD) MPs not to vote for any legislative…

12:20, 30.01.2024

PM Ciolacu says two-day vote in diaspora proposed in coalition

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday that the governing coalition has proposed that the diaspora should have two days for voting in the elections for the European Parliament.The PM was asked if there was…

17:35, 25.01.2024

MEP Negrescu appointed EP's lead negotiator on EU budget 2025

MEP Victor Negrescu of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has been appointed the European Parliament's lead negotiator on the European Union budget for 2025.According to a PSD press statement released on Thursday,…

19:15, 23.01.2024

The “Cinderella” of voting becomes a princess: Why the European Parliament elections are more important than you think / What first-time voters say

Romanians will be called upon to vote four times in 2024. The first time is on th of the 9June, when we elect our MEPs, the people we send to Brussels to represent us in the European Union. These elections, the…

19:05, 23.01.2024

Iuliu Winkler: Over 90% of European citizens are worried about rising cost of living

More than 90% of the European citizens are worried about the increase in the cost of living, European parliamentarian Iuliu Winkler (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania, European Peoples Party) said on Tuesday…

18:30, 23.01.2024

Biro Rozalia: EPP women candidates for EP will be presented at EPP Congress in Bucharest

The candidates of the European People's Party (EPP) in this year's European Parliament elections will be promoted in Bucharest, in a related event of the EPP Congress from March 6 to 7, president of the European…

10:51, 18.01.2024

EU agrees on stricter rules to combat money laundering and capture cryptoassets

The European Union reached a provisional deal on Thursday to improve how national authorities work with each other to combat money laundering, including in the crypto sector, according to Reuters. Representatives…

11:40, 08.01.2024

EU’s Charles Michel downplays criticism of his plan to resign early

European Council President Charles Michel downplayed on Sunday criticism of his plan to resign early to run for a seat in the European Parliament, saying there was plenty of time to choose his successor and the…

08:25, 29.12.2023

To run for Romania's presidency hasn't crossed my mind yet, PM Ciolacu says

The leader of the Social Democratic Party - PSD, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Thursday night at the Romania TV private broadcaster that he has not yet thought of running for Romania's presidency,…

10:30, 18.12.2023

Environment minister to participate in Environment Council meeting in Brussels

Environment minister to participate in Environment Council meeting in BrusselsEnvironment, Water and Forests Minister Mircea Fechet will attend the Environment Council meeting in Brussels on Monday, the ministry…

12:50, 09.12.2023

AUR's George Simion, in Brussels, talks with MEP Beata Szydlo about EU treaties' undemocratic change

The chairman of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), George Simion, met this week in Brussels with Beata Szydlo, Polish MEP and prime minister of the Polish gov't between 2015 and 2017, currently vice-president…

22:45, 04.12.2023

CURS Survey – Romanians want more women on electoral lists, but based on merit. Of those who prefer an imposed solution, only half call for a law

A CURS survey reveals very interesting figures that could have a significant impact on how the electoral lists for the 2024 elections (European Parliament, local, and parliamentary) will be designed. Romanians…

13:30, 04.12.2023

MEP Tomac: We have failed to join Schengen this year, next year there is almost no chance

Romania has failed to join Schengen again, and next year there is almost no chance, because member states have as priority the elections for the European Parliament and then the election of a new European Commission,…

10:50, 29.11.2023

EU members reach preliminary agreement on reducing industrial emissions

EU member countries and the European Parliament said Wednesday they have reached a preliminary agreement on curbing industrial emissions, including those from intensive poultry and pig farms and from ore mines,…

10:30, 28.11.2023

USR leader Drula deems vaccine procurement case file the biggest legal malpractice

Chairman of Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula said on Monday that the case file concerning the purchase of vaccines is "the biggest legal malpractice" he has seen since he entered politics.He said the case…

11:25, 24.11.2023

In Vienna, MEP Negrescu presents Romania's last arguments for its Schengen area accession

In Vienna, MEP Negrescu presents Romania's last arguments for its Schengen area accessionMEP Victor Negrescu, a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament,…

14:10, 21.11.2023

MEP Botos calls on Austria's chancellor to stop opposing Romania's accession to Schengen area

MEP Botos calls on Austria's chancellor to stop opposing Romania's accession to Schengen areaRomanian MEP Vlad Botos of the Renew group on Monday called on Austria's Chancellor Karl Nehammer not to oppose Romania's…

17:16, 15.11.2023

CCIR attends 6th edition of European Parliament of Enterprises

CCIR attends 6th edition of European Parliament of EnterprisesThe 2023 edition of the European Parliament of Enterprises revolved around three key issues for the business community - energy, skills and international…

09:20, 27.10.2023

76 MEPs call for Gaza ‘immediate ceasefire’ in letter to EU chiefs

Seventy-six Members of the European Parliament sent a letter to EU Commission and Council leaders on Thursday to push for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza to allow humanitarian access, ahead of the EU countries’…

19:00, 25.10.2023

Elections must be held in best and most efficient way, through transparency and access to voting

The elections for members from Romania in the European Parliament, as well as the other types of elections next year, must be held in the best and most efficient way possible, and the key to success remains the…

09:10, 20.10.2023

ALDE Party Council to be held, for first time in Bucharest

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party, of which Save Romania Union (USR) is a member, is organising its first autumn council meeting in Bucharest on Friday and Saturday. The event will…

11:00, 06.10.2023

US warns EU’s landmark AI policy will only benefit big tech

The US warned the European Union that its proposed law to regulate artificial intelligence would favor companies with the resources to cover the costs of compliance while hurting smaller firms, according to previously…

12:40, 29.09.2023

Metsola: 'Every effort must be made' to reach an agreement on migration (enr)

At a time when migration is high on the agenda and in the run-up to the European elections next year, the European Newsroom (enr) spoke to the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, on migration,…

15:10, 28.09.2023

MEP Dragos Pislaru: Proposed tax package is wrong, will have negative effects on economy

The tax package that was proposed is wrong and will have negative effects on the economy, including the absorption of European funds, said Dragos Pislaru, member of the European Parliament, chairman of the Labor…