Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:15, 19.10.2022

EnergMin Popescu: Romania is turning into an important electricity and natural gas hub

Romania's Energy Minister Virgil Popescu says that the project for a liquefied natural gas facility at the Black Sea conducted jointly with Azerbaijan is turning Romania into "an important node" in terms of electricity…

12:25, 13.10.2022

Energy Minister Popescu: The supply of energy for R.Moldova begins tonight

Hidorelectrica and Energocom, the company designated by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, signed on Thursday a contract for the supply of 100 MW of electricity and the supply is to begin tonight, Minister…

12:45, 03.10.2022

Ministry of Energy supports conclusion of long-term bilateral contracts by energy producers

The Ministry of Energy supports the conclusion by producers of long-term bilateral contracts, directly to industrial consumers or to suppliers of final customers, said the Energy Minister Virgil Popescu on Monday.…

11:46, 03.10.2022

Romania’s gas storage facilities more than 80% full for winter

Romanian natural gas storage facilities have been filled above a targeted 80% capacity and could reach 90% by Nov. 1, deputy Energy Minister Dan Dragan said on Monday, according to Reuters. Unlike other countries…

15:41, 14.09.2022

Natural gas deposits reach 79 pct, Energy minister says

The filling rate of natural gas deposits has reached the level of 79 pct and by the end of the week it will exceed the threshold of 80 pct, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu announced on Wednesday at the briefing…

18:00, 02.09.2022

Energy Minister to present in Brussels decisions made by the Government regarding Energy Emergency Ordinance

The Emergency Ordinance for the modification of OUG (government emergency ordinance) 27/2022 was inspired by models approved by the European Commission, and the decisions related to this normative act will be presented…

21:55, 24.08.2022

Romania’s energy bill support scheme set to cost $3.27 bln

Romania‘s scheme to shield households and smaller businesses from soaring energy bills will cost around 16 bln lei ($3.27 bln), Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. He added that…

16:36, 24.08.2022

Energy Minister says prosumer numbers up to a few tens of thousands

The quality of prosumer has been amended, which made the number of prosumers increase from a few hundred at the end of last year to several tens of thousands at this moment, Minister of Energy Virgil Popescu said…

08:40, 27.07.2022

Energy Minister: Romania has broad support from USA

Romania is benefiting from broad support from the United States of America, says Virgil Popescu, the Minister of Energy, on his Facebook page, after a series of work meetings with representatives of U.S. Department…

00:20, 24.06.2022

No PSD support for draft emergency ordinance on decarbonisation

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) does not support the draft emergency ordinance on decarbonisation initiated by Energy Minister Virgil Popescu, which provides for the closure of several coal-fired power capacities…

20:00, 23.06.2022

Descoperire șocantă: Bărbatul care voia să ducă, alături de soție, în Marea Britanie, un copil pentru recoltarea de organe este politician cunoscut

Bărbatul acuzat că a încercat să ducă un copil în Marea Britanie în vederea recoltării de organe este un cunoscut politician din Nigeria. El era însoțit de soția sa, potrivit BBC. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

20:00, 23.06.2022

Energy Minister in Azerbaijan: We're interested in diversifying energy supply sources & routes, petrochemical industry investments

The Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, participates, as co-president, in the works of the 6th session of the Inter-governmental Committee for commercial-economic and technical-scientific cooperation between Romania…

10:31, 19.05.2022

Romania endorses investor-friendly amendments to Offshore Law

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies endorsed on Wednesday the amendments to the Offshore Law that were expected for years to unlock several investment projects in various development stages in the Romania’s Black…

15:26, 18.05.2022

EnergyMin: Offshore law, most important step in Romania's energy independence

The offshore law, adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, as decision-making forum, is the most important step towards Romania's energy independence, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu says. Fii la curent…

20:30, 13.04.2022

EnerMin Popescu: 'Strenghtening bilateral relations between Romania and Israel, especially in energy, important desideratum'

Strengthening bilateral relations between Romania and Israel, especially in the field of energy, is an important desideratum to achieve, believes Energy Minister Virgil Popescu, who conducted a working visit to…

22:50, 28.03.2022

EnerMin: Romania - U.S. energy partnership is strong, working together to strengthen Romania's energy security

Romania's energy partnership with the U.S. is strong and we are working together to strengthen our country's energy security, with an emphasis on the increase and diversification of energy production sources and…

21:45, 18.03.2022

Gov't approves one-year cap on electricity and gas prices

The government approved on Friday the Emergency Ordinance capping electricity and gas prices for one year, for both household and industrial consumers, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu wrote on Facebook. Fii la curent…

11:35, 14.03.2022

Senate's Citu urging Energy Ministry to come up with latest amendments to offshore drilling law

National leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Florin Citu said on Monday that the Ministry of Energy has to come up with the latest amendments to the offshore drilling law, adding that a governing coalition…

20:56, 10.03.2022

EnergMin Popescu: Romania is facing no problems with oil or other fuel stockpiles

Romania's Energy Minister Virgil Popescu gave assurances on Thursday that Romania is facing no problems at all with oil or other fuel stockpiles. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

23:30, 04.03.2022

Energy Minister: Two reactor units of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant restarted, no radiation threat

Two units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant have been restarted, so that three of its 6 reactor units are operating now, according to the latest information we have from our colleagues in Ukraine, Energy…

21:05, 01.03.2022

Energy Minister in Baku for negotiations on concrete energy cooperation deals

Energy Minister Virgil Popescu wrote on Tuesday on Facebook that he is in Baku to negotiate "concrete energy cooperation deals" with Azeri officials. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

21:46, 28.02.2022

Romania, willing to table BRHA pipeline, in order to bring gas from Azerbaijan to Europe

Romania is willing to table the BRHA pipeline which can be an alternative route for supply in order to bring to Europe gas from Azerbaijan, said, on Monday, in Brussels, the Energy Minister, Virgil Popescu, before…

11:25, 22.02.2022

Energy Minister: We will have no trouble regarding gas supply in event of conflict in Ukraine

A conflict in Ukraine will not lead to any trouble in supplying Romania with gas, which can ensure its entire internal consumption in Spring, the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, said during the ZF Power Summit…

21:06, 15.02.2022

Fmr Finance Minister Teodorovici: Solution to energy crisis isn't in ministry, it's fiscal policy issue

The crisis in energy is not dependent on the Energy Ministry, but on fiscal policy and it's a problem of the Finance Ministry, which can be resolved through the application of a tax, said the former Minister of…

18:50, 14.02.2022

PM Ciuca: Making Cernavoda reactors 3, 4 operational, as well as small modular reactors - medium and long-term measures

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated on Monday, in the context of the visit conducted to Cernavoda, that the Government offered guarantees regarding the continuation of the projects to make reactors 3 and 4 operational,…

10:20, 14.02.2022

Government's spokesperson: Changing a minister is and remains responsibility of the Prime Minister

Changing a minister is and remains the responsibility of the prime minister, and no such issue has been discussed, said Government's spokesman Dan Carbunaru. He made it clear that "new speculations have been raised…

13:55, 09.02.2022

Chamber rejects USR simple motion against Energy Minister

The Chamber of Deputies rejected today by a vote of 98 to 190 and 4 abstentions the simple motion initiated by the Save Romania Union (USR) against Energy Minister Virgil Popescu.

13:05, 09.02.2022

IntMin Bode: When in Romanian Parliament dialogue disappears, violence intervenes, it means we're on wrong path

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Lucian Bode, stated, on Wednesday, in Constanta, regarding the incident on Monday in Parliament - when the Energy Minister, Virgil Popescu, was shoved by Alliance for the Union…

14:05, 08.02.2022

AUR wants Energy Minister Virgil Popescu sent home

The opposition Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) is asking the Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party - Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania ruling coalition to remove Energy Minister Virgil…

08:35, 08.02.2022

Senate head Citu: George Simion's gesture must be punished by Parliament and authorities

The President of the Senate, Liberal leader Florin Citu, stated, on Monday evening, at private broadcaster Digi24, that deputy George Simion, co-chair of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), should have…