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17:20, 16.05.2024

Employees in Governments apparatus start new spontaneous protest

Employees in Government's apparatus start new spontaneous protest

Employees in the Government's apparatus started a new spontaneous protest on Thursday and decided to interrupt their working hours between 15,00hrs and 16,00hrs."Employees of the Romanian Government are protesting…

18:56, 15.05.2024

Microsoft, Google, Continental, Oracle and Bosch Romania - most desired employers in 2024 (survey)

Microsoft, Google, Continental, Oracle and Bosch Romania - most desired employers in 2024 (survey)

Microsoft, Google, Continental, Oracle and Bosch Romania are the first five companies nominated in the top of the most desired employers in 2024, show the results of a survey carried out between November 2023 and…

11:10, 14.05.2024

15 pct of full-time employees have gross wages at level of minimum gross wage (union)

15 pct of full-time employees have gross wages at level of minimum gross wage (union)

About 15% of full-time employees have gross salaries at the level of the minimum gross salary in the country, say representatives of the National Trade Union Bloc (BNS), in an analysis published Tuesday.

20:35, 09.05.2024

Profesioniștii de HR din Cluj-Napoca sunt invitați, pe 14 mai, la conferința „Magnetico”. Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding și Employee Experience – elementele cheie ale ediției din 2024

Profesioniștii de HR din Cluj-Napoca sunt invitați, pe 14 mai, la conferința „Magnetico”. Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding și Employee Experience…

Proiectul „MAGNETICO. How to attract and retain talents improving employer branding and creating meaningful HR practices” ajunge și în 2024 la Cluj-Napoca. Profesioniștii de resurse umane locali sunt invitați,…

13:10, 24.04.2024

Romania to participate in Kazakhstan International Exhibition

Romania to participate in Kazakhstan International Exhibition

From April 24, Romania will participate for the time in the Kazakhstan International Exhibition KITF Tourism and Travel to promote its destinations Constanta - Mamaia, Eforie, Borsa - Maramures, Secretary General…

15:05, 22.04.2024

Road freight transport lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders (employer official)

Road freight transport lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders (employer official)

Romania's road freight transport industry lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders, from EUR 2.41 billion in 2022, Radu Dinescu, secretary general of the National Union of Romania's Road Hauliers…

19:10, 29.03.2024

Generația Z: 7 din 10 tineri preferă să lucreze de acasă sau remote (studiu)

Generația Z: 7 din 10 tineri preferă să lucreze de acasă sau remote (studiu)

Unu din cinci angajați din categoriile Millennials, liber profesioniști sau persoanele cu venituri mici consideră că siguranța locului de muncă a scăzut în 2023, conform studiului MKOR Employee Sentiment 2024.…

15:40, 29.03.2024

Cheltuielile de bază, grija pentru 50% din români

Cheltuielile de bază, grija pentru 50% din români

Mulți români au grija cheltuielilor de bază. Pentru 1 din 2 români, cheltuielile de bază sunt principala preocupare când vine vorba de situaţia personală, iar printre cele mai mari îngrijorări pentru tinerii din…

06:35, 29.03.2024

Îmbunătățește-ți strategiile de HR la Employer Branding Conference 2024

Cea de-a 12-a ediție a Employer Branding Conference , evenimentul cheie în domeniul Resurselor Umane, va avea loc pe 11 aprilie , la Hotel JW Marriott din Bucure ș ti . Cu o agendă cuprinzătoare, conferința va…

19:30, 14.03.2024

Unemployment rate in Bucharest falls slightly in February to 0.85%

Unemployment rate in Bucharest falls slightly in February to 0.85%

The unemployment rate registered in Bucharest was 0.85% in February 2024, down from 0.86% in the previous month, data from the Municipal Employment Agency (AMOFM) show According to the source, out of a total of…

20:16, 10.03.2024

BuzzCamp – o inițiativă dedicată dezvoltării profesionale și personale a studenților din Cluj-Napoca

Acest eveniment va avea loc pe 27 martie, începând cu ora 10, la Hotel Napoca. BuzzCamp conturează un cadru menit să familiarizeze studenții cu cerințele complexe ale mediului profesional, prin intermediul workshop-urilor…

08:45, 04.03.2024

”Fără griji și fără bani!” Tinerii români, campionii din UE ”la anti-muncă”

”Fără griji și fără bani!” Tinerii români, campionii din UE ”la anti-muncă”

Tinerii români nu vor să muncească! România are cea mai mare pondere a tinerilor (de 15-29 de ani) care nu vor să muncească din întreaga Uniune Europeană. Vestea și mai proastă este că în ultimii 10 ani această…

11:05, 29.02.2024

USR resubmits bill on registry of political police officers, descendants holding key public offices

Save Romania Union (USR) lawmaker Claudiu Nasui has re-tabled in Parliament for the fourth time a bill revealing the relatives of the late Securitate political police employees holding public offices by creating…

16:50, 28.02.2024

Protesting taxi drivers in Bucharest go on hunger strike

The taxi drivers, members of the National Association of the Employers of Transport Operators in the Taxi Regime (ANPOTRT), will go on hunger strike, after the representatives of the Government asked for a month…

17:41, 26.02.2024

Taxi drivers remain in Constitutiei Square in following days

The taxi drivers, members of the National Association of the Employers of Transport Operators in the Taxi Regime (ANPOTRT) will remain in the next days in the Constitutiei Square (Parliament Square, ed. n.), after…

11:15, 23.02.2024

Government to bear cost of US visa for certain public employees to expedite entry into VisaWaiver program

The government made the decision to bear the cost of tourist and business travel visas in the United States for a certain category of employees from the public system, respectively for those from the national security…

20:10, 20.02.2024

Caravana UMFST, la Colegiul Național Pedagogic „Mihai Eminescu”

Colegiul Național Pedagogic „Mihai Eminescu" din Târgu Mureș a găzduit marți, 20 februarie, caravana UMFST, destinată elevilor care doresc să își creeze cariere de viitor. La eveniment au luat parte elevii doritori,…

08:35, 02.02.2024

CultMin Turcan says pay increase for museum, library employees, soon

CultMin Turcan says pay increase for museum, library employees, soonCulture Minister Raluca Turcan announced on Thursday that, following discussions with trade unions in the area, it can be said that there will…

17:35, 18.01.2024

Auchan România își reconfirmă titlul de „Angajator de top” și în 2024

Auchan România a fost desemnat Top Employer și pentru anul 2024, certificare oferită de organizația independentă Top Employers Institute din Olanda. Cu peste 7200 de angajați, compania este unul dintre cei mai…

10:50, 18.01.2024

RCA third party liability policy to be set at reference rate for over-16t vehicles (employers' assn)

The management of the Financial Oversight Authority (ASF), officials of haulage employers' associations and trade unions on Wednesday evening agreed that the RCA thrid party liability policy insurance for vehicles…

14:30, 11.01.2024

Number of employees in Bucharest has reached 1,079,285 people, in October 2023

Number of employees in Bucharest has reached 1,079,285 people, in October 2023The number of employees in Bucharest reached, at the end of October 2023, 1,079,285 people, an increase of 20,929 employees (1.98%)…

08:50, 11.01.2024

Tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from employer to cover nursery, kindergarten costs

Tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from employer to cover nursery, kindergarten costsParents can receive a tax deduction of up to 1,500 RON from the employer, to cover the costs of nursery and kindergarten, Hungarian…

19:40, 28.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: We regulate salary inequities for the public employees outside the central administration

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu after Thursday's government meeting announced that "a large part of the salary inequities" will be regulated for a number of public employees in the country, such as those of pension…

10:25, 22.12.2023

Employees of the Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Agency and Customs go on a Japanese strike

The members of the Meridian National Trade Union, employees of the Ministry of Finance and subordinate institutions, will go on a Japanese strike on Wednesday, December 27, unhappy that they will be exempted from…

12:06, 20.12.2023

Agriculture agency employees to have equal pay as of January 2024

Agriculture agency employees to have equal pay as of January 2024The salaries for the employees of the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) will be equalised starting January 2024, the National…

11:40, 19.12.2023

More than half of employees planning a career change for early 2024 (recruitment platform)

More than half of employees planning a career change for early 2024 (recruitment platform)More than half of employees are planning a career change for early 2024, motivated by the need for a salary increase, a…

16:55, 12.12.2023

Gov't proposes 3,700 lei minimum wage from 1 July 2024

Gov't proposes 3,700 lei minimum wage from 1 July 2024The Government proposed to increase the minimum wage from 3,300 lei to 3,700 lei as of 1 July 2024, while employers proposed 3,500 lei from 1 July 2024 and…

11:15, 29.11.2023

Number of foreign workers to be able to work in Romania will reach 140,000 next year (platform)

The number of foreign workers who will be able to come to work in Romania in 2024 will reach 140,000, 40% more than the threshold allowed for the current year, according to an analysis published on Wednesday by…

11:01, 29.11.2023

Gross income of full-time employees reaches 6,190 RON in October 2022

The gross income earned by employees who worked with a full-time employment contract and were paid for the entire month of October 2022 stood at 6,190 RON, over one fourth more than the gross basic salary (4,895…

14:10, 28.11.2023

EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf

The top European Union court ruled on Tuesday that public authorities in member states can prohibit employees from wearing signs of religious belief, such as an Islamic head scarf, in the latest decision on an…