Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:36, 24.05.2024

Anunțul Chinei. Manevrele militare din jurul Taiwanului au ca scop testarea capacităţii de a „prelua puterea” în insulă – VIDEO

Anunțul Chinei. Manevrele militare din jurul Taiwanului au ca scop testarea capacităţii de a „prelua puterea” în insulă – VIDEO

Anunț de ultimă oră de la Beijing, în contextul manevrelor în curs de desfăşurare din jurul Taiwanului. ???????? ???????? Is China preparing to invade Taiwan? pic.twitter.com/7rNiEbuYVm — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo)…

18:51, 21.05.2024

At 52 years old, National Museum of Romanian History boasts collection of over 18 ml items

At 52 years old, National Museum of Romanian History boasts collection of over 18 ml items

During its 52-year long existence, the National Museum of Romanian History (MNIR) has grown its collection from 50,000 to over 18 million items, the museum's general director Dr. Ernest Oberländer-Tarnoveanu said…

18:05, 09.05.2024

Scenă hilară la Moscova. Un soldat și-a pierdut pantoful la parada de Ziua Victoriei - VIDEO

Scenă hilară la Moscova. Un soldat și-a pierdut pantoful la parada de Ziua Victoriei - VIDEO

Filmarea a devenit in scurt timp virală, mai ales că pantoful a rămas mult timp pe caldarâm, în timp ce alte grupuri de soldați treceau, în pas de defilare, peste el.  During the parade in Moscow, one of the participants…

17:21, 17.04.2024

Netanyahu anunță că Israelul „va lua propria decizie” cu privire la răspunsul față de Iran, deși Londra și Berlinul au făcut apel la reținere

Netanyahu anunță că Israelul „va lua propria decizie” cu privire la răspunsul față de Iran, deși Londra și Berlinul au făcut apel la reținere

Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu le-a mulțumit miercuri, 17 aprilie, miniștrilor de externe din Germania și Marea Britanie, aflați în vizită, pentru sprijinul acordat țării sale, dar a declarat că Israelul…

18:16, 11.04.2024

OJ Simpson a murit. Legendarul jucător de fotbal american a fost răpus de o boală cruntă

OJ Simpson a murit. Legendarul jucător de fotbal american a fost răpus de o boală cruntă

OJ Simpson, fostul mare jucător de fotbal american, a murit la vârstă de 76 de ani, răpus de o boală cruntă, a anunțat familia, relatează The Guardian.„Pe 10 aprilie, tatăl nostru, Orenthal James Simpson, a cedat…

23:11, 10.04.2024

Un japonez, primul astronaut neamerican care va pune piciorul pe Lună, anunţă Joe Biden: „Un succes formidabil în domeniul spaţial”

Un japonez, primul astronaut neamerican care va pune piciorul pe Lună, anunţă Joe Biden: „Un succes formidabil în domeniul spaţial”

Un astronaut japonez urmează să fie primul neamerican pe Lună, în cadrul unei misiuni spaţiale a SUA, a anunţat, miercuri, preşedintele Joe Biden, relatează AFP, citată de News.ro.„Doi astronauţi japonezi vor lua…

20:25, 26.03.2024

35% decrease in illegal migration in first two months of 2024

35% decrease in illegal migration in first two months of 2024

Illegal migration at Romania's borders decreased, in the first two months of this year, by 35%, which demonstrates a "firm" commitment to managing this phenomenon at the national level and in cooperation with European…

20:20, 20.03.2024

The President of the National Institute of Statistics, Tudorel Andrei, was elected as a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

The President of the National Institute of Statistics, Tudorel Andrei, was elected as a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

During the latest session of the General Assembly of the Romanian Academy, the prestigious institution updated its membership, electing through a secret ballot several new members, both corresponding and honorary.…

11:56, 19.03.2024

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Russian aggression against Ukraine and situation in Belarus - discussed by ForMin Odobescu at Foreign Affairs Council

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu attended the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels on Monday, where she spoke about Russia's war against Ukraine and the situation in Belarus. The agenda of…

13:20, 16.03.2024

DDoS attacks against banks and public institutions, last two weeks

DDoS attacks against banks and public institutions, last two weeks

The National Directorate of Cyber Security reports that, in the last two days, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against banks and public institutions have been registered at the national level. "In…

20:35, 06.03.2024

President Iohannis: I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa during Zelenskys meeting with Mitsotakis

President Iohannis: I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa during Zelensky's meeting with Mitsotakis

President Klaus Iohannis strongly condemns the attack in the area of Odessa during the meeting Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky had with Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis. "I strongly condemn the attack in Odessa…

20:16, 04.03.2024

Startup Europe Week Brașov / Sf. Gheorghe 2024

Startup Europe Week Brașov / Sf. Gheorghe 2024

Startup Europe Week este o inițiativă a Comisiei Europene de animare a afacerilor prin organizarea simultană a unor evenimente dedicate lor în peste 300 orașe din peste 50 de țări. Evenimentul aduce la aceeași…

08:36, 19.02.2024

Romania, bronze medalist in women's bob-2 event during World Cup in Altenberg, Germany

Romania, bronze medalist in women's bob-2 event during World Cup in Altenberg, Germany Romanian athletes Andreea Grecu and Teodora Andreea Vlad won the bronze medal in the women's bobsleigh 2, on Sunday, at the…

13:30, 17.02.2024

Romania, Estonia share same values, similar concerns on regional security, DefMin says in Munich

Romania and Estonia share common values and similar concerns regarding regional security, said the minister of National Defense, Angel Tîlvar, who met on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference with his…

20:00, 16.02.2024

De minimis aid scheme of over 17 mln euros for SMEs affected by ROBOR increase during pandemic

State aid beneficiaries affected by the ROBOR increase, in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be backed through a de minimis aid scheme of over 86 million RON / 17 million…

05:30, 11.02.2024

Armand Goșu. Întrebările pe care Tucker Carlson nu i le-a pus lui Putin

Interviul realizat de Tucker Carlson cu liderul rus Vladimir Putin i-a adus jurnalistului american deopotrivă aprecieri, dar mai ales critici. Istoricul Armand Goșu consideră că Tucker Carlson nu i-a adresta lui…

20:40, 08.02.2024

MEP Cretu says teachers must given the place they deserve in our societies

The working conditions of teachers were debated on Thursday in the plenary sitting of the European Parliament, the conclusion being that it is necessary to give back to teaching staff the place they deserve in…

15:20, 07.02.2024

Trucks leaving Romania at Giurgiu border crossing wait 180 minutes due to Bulgarian farmers' protest

The waiting time at the border control at the exit from Romania through Giurgiu border crossing point for trucks has reached 180 minutes, after Bulgarian farmers protested on Wednesday for more than three hours…

13:20, 03.02.2024

PNL to initiate steps to have new head of Liberal branch in Prahova (PNL's Ciuca)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) will take steps to have a new head of the Prahova Liberal branch, said the PNL leader, Nicolae Ciuca.He made the statement on private broadcaster Prima TV, when asked if Iulian…

19:55, 29.01.2024

Dmitro Kuleba salută la Ujhorod, în vestul Ucrainei, o întâlnire ”constructivă” cu omologul său ungar Peter Szijjarto înaintea unui summit UE în vederea…

”Vreau să insist asupra punctului principal al acestei conversaţii, francheţea, sinceritatea şi caracterul constructiv”, a declarat într-o conferinţăă de presă, la Ujhorod (vest), şeful diplomaţiei ucrainene. BUDAPEST…

17:25, 29.01.2024

Consultations with representatives of taxi and alternative transport organisations at Victoria Palace of Government

Government representatives met on Monday at the Victoria Palace of Government with members of taxi and alternative transport organisations and structures, in the context of the protests triggered by the latter.According…

19:45, 27.01.2024

Asediul Leningradului. Cum și-a făcut Putin apariția la ceremonie

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a participat la o ceremonie de marcare a 80 de ani de la sfârşitul asediului Leningradului de către armata nazistă, în al Doilea Răboi Mondial, prilej cu care şi-a reiterat dorința…

14:25, 25.01.2024

EduMin Ligia Deca attends ASEM Education, Jan 25-26

EduMin Ligia Deca attends ASEM Education, Jan 25-26Minister of Education Ligia Deca will participate on Thursday and Friday in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Education, a platform that aims to promote dialogue…

15:35, 23.01.2024

Gov't aiming to restore attractiveness of defence, home affairs, penitentiary jobs

According to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, discussions on Tuesday with police trade unionists and the leadership of the Home Affairs Ministry (MAI) focused on establishing principles with a view to adopting measures…

18:20, 19.01.2024

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassador

Foreign Minister Odobescu meets Azerbaijani incoming ambassadorMinister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu met on Friday with incoming ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Romania Gudsi Dursun Oglu Osmanov…

11:55, 17.01.2024

EU, China raise EV and liquor probes during a meeting in Davos

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Chinese Premier Li Qiang raised their respective electric vehicle and liquor investigations during a meeting in Davos Tuesday, underscoring concern that the…

22:06, 16.01.2024

EnergyMin Burduja says energy security is common good, which requires interconnection, in meeting with US ambassador

EnergyMin Burduja says energy security is common good, which requires interconnection, in meeting with US ambassadorThe Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, discussed on Tuesday with the US Ambassador to Romania,…

14:25, 13.01.2024

Maia Sandu: Russia intensifies actions to destabilize Republic of Moldova

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, declared, on Saturday, in Timisoara, that the Russian Federation tried, throughout this period, to destabilize the order and power in Chisinau, each time trying…

08:50, 03.01.2024

Ciolacu: We express our solidarity with the Japanese people during these difficult times

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday sent a message of condolences to his counterpart in Tokyo, Fumio Kishida, for the families who lost their loved ones following the earthquake that hit Japan on Monday."On…

14:55, 30.12.2023

Some 23,000 Interior Ministry staff, on duty during New Year's holiday

Approximately 23,000 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) are currently on duty to prevent and combat any illegal deeds, as well as to manage the efficiency of interventions in emergency situations."Considering…