Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:25, 10.06.2021

Number of dwellings put into use in Romania declines by 617 in Q1 2021

The number of homes put into use in Romania in Q1 2021 amounted to 14,302, down 617 from Q1 2020, according to data published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). By areas of residence, most…

20:20, 09.06.2021

Studiu: Maimuţele din Africa se vor confrunta cu o pierdere a habitatului

Habitatul maimuţelor mari, cum ar fi gorilele, cimpanzeii şi maimuţele bonobo, se va micşora masiv în Africa în următorii 30 de ani, atrage atenţia un studiu realizat de peste 60 de oameni de ştiinţă, informează…

17:50, 08.06.2021

Habitatul gorilelor din Africa se va micşora masiv în următorii 30 de ani

Habitatul maimuţelor mari, cum ar fi gorilele, cimpanzeii şi maimuţele bonobo, se va micşora masiv în Africa în următorii 30 de ani, atrage atenţia un studiu realizat de peste 60 de oameni de ştiinţă, informează…

14:50, 08.06.2021

Maimuţele mari din Africa se vor confrunta cu o pierdere dramatică a habitatului (studiu)

Habitatul maimuţelor mari, cum ar fi gorilele, cimpanzeii şi maimuţele bonobo, se va micşora masiv în Africa în următorii 30 de ani, atrage atenţia un studiu realizat de peste 60 de oameni de ştiinţă, informează…

10:45, 26.04.2021

Eurohold, compania mamă a Euroins, a mandatat J.P. Morgan AG ca principal coordonator al procesului de finanţare şi preluare a activelor grupului CEZ…

”Eurohold, cel mai mare holding din Bulgaria şi unul dintre cele mai mari şi puternice grupuri financiare şi de asigurări din Europa, autorizează J.P.Morgan AG să devină lider şi coordonator exclusiv al procesului…

16:36, 12.04.2021

ANRE: Total investments of over 1.6 billion lei in gas networks, for 2021

Romanian gas distribution and transmission companies will invest a total of 1.6 billion lei under 2021 projects, according to a press release of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), sent to AGERPRES…

15:35, 08.04.2021

Romanian gas distribution, transmission companies invest 2.27bn lei in gas networks under 2020 projects

Romanian gas distribution and transmission companies will invest a total of 2.27 billion lei under 2020 projects, of which investment of 1.7 billion lei has already been conducted, and the rest will be ready by…

14:46, 31.03.2021

Official Journal e-edition to become available permanently free of charge for saving, distribution, printing

On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law under which the electronic edition of Romania's Official Journal, Part I and II becomes available free of charge and permanently, accessible to all users…

12:30, 28.03.2021

Celulă de criză pentru situația generată de blocarea Canalului Suez

Celulă de criză pentru situația generată de blocarea Canalului Suez Nava Evergreen aflată sub pavilion taiwanez a eșuat în Canalul de Suez, martie 2021, Cnes2021, Distribution Airbus DS / AFP Autorităţile…

08:45, 26.03.2021

Iohannis: EU, in difficult situation due to COVID-19 pandemic

President Klaus Iohannis attended the European Council meeting in video conference format on Thursday, in which he made an appeal to European leaders for the defence, consolidation and unity of the European Union,…

11:55, 22.03.2021

Investments worth 1.563 billion lei in electricity networks last year

Electricity distribution and transmission operators invested a total of 1.563 billion lei last year, compared to a forecasted value of 1.572 billion lei, which means an achievement of over 99 percent, according…

13:56, 08.03.2021

Grupul de asigurări Eurohold şi-a asigurat un angajament de finanţare de 31 milioane de dolari de la grupul de investiţii Global Emerging Markets

"Eurohold, unul dintre cele mai mari grupuri financiare şi de asigurări din regiunea CEE / SEE / CSI, compania mama a Euroins, şi-a asigurat un angajament de finanţare de 31 milioane de dolari (26 milioane euro)…

17:01, 03.03.2021

Eco Ruralis has launched new Peasant Seed Catalog, with free distribution of seeds nationwide

Over 100 varieties of 47 kinds of vegetables, aromatic, medicinal and companion planting herbs will be available free of charge this year to farmers and gardeners in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, with the…

14:55, 02.03.2021

Eurohold, proprietarul Euroins, vrea să strângă până la 100 de milioane de euro prin emiterea de noi acţiuni pe bursa din Bulgaria, fonduri ce vor fi…

"Eurohold, cel mai mare holding public din Bulgaria şi unul dintre principalele grupuri de afaceri independente care îşi desfăşoară activitatea în sud-estul Europei, intenţionează să îşi mărească capitalul de lucru…

18:35, 19.01.2021

Eurohold a primit aprobarea Comisiei de reglementare a energiei şi apei pentru a achiziţiona filialele grupului CEZ din Bulgaria

”Comisia de reglementare a energiei şi apei din Bulgaria a aprobat tranzacţia prin care Eurohold Bulgaria achiziţionează filialele companiei CEZ Group din Bulgaria. Astfel, Eurohold a obţinut toate aprobările necesare…

09:25, 06.01.2021

EnergyMin Popescu: After Jan 15 gov't to alter energy law

The Government will modify the electricity and natural gas law after January 15, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Tuesday, to establish exactly how the liberalization of the market will take place, according…

10:30, 04.01.2021

Electrica SA completes merger process of three electricity distribution companies within Group

Electrica SA power supply and distribution corporation has successfully completed the first stage of the merger through absorption of the three electricity distribution companies within the Group, which, as of…

17:45, 03.01.2021

Anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign/ Distribution of 36,000 doses of vaccine kicks off on Sunday

The distribution of over 36,000 doses of vaccine requested by the vaccination centers in each county starts on Sunday, the vaccination being thus extended, starting Monday, in all counties, the National Committee…

12:50, 26.12.2020

FinMin Citu: Release, delivery and distribution of the vaccine, very fast, to help limit pandemic

The release of the vaccine, its delivery and distribution in record time will help limit and eradicate the pandemic in the shortest possible time, Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Saturday. "Today [Saturday -…

12:50, 24.12.2020

Tibi, mascota unicorn care vrea să iasă din tipare, se alătură echipei TBI Bank

Obiectivul unei evaluări de 1 miliard de dolari, prin care o companie devine un „unicorn”, nu e deloc ușor de atins. Un punct bun de pornire pentru orice business este, însă, să adopte cultura specifică business-urilor…

16:10, 18.12.2020

Donald Trump spune că vaccinul Moderna anti-COVID-19 a fost aprobat. FDA nu a anunțat încă ce decizie a luat

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a postat vineri pe Twitter că vaccinul Moderna împotriva COVID-19 a fost aprobat şi va fi livrat imediat, deşi FDA (Food and Drug Administration) nu a făcut încă niciun anunţ…

14:25, 16.12.2020

Ciolos: EC criticizes Romania for PNRR, all the more reason to end saga of position distribution

The Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Alliance co-chair Dacian Ciolos said in a Facebook post on Wednesday that the parties to be part of the governing coalition have to "seriously"…

09:10, 02.12.2020

ParliamentaryElection2020 / Evolution of voting system in Romania in parliamentary elections after 1989

In the Romanian parliamentary elections after 1989, two voting systems were applied: voting by list and distribution according to the principle of proportional representation (1990-2004 and 2016 elections) and…

22:35, 02.11.2020

MFE analyses projects worth more than 1 billion lei to develop smart gas distribution networks

A number of 24 projects meant for the development of intelligent natural gas distribution networks, worth 1.16 billion lei, have been submitted and are currently being analyzed for funding under the Operational…

21:26, 02.11.2020

MFP analyses projects worth more than 1 billion lei to develop smart gas distribution networks

A number of 24 projects meant for the development of intelligent natural gas distribution networks, worth 1.16 billion lei, have been submitted and are currently being analyzed for funding under the Operational…

10:55, 18.08.2020

Smart gas distribution networks get 235 million euros in European funds

Mayors should partner locally to receive European funds to develop smart gas distribution networks and projects to serve at least 1,000 households, according to the Ministry of European Funds (MFE). "A new first…

15:40, 14.08.2020

Romania: the Government will launch call for projects to expand natural gas distribution networks

The government will launch next week a call for projects for a programme to expand the natural gas distribution networks in areas of Romania that do not have such utilities, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced…

14:10, 15.07.2020

Interbrands, parte a Orbico Group, va începe un amplu proces de automatizare în spațiul închiriat din P3 Bucharest A1

P3 Logistic Parks (“P3”) a semnat un contract de închiriere cu Interbrands Marketing & Distribution pentru 24.830 de metri pătrați de spații logistice și de birouri în parcul P3 Bucharest A1. Interbrands este deja…

13:18, 15.07.2020

DIICOT sends 33 people to trial for tax evasion, the damage being almost 80 million RON

The Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) prosecutors have put 33 people on trial for tax evasion and complicity in tax evasion and money laundering, after allegedly causing nearly…

19:34, 21.05.2020

Official Bolos: On June 4 we start distributing corporal hygiene packs and on June 15 food packs

Minister of European Funds Marcel Bolos on Thursday informed that within the Government meeting they will approve the emergency ordinance that regulates the system of distribution of hygiene products packs and…