Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:30, 09.06.2023

Finance Ministry attracts 90 million RON from banks on Friday, in addition to Thursday's tender

Finance Ministry attracts 90 million RON from banks on Friday, in addition to Thursday's tender. The Finance Ministry attracted 90 million RON on Friday from banks in addition to Thursday's tender, when it borrowed…

14:00, 30.05.2023

ECB warns of hit to top European banks if funds run into trouble

The euro zone‘s top banks may take a hit if their financial clients, such as funds, insurers and clearing houses, withdrew their deposits or otherwise ran into trouble, the European Central Bank warned on Tuesday,…

19:55, 24.05.2023

ANPC president signs 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, another 8 banks to follow

President of the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) Horia Constantinescu announced on Wednesday having signed 11 orders to stop deceptive practices by banks, and that another 8 banks would be sanctioned…

15:25, 18.05.2023

63,487 cases of acute respiratory infections in past week

A total of 63,487 cases of acute respiratory infections - clinical influenza, superior respiratory tract acute infections and pneumonia - were reported between May 8 and 14, the National Institute of Public Health…

14:45, 18.05.2023

Banks should be concerned that green loans don't become non-performing (BNR)

Banks should be concerned that the loans they provide to the green economy don't become non-performing, and a proper cost control should look not only at the turnover, but also at the project's long-term viability,…

13:05, 16.05.2023

Eleven banks fined a combined 550,000 RON for misleading commercial practices in installment calculation method

Eleven banks operating in Romania were found to apply misleading commercial practices in the installment calculation method, which is why the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) fined them a combined…

10:35, 08.05.2023

Crucial EU-court ruling on Polish legacy loans is set for June

The European Union’s top court will rule next month in a much-anticipated case over Swiss-franc mortgages that threatens to increase legacy lending costs for Polish banks, according to Bloomberg. The decision on…

18:00, 27.04.2023

Finance Ministry borrows over 1.68 billion RON from the banks, on Thursday

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Thursday, 1.687 billion RON from the commercial banks, through two issues of benchmark state bonds, according to data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR). Fii la…

14:31, 25.04.2023

Central banks signal end of bank turmoil with cut in dollar funding line

The world’s top central banks are cutting the frequency of their dollar liquidity operations with the U.S. Federal Reserve from May, sending the clearest signal yet that last month’s financial market volatility…

18:40, 20.04.2023

Ministry of Finance draws over 1.33 billion RON from banks on Thursday

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed on Thursday over 1.334 billion RON from banks, through two issues of benchmark state bonds, according to data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).The Ministry borrowed…

18:50, 06.04.2023

Finance Ministry attracts over 1.16 billion RON off banks on Thursday

The Finance Ministry (MF) borrowed more than 1.16 billion RON from banks on Thursday through two benchmark government bond issues, according to data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).The Ministry…

15:40, 04.04.2023

PM Ciuca: We need financial-banking instruments to complement EU funds for investments

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Tuesday at the Victoria Governmental Palace with representatives of the Romanian Association of Banks (ARB) and stressed, in this context, that there is a need for financial-banking…

16:55, 03.04.2023

Gov't borrows over RON 600 million on Monday off banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) on Monday borrowed RON 600 million off banks in an issue of benchmark bonds of a residual maturity of 114 months and an average yield of 7.34% per year, according to data published…

06:00, 01.04.2023

O creaţie a artistului stradal Banksy, vîndută cu o sumă record

O creaţie a celebrului artist stradal Banksy, intitulată "Brace Yourself!", s-a vîndut cu 2.032.000 de dolari, depăşind de peste trei ori estimările iniţiale ale specialiştilor, la o licitaţie ce a inclus şi o…

17:45, 30.03.2023

O creaţie a lui Banksy, vândută de o trupă muzicală cu peste 2 milioane de dolari

O creaţie a celebrului artist stradal Banksy, intitulată "Brace Yourself!", s-a vândut cu 2.032.000 de dolari, depăşind de peste trei ori estimările iniţiale ale specialiştilor, la o licitaţie ce a inclus şi o…

14:25, 28.03.2023

Finance Ministry draws RON 45 million off banks

On tuesday, the Ministry of Finance (MF) drew RON 45 million off banks, in a benchmark government bond issue of a residual maturity of 52 months and an average yield of 7.15% per year, according to data published…

11:05, 27.03.2023

European banks shares rise after SVB deal

European bank stocks rose for the first time in nearly a week on Monday, bouncing from last week’s declines, after a buyer emerged for large parts of Silicon Valley Bank‘s (SVB) deposits and loans, which helped…

11:35, 24.03.2023

ECB to reassure EU leaders on bank stability, call for EU deposit insurance

The European Central Bank is likely to reassure European Union leaders on Friday that euro zone banks are safe after market turbulence caused by Swiss and U.S. banks, but call on them to push on with an EU deposit…

14:30, 22.03.2023

O miliardară din Hong Kong dă în judecată proprietara unor galerii de artă pentru un tablou de Banksy

Moştenitoarea gigantului de băuturi Vitasoy International din Hong Kong, Karen Lo, o dă în judecată pe Pearl Lam, o faimoasă proprietară de galerii de artă, spunând că a plătit 500.000 de lire sterline (613.000…

19:40, 17.03.2023

Pictură murală a lui Banksy, distrusă în Anglia

Pictura murală „Morning is broken” de Banksy, realizată pe unul dintre pereții unei ferme abandonate, vechi de 500 de ani, a fost distrusă odată cu demolarea ei, marţi, în oraşul Herne Bay, din Kent, Anglia, potrivit…

14:15, 17.03.2023

Finance Ministry draws RON 60 million off banks

On Thursday, the Ministry of Finance (MF) drew RON 60 million off banks, in a benchmark government bond issue of a residual maturity of 98 months and an average yield of 7.51% per year, according to data published…

10:46, 17.03.2023

Rate hike signals strong confidence in European banks says ECB’s Villeroy

The European Central Bank‘s decision to raise interest rates by half a point on Thursday reflects the central bank’s priority of fighting inflation and also signals strong confidence in the solidity of European…

09:40, 17.03.2023

Foto - O operă de Banksy distrusă în Anglia

Pictura murală "Morning is broken" de Banksy, care era pe zidul lateral al unei ferme abandonate vechi de 500 de ani, a fost distrusă odată cu demolarea ei, marţi, în oraşul Herne Bay de la malul mării, în Kent,…

14:30, 16.03.2023

Cea mai recentă murală semnată de Banksy a fost distrusă în timpul demolării unei ferme abandonate

Locul în care a fost realizată cea mai recentă lucrare a lui Banksy, un perete exterior al unei ferme abandonate din orașul Herne Bay din Kent, situat pe malul mării, a fost demolat, scrie The Guardian.

15:25, 10.03.2023

Bansky are probleme cu legea: trei lucrări ale artistului au fost confiscate de poliție

Trei lucrări ale artistului stradal Banksy au fost confiscate de poliţie în cadrul unei anchete penale în sud-estul Ţării Galilor.  Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

11:40, 07.03.2023

Poșta ucraineană reeditează un timbru cu o lucrare anti-Putin a lui Banksy. Mesajul adresat liderului de la Kremlin

La un an de la începutul invaziei ruse, Poşta ucraineană a creat timbre cu un mural al artistului britanic Banksy, creat în noiembrie anul trecut, la Borodianka. Mesajul adăugat pe timbrul poștal este „La naiba…

15:40, 03.03.2023

Ministry of Finance borrows 120 million RON from banks, on Friday, in addition to Thursday's bids

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Friday, 120 million RON from the commercial banks, in addition to Thursday's bids, when it borrowed almost one billion RON, at interest rates of 7.24% per annum and 7.99% per…

18:36, 27.02.2023

Prima grijă a ucrainenilor: autoritățile instalează sticlă de protecţie în jurul picturilor murale realizate de Banksy

Autorităţile ucrainene au instalat sisteme de protecţie rezistente la şocuri peste mai multe picturi murale de Banksy, în jurul capitalei Kiev, care au fost deteriorate în războiul cu Rusia. Fii la curent cu cele…

11:21, 15.02.2023

Mural de Banksy, distrus de agenţii de la salubritate la nici o zi de când a fost dezvăluit. „Motive de securitate”

Controversatul şi misteriosul artist britanic Banksy și-a dezvăluit o nouă operă prin care a vrut să ilustreze tema violenței conjugale. Din păcate, muralul a fost distrus într-un timp foarte scurt de agenţi de…

21:51, 14.02.2023

Mural pe tema violenţelor conjugale, dezvăluit de artistul Banksy, de Sfântul Valentin

Artistul stradal Banksy a dezvăluit marţi, de Sfântul Valentin, o operă care pare să ilustreze tema violenţelor conjugale, pictată pe zidul unei clădiri din staţiunea balneară Margate, situată în sud-estul Angliei,…