Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:56, 15.05.2024

Alliance for the Union of Romanians Simion: I wish Slovakias PM a speedy recovery

Alliance for the Union of Romanians' Simion: I wish Slovakia's PM a speedy recovery

Alliance for the Union of Romanians' (AUR) chair George Simion sends wishes of a speedy recovery to Slovakia's head of the Executive Robert Fico, who has been shot earlier in the day, and underscored that no matter…

21:15, 06.05.2024

Joe Biden and Klaus Iohannis to celebrate, in Washington, Romanias 20th year as NATO member

Joe Biden and Klaus Iohannis to celebrate, in Washington, Romania's 20th year as NATO member

U.S. President Biden will welcome President Klaus Iohannis of Romania to the White House on May 7. The leaders will celebrate Romania's 20th year as a member of the NATO Alliance, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre…

11:40, 06.05.2024

Firme Constanta: AGA la Alliance Qwest Company SA, fondata de Mirea, Mazare, Constantinescu, Secarea. Se repartizeaza profitul

Firme Constanta: AGA la Alliance Qwest Company SA, fondata de Mirea, Mazare, Constantinescu, Secarea. Se repartizeaza profitul

Alliance Qwest Company a fost fondata de Nelu Mirea, Radu Mazare, Nicusor Constantinescu si George Secarea.Septimiu Manuel Raduca, administratorul unic al Alliance Qwest Company SA, a convocat Adunarea Generala…

07:55, 01.05.2024

Administraţia Biden va impune dotarea tuturor maşinilor şi camioanelor noi cu tehnologie avansată de siguranţă

Administraţia Biden va impune dotarea tuturor maşinilor şi camioanelor noi cu tehnologie avansată de siguranţă

Într-un interviu, secretarul pentru Transporturi, Pete Buttigieg, a spus că cerinţa este concepută pentru a reduce decesele pietonilor, care au fost în creştere în epoca post-Covid 19. ”Atât de mulţi americani…

17:00, 29.04.2024

Jens Stoltenberg, vizită-surpriză la Kiev: „Voi fi foarte sincer, aliaţii nu au livrat ce am promis în ultimele luni. Lucrurile se vor schimba”

Liderul NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, le-a spus luni ucrainenilor că membrii Alianței Nord-Atlantice nu și-au respectat promisiunile de ajutor militar din ultimele luni, dar a precizat că fluxul de arme și muniții va…

19:05, 27.04.2024

Draw establishing ballot paper order in EP elections to take place on Monday

Draw establishing ballot paper order in EP elections to take place on Monday

The president of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) will draw on Monday, April 29, the order on the ballot papers for political parties, electoral alliances, political alliances, organisations of citizens belonging…

13:51, 24.04.2024

„S-a umplut paharul”. Un sindicat al polițiștilor francezi amenință că va perturba traseul torței olimpice

„S-a umplut paharul”. Un sindicat al polițiștilor francezi amenință că va perturba traseul torței olimpice

Dacă bonusurile şi compensaţiile financiare promise pe durata Jocurilor Olimpice de la Paris nu vor fi eliberate rapid poliţiştilor francezi, sindicatul Alliance a ameninţat, marţi, că va perturba ştafeta torţei…

10:05, 24.04.2024

Un sindicat al poliţiştilor francezi ameninţă să perturbe ştafeta torţei olimpice

Un sindicat al poliţiştilor francezi ameninţă să perturbe ştafeta torţei olimpice

Sindicatul poliţiştilor francezi Alliance a ameninţat marţi că va perturba ştafeta torţei olimpice dacă bonusurile şi compensaţiile financiare promise pentru angajamentul lor pe durata Jocurilor Olimpic nu sunt…

18:45, 20.04.2024

At the moment, PSD-PNL alliances Bucharest mayor candidate is Catalin Cirstoiu, PSDs head Ciolacu says

At the moment, PSD-PNL alliance's Bucharest mayor candidate is Catalin Cirstoiu, PSD's head Ciolacu says

At this moment, the candidate of the PSD-PNL (Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party) alliance for the Capital City Hall is the physician Catalin Cirstoiu, and a meeting of the coalition on this topic…

21:00, 12.04.2024

Ciolacu: Electoral alliance with PNL was made for political stability

Ciolacu: Electoral alliance with PNL was made for political stability

The leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Friday, in northeastern Suceava, that the electoral alliance concluded with the National Liberal Party (PNL) for the European…

15:45, 10.04.2024

More significant representation of Eastern Flank countries in NATO leadership is legitimate aspiration, says president Iohannis

More significant representation of Eastern Flank countries in NATO leadership is legitimate aspiration, says president Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis presented on Wednesday the arguments for joining the race for the position of NATO secretary general, stressing that the countries of the Eastern Flank are in the "allied first line of…

15:30, 10.04.2024

Romania is safe because every square inch is protected by NATO forces (Chamber of Deputies interim speaker)

Romania is safe because every square inch is protected by NATO forces (Chamber of Deputies interim speaker)

Romania is safe because "every square inch is protected by NATO forces", the interim speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfred Simonis, said on Wednesday, adding that the main message conveyed by the Alliance…

18:25, 02.04.2024

USRs Drula: Romania is a secure country in NATO, and NATO is a stronger alliance with Romania

USR's Drula: Romania is a secure country in NATO, and NATO is a stronger alliance with Romania

Romania is a secure country in NATO, and NATO is a stronger alliance with Romania, Save Romania Union (USR) national leader MP Catalin Drula told a joint plenary session of Parliament on Tuesday. "For 20 years,…

07:55, 27.03.2024

General Motors şi Ford Motor îşi redirecţionează transporturile de maşini afectate de prăbuşirea podului din Baltimore

General Motors şi Ford Motor îşi redirecţionează transporturile de maşini afectate de prăbuşirea podului din Baltimore

”Ne aşteptăm ca situaţia să aibă un impact minim asupra operaţiunilor noastre. Lucrăm pentru a redirecţiona toate transporturile de vehicule către alte porturi”, a spus GM într-un comunicat. Portul Baltimore este…

18:40, 25.03.2024

Simple motion against minister of Agriculture, pros and cons

Simple motion against minister of Agriculture, pros and cons

Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) MP George Simion claimed on Monday that Florin Barbu has no qualifications to be minister of Agriculture, adding that, during the protests, he "lied" to farmers that he…

09:00, 19.03.2024

BAT România lansează o nouă invitație pentru dezvoltarea de soluții inovatoare pentru sustenabilitate

BAT România lansează o nouă invitație pentru dezvoltarea de soluții inovatoare pentru sustenabilitate

Obiectivele BAT în domeniul sustenabilității sunt clare: - zero emisii de dioxid de carbon la nivelul întregului lanț valoric până în 2050;- reducerea cu 50% a emisiilor pentru Scopul 1 și 2 până în 2030 față de…

13:05, 18.03.2024

PM Ciolacu says received requested documents regarding George Simons ban from Moldova and Ukraine

PM Ciolacu says received requested documents regarding George Simon's ban from Moldova and Ukraine

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced having received the documents he requested from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine regarding the reasons why leader of the opposition Alliance for the Union of Romania (AUR)…

17:16, 15.03.2024

PUZ pentru terenurile din strada Belvedere ale afaceristului George Secarea! Curtea de Apel anunta data verdictului

PUZ pentru terenurile din strada Belvedere ale afaceristului George Secarea! Curtea de Apel anunta data verdictului

Omul de afaceri George Secarea a fondat impreuna cu fostul primar Radu Mazare si fostul presedinte al Consiliului Judetean Constanta, Nicusor Constantinescu, companiile Silk Estate, dar si Alliance Qwest Company.…

19:45, 14.03.2024

Representatives of state authorities are also drug users and traffickers, AUR EP candidate Piperea says

Representatives of state authorities are also drug users and traffickers, AUR EP candidate Piperea says

Lawyer Gheorghe Piperea, Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) candidate in the European Parliament elections, said on Thursday in southern Craiova that in Romania the drug phenomenon has become extremely dangerous…

07:55, 12.03.2024

Turdenii de la CyberPunk Robotics au obținut titlul de FINALIST ALLIANCE CAPTAIN

Turdenii de la CyberPunk Robotics au obținut titlul de FINALIST ALLIANCE CAPTAIN

Turdenii de la CyberPunk Robotics au obținut titlul de FINALIST ALLIANCE CAPTAIN la demo-ul amical organizat de ABSO-Tech. Evenimentul a avut loc în cadrul Facultății de Autovehicule Rutiere, Mecatronică si

14:11, 08.03.2024

Romania welcomes Swedens accession to NATO

Romania welcomes Sweden's accession to NATO

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes Sweden's accession to NATO after Sweden on March 7 deposited the instrument of ratification with the US Department of State, the depositary of the Washington…

19:25, 07.03.2024

„O zi cu adevărat istorică”. Suedia a aderat oficial la NATO, după ce războiul din Ucraina a obligat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate | VIDEO

„O zi cu adevărat istorică”. Suedia a aderat oficial la NATO, după ce războiul din Ucraina a obligat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate | VIDEO

Suedia a aderat joi, 7 martie, la NATO, în cadrul unei ceremonii la Washington, la doi ani după ce invazia Rusiei în Ucraina a forțat-o să-și regândească politica de securitate națională și să concluzioneze că…

08:35, 07.03.2024

There is life without politics, but if PSD needs me, I will respond positively (MEP Cretu)

There is life without politics, but if PSD needs me, I will respond positively (MEP Cretu)

MEP Corina Cretu expressed on Wednesday evening, at a meeting with representatives of the press, her willingness to collaborate with the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and to continue working in the interest of…

13:00, 05.03.2024

AURs Simion seeks explanations at Home Affairs Ministry about OUG on combined elections

AUR's Simion seeks explanations at Home Affairs Ministry about OUG on combined elections

Chairman of the opposition Alliance for the Union of Romania (AUR) George Simion and several AUR lawmakers are at the headquarters of the Home Affairs Ministry on Tuesday to "receive explanations" about the emergency…

09:05, 05.03.2024

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs stability

PM Ciolacu: Romania needs stability

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Monday evening, on private broadcaster Antena 3, that through the formation of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) - National Liberal Party (PNL) coalition, political stability…

19:31, 29.02.2024

AUR's Simion presents Ombudsperson constitutional red flags of emergency ordinance on elections

Chairman of the Alliance for the Union of Romania (AUR) George Simion was received on Thursday by Ombudsperson Renate Weber for talks on the emergency ordinance on the combination of elections, deemed "unconstitutional"…

13:45, 27.02.2024

Reforma digitală în Sănătate? O rază de speranță pentru accesul la medicamente pentru milioane de români din rural

Într-un peisaj rural românesc unde accesul la serviciile de sănătate și la farmacii este adesea dificil sau chiar imposibil pentru mulți locuitori, o reformă digitală care să permită accesul online la medicamentele…

21:25, 26.02.2024

Senate head following approval of Sweden's NATO bid:Strongest defensive alliance ever to serve as security guarantee

Finland and Sweden's NATO entry shows us that this defensive military alliance, the strongest in history, is the security guarantee whereby Western-style democracies can protect their way of life, welfare and prospects…

15:30, 24.02.2024

PM Ciolacu: No ruling coalition can be formed as of 2025 other than around PSD and PNL

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, believes that in the current political situation, maintaining a governing alliance between PSD and PNL after elections is the only viable…

20:20, 23.02.2024

AUR delegation, led by George Simion, participates in Washington, at Conservative Political Action Conference

A delegation of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) party, led by the party's president George Simion, is in Washington DC until February 26 to participate in the conference of conservative leaders, CPAC…