Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

VIDEO A wheelchair-bound Romanian, film graduate in the UK, volunteers in Ukraine: “I saw drones crashing”/ From Kyiv to the Russian border: “You don’t want to be here”/ Alex Craiu’s story, who moved to Ukraine for “as long as it takes”

VIDEO A wheelchair-bound Romanian, film graduate in the UK, volunteers in Ukraine: “I saw drones crashing”/ From Kyiv to the Russian border: “You don’t want to be here”/ Alex Craiu’s story, who moved to Ukraine for “as long as it takes”

“I saw a country at war and I really wanted to do something” – Thus began the journey that took , a Romanian volunteer in Ukraine, from a makeshift kitchen in a basement in Kharkov to the heart of missile-lit Kiev and a stone’s throw away from the Russian border. The volunteer told G4Media, […] Articolul VIDEO A wheelchair-bound Romanian, film graduate in the UK, volunteers in Ukraine: “I saw drones crashing”/ to the Russian border: “You don’t want to be here”/ ’s story, who moved to Ukraine for “as long as it takes” apare prima data in .

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