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13:56, 07.05.2021

Bucharest still in yellow scenario for SARS-CoV-2 infection rate

Bucharest and 3 counties are in the yellow scenario for infections with SARS-CoV-2, announced, on Friday, the Strategic Communications Group (GCS). Bucharest recorded an infection rate of 1.90 cases per thousand…

14:00, 06.05.2021

Bucharest in yellow scenario for SARS-CoV-2 infection rate

Bucharest and five counties are in the yellow scenario for SARS-CoV-2 infection rate, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Thursday. Bucharest recorded an incidence rate of 2.07 cases per thousand,…

17:15, 05.05.2021

Prebet Aiud cumpără 5% din acţiunile ROCA Investments cu 2,1 milioane euro

“Prebet Aiud SA informează acţionarii si investitorii că în cadrul şedinţei Consiliului de Administraţie din data de 4 mai 2021, Consiliul de Administraţie a decis achiziţia unui pachet de 5% la ROCA Investments…

15:15, 05.05.2021

Bucharest, eight counties in yellow scenario of infection with SARS-CoV-2

The capital and eight counties are in the yellow scenario of infection with SARS-CoV-2, announced, on Wednesday, the Strategic Communication Group. Bucharest recorded an infection rate of 2.17 cases per thousand…

17:35, 04.05.2021

Bucharest, another 11 counties, in yellow scenario for SARS-CoV-2 infection rate

Bucharest and 11 counties are in the yellow scenario for infections with SARS-CoV-2, announced, on Tuesday, the Strategic Communications Group (GCS). Bucharest recorded an infection rate of 2.27 cases per thousand…

16:36, 03.05.2021

Bucharest, alongside 12 counties in yellow zone of SARS-CoV-2 infections

Bucharest City and 12 counties are in the yellow scenario of SARS-CoV-2 infections, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Monday. Bucharest recorded an infection rate of 2.42 cases per thousand inhabitants,…

15:00, 02.05.2021

Bucharest, alongside other 13 counties in yellow scenario of coronavirus infection rate

Bucharest and other 13 counties are in the yellow scenario of SARS-CoV-2 infection, on Sunday announced the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), report agerpres. Bucharest recorded a 2.62 cases per 1000 inhabitants…

13:35, 28.04.2021

ANAT: Romania has included most European destinations on yellow list based on irrelevant statistics

Romania's National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT) says it is "incomprehensible" the extent to which Romania has included on the COVID-19 yellow list most European destinations, "based on irrelevant statistics…

19:30, 22.04.2021

CNSU updates list of countries with high epidemiological risk; Greece enters yellow zone

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) has updated the list of states and areas considered with high epidemiological risk, in the case of which the quarantine measure is instituted on persons coming…

18:25, 15.04.2021

ROCA Investments a ajuns la o evaluare a portofoliului de 42 milioane euro, aproape dublu faţă de 2019

”După 3 ani de activitate, ROCA Investments, companie holding care oferă soluţii de capital şi parteneriat activ pentru consolidarea şi scalarea IMM-urilor româneşti, are o valoare evaluată a companiei de 42 milioane…

11:31, 31.03.2021

The New York Times: În Munţii Făgăras, într-un loc neaşteptat din UE, se creează un „Yellowstone european”

Cotidianul The New York Times a publicat în ediţia sa de luni, 15 martie, un amplu reportaj dedicat României şi eforturilor Fundaţiei „Conservation Carpathia” de a crea în România un parc naţional nou care să rivalizeze…

14:26, 28.02.2021

GCS: Timis and Maramures counties - still in red zone

Timis County remains in the red zone, with 4.95 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants, increasing compared to the previous day, as well as Maramures County where the incidence rate is 3.14, the…

14:45, 21.02.2021

Coronavirus latest/Timis County stays in red high-risk infection zone

Timis County stays in the red high-risk Covid infection zone, with a 14-day cumulative infection rate of 3.99 cases per thousand population, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday. Maramures…

16:00, 11.02.2021

Coronavirus latest/Timis, Maramures counties in red high-risk infection zone

The counties of Timis and Maramures remain in the red high-risk Covid infection zone, with 14-day cumulative infection rates of 3.56 and 3.12 cases per thousand population, both slightly higher than on Wednesday,…

13:45, 07.02.2021

GCS: Timis County, still in red zone; Bucharest - in yellow zone, incidence below 2

Timis County remains in the red zone, on Sunday registering an incidence of 3.43 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per thousand inhabitants, slightly higher than the previous day, when it had 3.38 cases per thousand…

17:46, 05.02.2021

EduMin Cimpeanu on school attendance scenarios: 149 localities in red, 903 in yellow scenario

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu announced that as of Friday at noon, 149 localities were in the red scenario as regards school attendance conditions and 903 in the yellow scenario. "149 localities are now in…

14:25, 05.02.2021

School classes to be conducted under red scenario in 149 settlements, yellow scenario in 903

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said Friday at noon that 149 settlements in Romania will conduct school class under a red COVID-19 scenario and 903 under a yellow scenario, according to AGERPRES. "There are 149…

15:40, 02.02.2021

Timis County, still in COVID-19 red zone; Bucharest - less than 2 cases per 1,000 population

Timis County remains in the COVID-19 red zone, with a 14-day cumulative case notification rate of 3.17 per 1,000 population on Tuesday, slightly lower than the previous day's 3.18, according to the Strategic Communication…

13:50, 28.01.2021

Coronavirus / Bucharest, in its 9th day in Yellow scenario - 2.04 cases per thousand inhabitants

The Bucharest Municipality remains for the 9th day in the yellow area regarding the infection rate with the new coronavirus, cumulated at 14 days, after registering 2,04 cases per thousand inhabitants on Thursday,…

14:20, 27.01.2021

Coronavirus / Bucharest, in 8th day of yellow scenario, Timis still in red

Bucharest remains for the 8th day in a row in the yellow zone regarding the infection rate with the novel coronavirus, cumulated at 14 days, after registering on 2.07 cases per thousand inhabitants, on Wednesday,…

15:05, 24.01.2021

GCS: Bucharest stays in the yellow zone for 5th consecutive day, infection rate 2.37

Bucharest remains in the yellow zone for the 5th consecutive day in terms of infection rate with the novel coronavirus, cumulated at 14 days, after registering 2.37 cases per thousand inhabitants on Sunday, as…

15:55, 22.01.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: Bucharest, for 3rd day in yellow zone, with infection of 2.52 cases in 1,000 people

Bucharest remains in the yellow zone for the third day in terms of infection rate with the novel coronavirus, cumulated at 14 days, after registering 2.52 cases in 1,000 inhabitants on Friday, decreasing compared…

14:16, 21.01.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: Infection rate in Capital City stays in yellow zone

Bucharest remains in the yellow zone in terms of the infection rate with the novel coronavirus, cumulated at 14 days, after recording 2.69 cases per thousand inhabitants on Thursday, down from the previous day,…

09:15, 12.12.2020

Pandemia a blocat doi turiști români în „Paradis” pentru 8 luni

Doi români au plecat în Caraibe în februarie, însă la scurt timp aeroporturile s-au închis şi au rămas blocaţi pe insula Guadelupa. Corina şi Valentin Nemeș s-au întors în țară după opt luni, potrivit Mediafax.…

15:00, 09.10.2020

Bucharest School Inspectorate: 17 schools in Bucharest move from yellow to red scenario

The spokesperson for the Bucharest School Inspectorate (ISMB), Roxana Cercel, said on Friday that 17 schools in Bucharest have moved from the yellow scenario to the red one, according to Agerpres."It is about 17…

03:05, 09.10.2020

Soiuz Multfilm va lansa un lungmetraj cu Ceburaşka

Studioul de animaţie "Soiuz Multfilm" va lansa un lungmetraj cu îndrăgitul personaj de desene animate, Ceburaşka, transmite publika.md. Filmările vor începe la anul, iar producţia va fi lansată în 2022. Filmul…

19:30, 19.09.2020

​VIDEO Turul Franței: Penultima etapă aduce dezastrul pentru Primoz Roglic - Tadej Pogacar, câștigător virtual al competiției după un contratimp fantastic

​A purtat tricoul galben etape la rând, dar l-a pierdut în penultima etapă. Tadej Pogacar a avut parte de un contratimp slab (între Lure și La Planche des Belles Filles, pe distanța de 36.2 kilometri),…

20:05, 29.08.2020

​VIDEO Turul Franței: Alexander Kristoff (UAE-Team Emirates) a câştigat prima etapă

Norvegianul Alexander Kristoff (UAE-Team Emirates) a câştigat, sâmbătă, la Nisa, prima etapă a ediţiei din acest an a Turului Franţei.Etapa a fost marcată de mai multe căzături, din cauza ploii.A doua…

19:31, 04.06.2020

Campania #FarfuriiLaDatorie a livrat peste 10.000 de portii de mancare cadrelor medicale din Capitala pe durata starii de urgent

Initiata la inceputul starii de urgenta de Yellow.Menu in colaborare cu Impetum Group, campania #FarfuriiLaDatorie a pornit ca un demers de solidaritate fata de cei din prima linie. Printr-un efort colectiv, au…

18:58, 02.06.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Yellow gang wants to sell Romanian companies

Interim head of PSD (Social Democratic Party) Marcel Ciolacu on Tuesday said Liberals want to sell Romanian companies and Social Democrats will stop them through a law that is about to be adopted by Parliament.…