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09:31, 23.05.2024

Talentata pianistă Chiyo Hagiwara va susţine un recital la Biserica Evanghelică din Sebeş

Talentata pianistă Chiyo Hagiwara va susţine un recital la Biserica Evanghelică din Sebeş

“În 2023, am aniversat 20 de ani de la debutul artistic cu un recital la Sebeş, locul de naştere al lui Carl Filtsch. Dorinţa mea devenise acum un vis împlinit…”  (Chiyo Hagiwara) Duminică 26 mai 2024, cu începere…

21:21, 17.04.2024

Agriculture funding agencies make payments worth over 19 million euro in past 3 days

Agriculture funding agencies make payments worth over 19 million euro in past 3 days

The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) has made payments for the 2023 application year totalling about 900,000 euros (over 4.4 million lei), and beneficiaries of European funds granted through…

11:35, 08.04.2024

Un tânăr britanic este prima persoană care a alergat de-a lungul întregului continent african. Cât a durat cursa de peste 16.000 km

Un tânăr britanic este prima persoană care a alergat de-a lungul întregului continent african. Cât a durat cursa de peste 16.000 km

Atletul de anduranță Russ Cook, în vârstă de 27 de ani, a trecut duminică după-amiază linia de sosire din cel mai nordic punct din Tunisia, Ras Angela, punând capăt unei curse de peste 16.000 km, începută în cel…

18:16, 11.03.2024

Wortex Pure Skin Care dă startul unei campanii gratuită în Câmpia Turzii de analiză facială complexă cu ajutorul inteligenței artificiale

Campania se desfășoară în data de 23 Martie 2024, de la ora 11:00 până la ora 16:00 la florăria Growing Sweet Memories din Câmpia Turzii, strada 1 Decembrie, numărul 38. Wortex Pure Skin Care aduce o nouă inovație…

12:50, 01.03.2024

WHO donates medical supplies worth over EUR 400,000 to Romanias emergency management inspectorate

WHO donates medical supplies worth over EUR 400,000 to Romania's emergency management inspectorate

Romania's General Emergency Management Inspectorate (IGSU) received on Friday, from the World Health Organization (WHO), medical supplies and equipment worth over EUR 400,000. "These are medical supplies worth…

13:45, 26.02.2024

Român găsit la volan, cu mașina pe șinele de cale ferată, în Austria: „Am virat undeva greșit, în drum spre casă”

Un șofer român beat, în vârstă de 53 de ani, a fost prins când își parcase mașina pe șinele unei gări de marfă din Klagenfurt și a susținut că a greșit un viraj, în drum spre casă, scrie cotidianul Heute.Permisul…

11:26, 22.02.2024

UKRAINE - TWO YEARS OF WAR/Almost RON 400 ml worth of repair works on border, Constanta Port railways

Since the outbreak of the Ukraine war, the Romanian Railway Company CFR SA has carried out in-house repair works on 66.72 kilometers of railway in the Cluj, Iasi and Galati regional division branches, with funding…

16:15, 10.02.2024

MEP Corina Cretu: EC approves two state aid schemes for Romania, intended for farmers

MEP Corina Cretu informs on Saturday that the European Commission approved two state aid schemes notified by Romania, intended for farmers, one worth 241 million euros, and the second one worth 56 million euros,…

20:00, 06.02.2024

Transactions worth almost 52 million lei on Bucharest Stock Exchange on Tuesday

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) recorded on Tuesday a mixed evolution of the stock market indices, and the total value of transactions amounted to 51.93 million lei (10.43 million euros), told Agerpres. According…

19:11, 23.01.2024

Energy minister, Transgaz sign funding contracts worth 93.58 million euros

Energy Minister Sebastian-Ioan Burduja and Transgaz Director General Ion Sterian signed financing contracts worth 93.58 million euros for the construction of the Black Sea - Podisor and Ghercesti - Jitaru natural…

19:30, 22.12.2023

Loan worth 145 M euros for Nuclearelectrica from EIB for first detritiation plant in Europe

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA (SNN) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a loan agreement worth 145 million euros to support the completion of the first detritiation installation (CTRF) in Europe…

20:15, 15.12.2023

Romania sends PNRR payment request 3 worth 2.7 billion euro

Romania sends PNRR payment request 3 worth 2.7 billion euroThe Ministry of European Investment and Projects (MIPE) sent Friday to the European Commission the third payment request under the National Recovery and…

15:20, 13.12.2023

Draft law provides increases worth 13.8pct in pensions, 5pct in salaries as of January

Pensions will increase 13.8% as of January 1, 2024, and base salaries of staff paid from public funds will increase 5% from the same date, except for education staff who will benefit from a 20% increase in two…

15:30, 22.11.2023

National investment program in health infrastructure, worth 10 billion RON, in public debate

The Ministry of European Investments and Funds (MIPE) is launching, on Wednesday, in public debate, the Emergency Ordinance that regulates the National Investment Program in the infrastructure of hospital units,…

19:35, 21.11.2023

European Commission approves modification of PNRR, by including REPowerEU chapter

The European Commission approved on Tuesday the modification of Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), worth 28.5 billion euros, a document which, in its modified form, also includes the REPowerEU…

11:15, 03.11.2023

Goods worth almost 6.8 million RON confiscated at border, on Thursday

On Thursday, the border police confiscated goods worth almost 6.8 million RON and imposed fines of 10,400 RON, following the finding of 37 crimes and 20 misdemeanors committed by both Romanian and foreign citizens…

11:50, 27.10.2023

Șofer român de camion paralizat de groază când a văzut ce a făcut și dus de urgență la spital, după ce a distrus trei BMW-uri noi, în Austria

Un șofer român de camion a ajuns la spital în stare de șoc, după ce a blocat platforma plină cu BMW-uri noi sub un pod de cale ferată. Site-ul televiziunii austriece ORF scrie că pur și simplu a fost incapabil…

22:45, 11.10.2023

La un an și jumătate de la „scandalul palmelor” de la premiile Oscar, Jada Pinkett dezvăluie că s-a separat de Will Smith din 2016

La premiile Oscar 2022, actorul Will Smith (55 de ani) a apărat-o vehement pe Jada Pinkett și chiar i-a dat comedianului Chris Rock o palmă pentru că i-a insultat soția, făcând aluzie la alopecie, boala ei capilară.…

20:40, 28.09.2023

#GreenEnergy/Cemacom completes implementation of Cemacon Green Energy Farm project, worth 1.052 mln euros

Cemacon has successfully completed the implementation of the Cemacon Green Energy Farm project, worth a total of 1.052 million euros, of which the non-refundable financial assistance was 472,999 euros, according…

17:10, 27.09.2023

350 ml RON worth of budget revenues expected from temporary two-year 2 pc tax on banks' turnover (FinMin)

The 2 percent tax charged on the banks' turnover over a two-year period will bring 350 million RON to the budget, while the 0.5 percent additional tax on oil and natural gas companies will funnel another 600 million…

14:20, 25.09.2023

Loan agreement with EBRD, worth 590 M euros, submitted to Parliament for ratification

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed the decree regarding the submission to Parliament for ratification of the Loan Agreement (Second programmatic financing for development policies for green and inclusive…

19:15, 22.09.2023

EnergMin Burduja says fertilisers from North Africa would require Competition Council scrutiny

EnergMin Burduja says fertilisers from North Africa would require Competition Council scrutinyEnergy Minister Sebastian Burduja said on Thursday in Targu Mures that the urea production flow at Azomures will not…

08:45, 22.09.2023

PNL's Gorghiu says teaming up with PSD to ensure Romania's stability 'was worth it'

Justice minister Alina Gorghiu said on Thursday that the teaming up of the National Liberal Party (PNL) with the Social Democratic Party (PSD) was "worth it", as it was "the only formula" that could ensure stability…

20:50, 18.08.2023

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) closed Friday's trading session with all indices in the red and 85.36 million RON (17.27 million euros) worth of transactions

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) closed Friday's trading session with all indices in the red and 85.36 million RON (17.27 million euros) worth of transactions.The main BET index, which tracks the most liquid…

15:40, 17.08.2023

Libra Internet Bank logs net profit worth 160.7 mil RON in S1 2023

Libra Internet Bank logged a net profit of 160.7 million RON in the first half of 2023, up 45.9 pct compared to the same period in 2022, the bank announced on Thursday.Total net assets reached 10.3 billion RON…

15:55, 16.08.2023

Biofarm makes net profit worth 50.1 million RON in H1 2023, up 15 pct v H1 2022

Biofarm registered a 17 pct increase in turnover for the first half of 2023, compared to the same period of the previous year, and the net profit reached RON 50.1 million, registering an advance of approximately…

09:40, 15.08.2023

Jacheta de la UNTOLD, creată de o artistă din Cluj-Napoca pentru concertul Imagine Dragons: "Life is worth living"

O tânără de 26 de ani din Cluj-Napoca a captat atenția la festivalul UNTOLD 2023 cu o creație personală unicat. Jacheta ei, realizată ca un tribut adus solistului Dan Reynolds de la Imagine Dragons, transmite un…

13:50, 09.08.2023

EUR 1.2 bln worth of NRRP financing for Romania's waste management system

Environment Minister Mircea Fechet said that 1.2 billion euro worth of financing will be available under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) for Romania's waste management system, in addition to the…

15:11, 08.08.2023

Goods worth approximately RON 10.8 million impounded by customs inspectors

Galati customs inspectors have confiscated goods worth approximately RON 10.8 million, likely to be counterfeit, according to a press release issued by the Romanian Customs Authority."July 28, 2023 - August 4,…

15:50, 20.07.2023

Romania to receive EU funds worth EUR 400 million for spending with Ukrainian refugees

Romania to receive EU funds worth EUR 400 million for spending with Ukrainian refugeesThe government debated, on Thursday, in the first reading, a draft ordinance on the basis of which Romania will receive European…