Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:44, 02.01.2020

Romanian Police confiscates 48 tonnes of bulk tobacco and 55 million smuggled cigarettes in 2019

In the first eleven months of 2019, the policemen confiscated over 55,700,000 cigarettes and 48,614 kg of bulk tobacco (the equivalent of 69,448,572 cigarettes), following the actions conducted nationwide to prevent…

11:19, 23.12.2019

Exports of grain and grain-based foods up 16.8 per cent in January-September

Romania exported grains and grain-based foods worth 1.987 billion euros in January-September this year, by 16.8 per cent more compared with the same period of last year, according to data centralized by the National…

08:46, 01.10.2019

Romania's wheat yields increase from 3mill t in 2007 to 10mill t; 2019 cereals yields possibly at 30mill t

When Romania joined the European Union in 2007, its wheat yields were standing at 3 million tonnes, and now it is at 10 million tonnes, for the third year in a row, Agriculture Minister Petre Daea told a public…

15:26, 27.09.2019

Total freight traffic between Constanta Port and Serbia almost 5 million tonnes in H1

Manager General of the National Company Maritime Ports Administration Constanta (CNAPM) Daniela Serban on Thursday stated in Belgrade, where she attended the 13th edition of the Constanta Port Days, that the total…

14:26, 09.06.2019

Highest corn yield in 2018, in western Timis County

The yield of corn in 2018 saw its peak in the western County of Timis which recorded 1.505 million tonnes, 9,425 kg/hectare, respectively, while the national corn production in the same year recorded 18.664 million…

12:03, 20.05.2019

Romania exports 12 mln tonnes of grains worth over 2.2bn euro, to EU, third countries, in 2018

Romania exported more than 12 million tonnes of grains to the European Union and third countries last year, by a million tonnes more than in the previous year, with receipts exceeding 2.2 billion euro, according…

15:58, 24.08.2018

Five tonnes of heroin precursors, 20 kg of pure cocaine found at western Nadlac border point

The chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), Felix Banila on Friday announced that on 22 August were found at the western Nadlac border point in a cluster of…

12:32, 16.05.2018

Romania's coal production declines 5.7 pct, in Q1 of 2018; imports up 22.4 pct

Romania's net coal production in the first quarter of 2018 totals 1.14 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), down 5.7 percent (69,500 toe) from the similar period of last year, according to data centralised by…

02:55, 01.05.2018

Romania imports over 88,300 tonnes of flowers in 2016, mainly from the Netherlands

Romania registers record after record year after year at importing flowers, the amount brought to the country in 2016 totalling 88,325 tonnes, while its exports were over 50 times smaller, according to the data…

15:56, 20.04.2018

Romania imports over 1.4 million toe of crude oil, Jan.-Feb., 2018

In the first two months of 2018, Romania imported 1.453 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) of crude oil, up 242.500 toe (20 percent) from the similar period of 2017, according to data centralised by the National…

16:23, 24.01.2018

As many as 59,369 tonnes of tomatoes imported by Romania into September 2017, while exports petty

Romania imported 59,369 tonnes of tomatoes in first nine months of 2017, amount almost similar to the one of 2016 (59,075 tonnes), while the exports were petty, merely 262.2 tonnes, according to the agri-food products…

17:03, 14.01.2018

Coal production up 12.3pct in Jan-Nov 2017; imports up 0.5pct

Romania's net coal production exceeded 4.29 million tonnes of oil equivalent in January-November 2017, an increase by 12.3 per cent (469,000 toe) compared with the same period of 2016, according to data centralized…

21:01, 20.11.2017

CNAIR concludes all framework-agreements and contracts necessary for removing snow in 2017-2018 winter

All the 57 framework-agreements and subsequent contracts for the 2017-2018 winter have been signed, the National Company for the Administration of the Road Infrastructure (CNAIR) informed on Monday. In respect…

13:37, 30.01.2017

HANDBAL. Franța a câștigat finala Campionatului Mondial, după un succes CATEGORIC

Naționala masculină de handbal a Franței a câștigat, duminică, finala Campionatului Mondial, după ce s-a impus în fața Norvegiei, scor 33-26. Franța a câștigat, duminică, ultimul act al Campionatului Mondial…

12:54, 02.12.2013

The Rompetrol Group, 15 million tonnes of crude traded through the Midia Port

The Rompetrol Group, through its Midia Marine Terminal MMT , recently reached a level of more than 15 million tonnes of crude unloaded at its offshore Black Sea terminal, at around 5 years from the commissioning…

11:40, 28.09.2012

HCM Constanţa a păşit cu stângul în Liga Campionilor

Campioana României la handbal masculin, HCM Constanţa a pierdut, ieri, prima partidă din cadrul grupelor Ligii Campionilor, contra campioanei Suediei, IK Savehof, scor 31-35.IK Savehof: Forsberg, Albrechtson, P,…