Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:05, 07.12.2021

Covid-19: Romania announces new entry restrictions

Romania’s National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) approved on Monday evening a series of rules for the quarantine of those arriving in Romania and stated that rules are valid between December 10 and…

20:20, 02.12.2021

BOR's Banescu: Green certificate, document that has an intrinsic reason for persuasion, not constraint

The green certificate is a document that has an intrinsic reason for persuasion, not constraint, said the spokesperson for the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR), Vasile Banescu. "Those who rationally and wisely choose…

09:05, 29.11.2021

Prime Minister Ciuca: Hanukkah Festival reminds us that hope and faith make us stronger

The Festival of Hanukkah symbolises light and victory, and those who light the Hanukkah candles come together to honor the memory of those sacrificed for freedom and unity, while celebrating the spiritual values…

15:20, 25.11.2021

Parliament/gov't investiture/Ciuca: We are Romania's government, we'll make all efforts to overcome problems

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the government he leads will do everything possible for Romania to overcome the problems caused by the COVID pandemic and determine the "lines of effort for what it means…

10:00, 25.11.2021

PSD's Firea: We need protection for all those facing domestic violence

PSD (Social Democratic Party) Senator Gabriela Firea, nominated for the office of Minister of Family in the PNL-PSD-UDMR (National Liberal Party, Social Democratic Party, Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania)…

16:51, 12.11.2021

Citu: PNL does not agree for unvaccinated persons to be tested at others' expense

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Florin Citu, said, on Friday, that he does not agree with the proposal regarding the free testing of those did not get vaccinated against COVID-19. "Those who have…

16:20, 11.11.2021

PSD's Ciolacu:Those holding impressive villas will not suffer excessively if tax increases by few percent

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated, on Thursday, that persons holding "impressive villas with pools", who can afford a yacht and annually change luxury limousines will not…

22:56, 02.11.2021

Un înțeles profund, ascund printre versuri – așa poate fi descrisă noua piesă lansată de ARTY și Griff Clawson

ARTY a lansat un nou single venit parcă din altă dimenisune, Those Eyes, ce beneficiază de o structură și compoziție diferită față de piesele cu care ne obișnuise. Vocea lui Griff Clawson, riff-ul de chitară care…

15:30, 02.11.2021

Gheorghita: Almost 70% of those vaccinated over the past month - active persons, under 60

National Committee on the Coordination of COVID-19 Vaccination Activities (CNCAV) head Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that almost 70 percent of those vaccinated over the past month are active persons, under…

18:11, 01.11.2021

Photo exhibition with portraits of Colectiv Club fire victims, at Senate

The Senate will host, in the foyer, starting Tuesday, for two weeks, a photo exhibition with portraits of those who died as a result of the fire at Colectiv Club, agerpres reports. "Starting tomorrow, we will have…

18:55, 24.10.2021

PNL's Citu: USR, PSD should put aside political interests, in this critical period, at least

Responsibility is the only solution, says the chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Florin Citu, telling the representatives of USR (Save Romania Union) and PSD (Social Democratic Party) to put aside the…

12:46, 22.10.2021

Iohannis, on minority Gov't supported by PSD: We must get to work with those who want to be with us

President Iohannis was asked if the future minority Government has chances to last until 2024 and to complete reforms if supported by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), a party accused countless times of blocking…

21:15, 12.10.2021

Fmr Health Minister Tataru on Romania's pandemic situation: It's like war, life against death

President of the National Liberal Party's Vaslui branch and former Health Minister Nelu Tataru took to Facebook today to say that Romania's pandemic situation is serious and that what happens now resembles a war…

17:30, 12.10.2021

PM-designate Ciolos: We aren't stuck in internal issues, playing political crisis for votes in 2-years time

Prime Minister designate Dacian Ciolos said, on Tuesday, that the Save Romania Union (USR) is the only parliamentary party that has presented a political solution to the current crisis and there is no reason for…

16:00, 12.10.2021

PNL: Those who ousted Gov't should find best solutions and install it

National Liberal Party (PNL) deputy Florin Roman stated, on Tuesday, that the parties that ousted the Government are those that should find "the best solution" to install a new Cabinet. "The line [of the PNL] is…

18:10, 05.10.2021

UDMR's Hunor: Those who toppled gov't did not come up with alternative

The result of Tuesday's vote on the censure motion is an expected one, said for AGERPRES chairman of UDMR Kelemen Hunor, who also claims that the parties that overthrew the government did not come up with an alternative,…

14:55, 03.10.2021

PM Citu considers political leaders should dissociate themselves from those who have anti-vaccination campaigns

Prime Minister Florin Citu considers that, during this period, political leaders should "totally dissociate" themselves from those who conduct anti-vaccination campaigns and considers that the protest that took…

17:30, 01.10.2021

PM Citu: Healthcare receives additional 5.7 billion RON from budget this year, over 2020

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated that the allotted budget for this year for Healthcare, up to this time, was by 5.7 billion RON bigger than last year and mentioned that the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanta…

08:46, 01.10.2021

PM Citu: We haven't discussed state of emergency; it seems strange for those who are vaccinated

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated that, at this point, there was no discussion about the option of establishing a state of emergency in Romania, adding, at the same time, that this would be "strange" for the almost…

17:05, 28.09.2021

PM Citu: In Parliament there is competition of those who want to destabilize Romania

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Florin Citu, said on Tuesday that in Parliament, where two censure motions are submitted, there is a "competition" of those who want to "destabilize…

13:35, 25.09.2021

PNL Congress/ Florin Citu: Romania needs liberalism

Romania needs liberalism, said Prime Minister Florin Citu, on Saturday, at the Congress of the National Liberal Party (PNL), during the presentation of the motion he is running with for the chairmanship of the…

09:55, 24.09.2021

PMCitu: Compulsory vaccination should be last option, if we introduce it, what do we do with those who refuse?

Prime Minister Florin Citu considers that compulsory vaccination should be the "last resort" to stop the pandemic, after the other announced measures, and maintains that, if this decision is reached, it must be…

19:10, 23.09.2021

PM Citu on USR PLUS elections: voters penalized those who withdrew party from government team

Prime Minister Florin Citu commented, on Thursday, in Ramnicu Valcea, the result of the USR PLUS (Save Romania Union, Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) elections, stating that it was a "penalty" given for those…

14:11, 23.09.2021

PM Citu: Vulnerable consumer law will help people in need, others should pay

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated, on Thursday, that, once the vulnerable consumer law enters into force, the subsidies for heating should be applied only to those persons who need aid. He said, in the online debate…

17:10, 22.09.2021

PM Citu: Economic operations to end the day at 6.00 pm where incidence rate is 4-6 per thousand

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) is set to regulate on Wednesday, through a decision, the measure saying that the economic operations in certain fields of activity should end at 6.00 pm in…

15:45, 21.09.2021

PM Citu: Those tacitly supporting AUR are trading Romanian's health for Parliament votes

Prime Minister Florin Citu criticized, on Tuesday, the attitude of the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) who've allied with the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) to…

08:45, 06.09.2021

PM Citu: Early elections would be a mistake

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Sunday evening, in Blaj, Alba county, that early elections would be a mistake and that a stable government is needed. "I believe that early elections in Romania would be a…

16:26, 02.09.2021

Ciolacu invites USR PLUS, AUR and "all those interested" to sign PSD's vote of no confidence

The leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), Marcel Ciolacu invited the MPs of USR (Save Romania Union) PLUS (Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity), AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) and "all those…

19:10, 26.08.2021

Iohannis: I'm expecting more involvement to increase testing resources

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that Romania needs to increase its COVID-19 testing resources and streamline its public health directorates. "Regarding our health system, the minister of health presented…

15:46, 24.08.2021

Each school might be assigned mobile vaccination team

Chairman of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNVAS) Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that it is desirable that each school be assigned a mobile team for vaccination in order to…