Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:40, 10.11.2023

Defense Staff, professional structure, capable of carrying out any type of joint military operation

The Defense Staff is a "fully professional structure, capable of leading any type of joint military operation, the Minister of National Defense Angel Tilvar said on Friday, during a ceremony marking 164 years since…

12:06, 24.09.2022

Război Ucraina - ZIUA 213. Rușii fug îngroziți după mobilizarea lui PUTIN - Contraofensiva Ucrainei, sub bombardamentele trupelor ruse - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 10:00 - Referendumurile din zonele ocupate continuă în a doua zi de la declanșarea forțelor proruse.  This is how the " #referendum " in occupied territories of #Ukraine takes place. pic.twitter.com/NoOwuzdTCJ…

10:20, 24.09.2022

Război Ucraina - ZIUA 213. Rușii fug îngroziți după mobilizarea lui PUTIN - Contraofensiva Ucrainei, sub bombardamentele trupelor ruse - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 10:00 - Referendumurile din zonele ocupate continuă în a doua zi de la declanșarea forțelor proruse.  This is how the " #referendum " in occupied territories of #Ukraine takes place. pic.twitter.com/NoOwuzdTCJ…

13:00, 20.08.2022

VIDEO. Imagini epice cu tancurile rusești aruncate în aer

Statul Major al Forțelor Armate ale Ucrainei a  dat publicității imagini cu lansarea în spațiu a tancurilor rusești. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine has published epic footage of the launch of…

12:11, 15.02.2022

NATO Battle Group in Romania, at initial capability

The General Staff of the Land Forces (SMFT) has completed the operations necessary to declare the initial operational capability (IOC) of the NATO Battle Group to be set up in Romania, as part of the Allied measures…

14:50, 17.03.2021

Romanian Navy leads NATO multinational training exercise ‘Sea Shield 21’

The General Staff of the Romanian Naval Forces (SMFN) on Wednesday informed that over 2,400 soldiers from eight states, 18 warships and 10 aircraft are to participate between March 19 and 29 in ‘Sea Shield 21‘,…

11:06, 17.03.2021

Constanta: 'Sea Shield 21'-NATO multinational training exercise with thousands of troops, led by Romanian Navy

More than 2,400 troops from eight states, 18 warships and 10 aircraft participate, between March 19 and 29, in "Sea Shield 21" - the largest and most complex NATO multinational exercise organized by the Romanian…

19:05, 22.10.2020

Romanian Navy marks 160 years of existence

The General Staff of the Naval Forces (SMFN) celebrated, on Thursday, 160 years since the establishment of the modern Romanian Navy by unifying the fleets of Wallachia and Moldavia, creating the Fleet Corps, according…

14:02, 16.01.2013

Iranul va finanţa un film care să corecteze istoria distorsionată prezentată în lungmetrajul Argo

Iranul va finanţa un film ce are misiunea "să corecteze" istoria distorsionată prezentată în lungmetrajul „Argo". Creaţia cinematografică este regizată de actorul american Ben Affleck. Oficialii de la Teheran au…